The Third Great War begins
After 26 years of peace, the Third Great War began with the declaration of war between the Aldmeri Dominion and the Empire. Dominion moved its troops towards High Rock, while the Empire started amassing troops along the Valenwood border, believing that the Dominion would use the province as a springboard to attack Cyrodiil. Yokudan Empire, while making aggressive overtures, was not believed to be an acute threat to the Empire. -
Miscurin fleets attack High Rock
Dominion Miscurin Third and Fourth fleets sailed northwards from their bases and blockaded all naval traffic from High Rock. Imperial Malleus fleets were scrambled to counter the attack, and Mallea I Pelagus and Mallea IV Marius were sent out from Anvil to destroy the Dominion fleets. Heavy naval warfare took place near the port of Daggerfall, with both sides taking casualties. Durion Thorontur ordered the Third and Fourth fleets to hold their position, sacrificing themselves if need be. -
Heavy bombing in High Rock
Dominion Padoth Condors, commanded by Air Marshall Imrathion Meltôriel, began bombing Southern High Rock. Secret bases located in Hammerfell were used for refueling. Daggerfall and Wayrest were carpet bombed, leading to civilian casualties. The Bretonic Hornets air force was scrambled to take down the bombers. Fighters from the Condors Seventh Group engaged the Hornet planes in aerial combat, allowing Elvish bombers to keep destroying Daggerfall without interference. -
Battle of Stirk
Dominion Miscurin Fifth Fleet launched an attack on the island of Stirk, where the Imperial Malleus Navy had built their main naval base. Using Padoth fighters to sink two large Imperial dreadnoughts, the Miscurin Fifth Fleet forced the Malleus fleets to evacuate the island of Stirk. Dominion battlemages employed Destruction magic to set the whole island on fire, decimating the Imperial Malleus High Command. -
High Rock left to their own devices
Federation of High Rock, begging for the Imperial Legion to make a landfall and drive the Dominion Mantia land forces out of Daggerfall, were told by Fabius Lucius to shape up and drive them out themselves. The Empire was anticipating an attack from Valenwood and categorically refused to split their main defense forces. This refusal was remembered among the Bretons as the Eastern Betrayal. After finding out that help wasn't coming, desperate Bretons began fleeing to Skyrim. -
Fall of Daggerfall
Led by Field Marshal Arwen Hûredhiel, the Mantia First Army and the Fifth Army made a landfall in Daggerfall and occupied the defenseless city. The First and the Fifth Army established their headquarters in Daggerfall and began advancing northwards, to grab as much land as possible before meeting the Bretonic Royal Armies. Citizens of High Rock fled towards Wayrest, a major city in a well-fortified position. -
Battle of Koegria
In the Battle of Koegria, the Mantia First and Third Armies met the Bretonic Royal Land Army, led by Général Orrnric Magioin. The old-fashioned unmotorized Bretonic First, Third and Fifth Royal Armies were decimated by the superior Mantia forces, leading to a full tactical retreat of all Bretonic forces. The entire Fifth Royal Army was taken as prisoners of war. While retreating to Wayrest, Général Orrnric Magioin was killed by Padoth Condor bombers. -
Emperor Gaius Tiberius changes war plans
Realizing that the situation in High Rock was dire, Emperor Gaius Tiberius asked High Chancellor Fabius Lucius to send a few legions to liberate the region. Lucius was categorically against the plan, which led to an argument between the two Imperial leaders. Emperor Gaius threatened to fire Lucius for insubordination, which finally moved the famously stoic Lucius to spare two auxiliary legions to cross the Wrothgarian Pass and advance towards the Bretonic lines. -
Imperial Legion moves to liberate High Rock
The main Imperial defending force was split. Under Lucius's orders, Legio V Nanus and the Legio VIII Arcadum were sent to High Rock, through the Wrothgarian Pass, to help local Bretonic armies defeat the Dominion Mantia. Led by General Servio Accretus, the Legio V Nanus and Legio VIII Arcadum passed Wayrest and moved on forwards into the treacherous Wrothgarian Pass. -
Morohtar Plan activated
