
The Groovy Life of The 60's

By taylor?
  • First Televised Debate

    First Televised Debate
    The 1960 election had the first televised presidential debate, between the republican candidate Richard Nixon and the democrat candidate John F. Kennedy.
  • Birthcontrol

    It became FDA approved and by 1963, 1.2 million women were using this pill to prevent unwanted pregnacy
  • The Wall That Splits

    The Wall That Splits
    East Germany constructed the Berlin wall to divide Berlin in half so that the Soviets had half and America, France, and Britain had the other half.
  • cuban missle crisis

    cuban missle crisis
    president JFK created a naval blockade around Cuba because the soviets hd building missle sites in Cuba and also military airports. During the next few days the US and the Soviet Union were at the edge of going into a war.
  • "I Have a Dream" speech

    "I Have a Dream" speech
    Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous speech " I Have A Dream". More than 200,000 peaceful demonstrators came to hear the speech that changed the way people think about segrigation.
  • Harlem

    Riots erupt in Harlem, New York after the fatal shooting of a 15-year-old African American male by a white police officer. One person is killed, more than 100 are injured and hundreds more are arrested.
  • "Help"

    Beatles movie "Help" opened in NYC.
  • Cigarette smoking label

    Cigarette smoking label
    By law all US cigarette packs began carrying the warning: "Caution! Cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health."
  • WoodStock

    WoodStock was a time when 500,000 hippies gathered, for "three days of peace" and music.