Indian act

By duke
  • Better Protection of the Lands

    An Act for the Better Protection of the Lands and Property of Indians in Lower Canada.
  • The Civilization of Indian Tribes Act

    expressly makes assimilation of Native people its goal.
  • Constitution act

    Assigned to Parliament legislative jurisdiction over "Indians and Lands reserved for the Indians"; 2 separate powers cover status and civil rights on the one hand and Indian lands on the other.

    In 1871, treaties became signed documents between Indian leaders and the federal government that designated reserve lands to be owned and occupied, plus hunting rights and a few minor allotments.

    Assigned to Parliament legislative jurisdiction over "Indians and Lands reserved for the Indians"; 2 separate powers cover status and civil rights on the one hand and Indian lands on the other.

    A Status Indian is a person defined as an Indian by the Indian Act and has been registered as an Indian by having h/her name either on a Band list or a General list, and having certain rights, restrictions and benefits under the Indian Act. Sometimes referred to as a Treaty Indian. Roughly 360,000 Status Indians in 1987.
  • Government Can Take What It Wants, When It Want

    Government Can Take What It Wants, When It Want
    Allowed portions of reserves to be expropriated by municipalities for roads, railways or other public purposes without Native consultation.
  • Enfranchisement Amendment

    Gave Native Men the right to vote, and become Canadian citizens, among other things if they give up their Indian status.

    The new Constitution Act is affirmed and re-patriated from Britain.
  • Ceremonies Banned

    Outlawed the Thirst Dance (Sun Dance); Potlatch (Chinook trading language, meaning %u2018to give%u2019) in British Columbia. Potlatch is the equivalent of title deeds and acts of succession
  • Women who married non-Native men

    and any children from that union lost their Status. These women were allowed to apply for re-enfranchisement through the passing of Bill C-31 in 1985