All members of the Compact adhered to the Morohtar Plan, drafted by Omniseer Locien Morohtar. During the first stage of the Morohtar Plan, the Dominion would attack High Rock and scare the Empire into splitting their main force. During the second stage, Dominion's allies would launch a surprise attack on the Empire. The third stage would involve the conquering of Skyrim by the Yokudan Empire. If the Morohtar Plan was to succeed, the Empire would be defeated by 5E 287. -
Wrothgrarian Pass closed off
Republic of Orsinium, a member of the Compact, declared war on the Empire. Adhering to the Morohtar Plan, Orcish troops ambushed the two Legions in the Wrothgarian Pass. With their way forward blocked off, the legions retreated to Wayrest to tend to their wounded. Orcish soldiers occupied Gauvandon and cut off their retreat, leaving the legionnaires stranded. Auxilia IV Brumacum was quickly dispatched to defeat the Orcs and secure safe passage for the legions. -
Bretonic local forces decimated in the Battle of Alcaire
Before the Battle of Alcaire, the surviving Breton Sixth Army dug trenches, hoping to keep the Dominion armies at bay until the Imperial Legion arrived. Led by Souslieutenant Michad Imbeven, the armies were supported by the Bretonic First Fleet and the Hornets air force. Padoth Condors drove the Sixth Army out of the trenches and they were slaughtered by the Mantia First and Third armies, leading to the surrender of Imbeven. After his surrender, the Aldmeri Dominion annexed Southern High Rock. -
Battle of Wayrest
Mantia First and Third Armies reached Wayrest and, with the help of Orcish Zeth'kur Krishkhik, annihilated the two legions stuck in the city. The survivors were taken as prisoners of war and entire Northern High Rock was annexed by Orsinium. The arriving Auxilia IV Brumacum was defeated by the Zeth'kur Gragobold at Gauvadon and they retreated to Hammerfell, asking for safe refuge in the neutral country. In Hammerfell, they were disarmed and taken as prisoners of war. -
Yokudan Empire and Argonia declare war on the Empire
After High Rock fell to the Dominion, the second stage of the Morohtar Plan was activated. Yokudan Empire and the State of Argonia declared war on the unsuspecting Empire. They immediately mobilized their armies to invade Cyrodiil. The Empire was taken off-guard and frantically removed its legions from the Valenwood border to defend major Cyrodiilic cities. The Imperial Legion split itself into smaller battlegroups, acting exactly like the Compact had predicted. -
Cyrodiil invaded from three sides at once
The armies of Dominion, Orsinium, Argonia and Yokuda attacked Cyrodiil all at once. Dominion struck at the Valenwood border and advanced towards Skingrad with alarming speed. The Empire of Yokuda attacked Northern Colovia with numerical superiority. Argonia invaded Blackwoods and quickly moved through the region to cross the Niben River. The Imperial Legion was caught by surprise and unable to counter any attacks. -
Five Terrible Years
A video to showcase the unprecedented brutality and cruelty of the Third Great War.
Battle of Skingrad begins
Legio VI Servatius, the only legion near the Valenwood border, was attacked by Mantia Second and Third Army. Legio Servatius put up a spirited fight, but was routed and retreated to Skingrad. Padoth Condor bombers began bombing the city with utter impunity, failing to discriminate between civilian and military targets. Dominion battlemages used levitation to allow Mantia tanks to quickly cross obstacles and reach the city center. -
Battle of Chorrol begins
Ra Gada First and Second Division attacked Chorrol, encircling the city. Chorrol had no legions defending it, so volunteers were quickly assembled and trained to defend the city. Redguard troops gave these combatants no quarter and halted their attempts to defend the city. The teenage students of the Chorrol Arcane Gymnasium all enlisted to defend the city and employed magical attacks against the Redguard invaders. Their bravery was stuff of legends, but did little to stop the siege. -
Battle of Leyawiin begins
Argonian Scalebacks Green and Blue divisions attacked Leyawiin from its eastern flank. They were supported by the Bosmeri Verauf Fifth Rangers Squad. Legio XVII Adventus, defending the city, was a seasoned and well-trained legion and put up a fierce resistance to the combined Argonian-Bosmeri troops. Using the Niben River to their advantage, water-breathing Argonians invaded the city sewers and snatched Imperial troops from below the streets, dragging them to watery graves. -
Battle of Hackdirt begins
Ra Gada Sixth Division attacked Hackdirt, a major Colovian center of military production. The town mustered up local militia to defend the city from the Redguard invaders, but they lacked ammunition and equipment required for a prolonged siege. As a result, the Ra Gada Sixth Division was split, with half being sent to Chorrol and the other half staying behind to conquer Hackdirt. Redguards employed artillery attacks to demoralize the defenders of Hackdirt. -
Chorrol falls to the First and Third Divisions
Using the Yoku Hunters First Brigade bombers to wipe out resistance within the city, the First and Third Ra Gada Divisions slaughtered their enemies and conquered Chorrol. County Chorrol was annexed as a new province of Hammerfell, called "Eastern Myrkwasa". President Mona authorized the Ra Gada to enslave local Imperials and use them to construct an airbase for the Yoku Hunters air force. General Akamon Udwur-Hareem was appointed as the military governor of the occupied Imperial lands. -
Profile: General Akamon Udwur-Hareem
General Akamon Udwur-Hareem was the military administrator of Eastern Myrkwasa. He was appointed by President Mona to plunder Colovia and utilize all of its resources for the Yokudan war effort. Akamon used carrot-and-stick methods: he ordered extra food rations and free radios to be distributed to compliant Imperial civilians, while resisters to Redguard rule were tortured and enslaved. Akamon earned the nickname "the Tyrant of Colovia" from his terrified subjects. -
Battle of Kvatch begins
Auxilia III Imperatoricum, helped by Dragon League troops, attempted to defend Kvatch. Mantia Eight Division and battlemages attacked the city, using Destruction magic to soften resistance. Employing clandestine tactics, troops of the Dragon League willfully surrendered themselves to the Dominion troops. Once they made their way to the center of the Eight Division, the League soldiers used toxin-filled explosive vests to blow themselves up, inflicting massive casualties on the Elvish soldiers. -
Anvil surrenders to the Dominion
Miscurin First, Third and Fourth fleets attacked Anvil. Lacking major ground troops, the Miscurin admirals decided to bomb Anvil to submission. After a week of naval bombardment, the Padoth Condors were ordered to strategically bomb civilian targets in Anvil. After the Lelles Kindergarten and the Chapelgate Academy were destroyed, the Mayor of Anvil surrendered to the Miscurin. The city was occupied and the Miscurin fleet built their Cyrodiilic headquarters inside the ancient Castle Anvil. -
Blessed Water Massacre
General Akamon Udwur-Hareem ordered a series of executions of captured Imperial Legion officers to be carried out near the Blessed Water Lake, located in Colovia. Udwur-Hareem wanted to deprive a potential future Imperial resistance movement of its leaders. 14,000 Legion officers were executed by Ra Gada soldiers and buried in mass graves. Among the killed were 23 generals, 41 colonels, 5 admirals and 5,029 non-commissioned officers, making it the worst Redguard war crime in the Third Great War. -
Tyranus Protocols adopted
In response to the invasion of Cyrodiil, the Imperial Legion drafted the Tyranus Protocols. They were designed by Titus Flavius Tyranus, the General of the Legion and the commander of Imperial land forces. According to the Protocols, the Empire was forced to sacrifice Cyrodiil. General Tyranus believed that by surrendering Cyrodiil to the Compact, the armies of the Dominion and the Yokudan Empire would overextend their resources and lose their mobility. -
Final stages of the Tyranus Protocols
The Kingdom of Skyrim, with its untapped manpower reserves and colossal industrial capabilities, would be turned into an impenetrable fortress. All Imperial Legions would eventually be pulled into Skyrim, where they could recuperate. It was General Tyranus's belief that the Dominion and the Yokudan Empire were incapable of fighting a protracted war of attrition and would ultimately suffer an economic collapse and lose control over Cyrodiil. -
Profile: General Titus Flavius Tyranus
Titus Flavius Tyranus was the General of the Legion. General Tyranus served as the commander of the Imperial Legion and led all land forces of the Empire. Tyranus's military career began in the Second Great War, where he saw distinguished service in Elsweyr and Central Valenwood Campaign. He was a proponent of attrition warfare, as Tyranus steadfastly believed that the superior numbers of the Legion would eventually doom the Dominion. -
Arthion Útíradien reforms the Dominion's economy
Arthion Útíradien, the Magister of Economy, was given dictatorial powers to reshape the Aldmeri Dominion's economy. Utilizing his powers to turn all manufacturing-based factories in the Summerset Isles into war production centers, Útíradien managed to increase Dominion's war production tenfold. Útíradien became one of Thorontur's closest allies and his rumored successor, much to the annoyance of Veryan Rûdhon, the second-highest person in the Aldmeri Dominion. -
First extermination camps built in Cyrodiil
Acting according to the Dusk Conference, Thalmor engineers began building first extermination camps for Imperials. The first one to be finished, the Holyhead Camp, received 5,000 captured legionnaires. Under Magister Aearion Aradon's guidance, Thalmor scientists slaughtered the prisoners by using novel methods, like radiation poisoning and arcane attacks. Out of all methods, magic was the most effective. Work began to expand the Omnioccidit proceedings. -
Battle of Leyawiin ends
Scalebacks Green and Blue Divisions, supported by Verauf Fifth Rangers Squad, managed to dislodge Legio XVII Adventus from Leyawiin. The city was severely damaged by bombers and largely depopulated. The An-Xileel ordered its soldiers to rebuild Leyawiin, to eventually serve as the new capital of the State of Argonia. Thalmor officers visited Leyawiin and demanded the Argonians to deliver 10,000 humans to the Dominion occupation zone. An-Xileel refused, as they were unsure of Thalmor intentions. -
Chaos in the Elder Council
The Imperial Legion was facing defeats on all fronts and civil institutions were collapsing. The Elder Council made many proposals, including giving the Dominion a few cities for a peace treaty. High Chancellor Fabius Lucius shot down all surrender plans and denounced the appeasers as traitors. The Tyranus Protocols were authorized by High Chancellor Lucius. Although controversial and risky, the Protocols were the only way the Empire could hope to win the Third Great War. -
Northern Campaign begins
The third and final stage of the Morohtar Plan was activated by the Compact High Command. The Yokudan Empire and Orsinium united their battalions under the command of General Amar Awad, who launched the Northern Campaign. The combined Redguard-Orcish troops were to invade Skyrim through the Karthwasten Pass, pour into the Reach and cut Solitude off from the rest of the Skyrim. This would allow the Dominion to attack from the south and would lead to the collapse of Skyrim. -
Durion Thorontur marries
Archmagister Durion Thorontur had been dating a Bosmeri socialite called Alawnaen for many years, but avoided marrying her due to his perceived fear that the Party wouldn't support it. Now, as the Third Great War raged, Durion and Alawnaen Thorontur were married in a grand ceremony, meant to symbolize the union between Summerset Isles and Valenwood. Alawnaen Thorontur's thinly-disguised psychopathy became a liability in official meeting of the Thalmor cabinet. -
Battle of Kvatch ends
Auxilia III Imperatoricum was defeated after the Mantia Eight Division and Altmeri battlemages broke their barricades and entered Kvatch. The Dragon League's suicide attack caused casualties among the Eight Division and led the the creation of a makeshift hospital in downtown Kvatch, where battlemages used Restoration magic to heal Mantia troops. Auxilia III Imperatoricum itself was captured and sent to the Holyhead Camp for extermination. -
The Omnioccidit begins near river Strid
Along Strid River, massive prison camps were built by Thalmor engineers. Their operation overseen by Magister Aearion Aradon, the Omnioccidit (all dead in Cyrodiilic) was carried out by special extermination squads. Thousands of Imperials from County Skingrad and County Anvil were carried to the prison camps and forced to work hard labor in utterly humiliating conditions while waiting to be executed. Every day, 5,000 Imperials were killed in arcane life-draining chambers. -
Battle of Skingrad ends
Mantia Second and Third Armies drove the large Legio VI Servatius back from the Valenwood border and into Skingrad, the third largest city in Cyrodiil. Legio Servatius fought back with much vigor, inflicting heavy casualties on the quickly advancing Third Army. Stuck in a bad place, the Mantia called for Padoth Condors for help. The Fifth Group bombers destroyed much of Skingrad. The Second Army advanced and took the city, taking the defeated Legio VI Servatius as prisoners of war. -
The Rape of Skingrad
Mantia Second and Third Armies entered Skingrad uncontested. As the third-largest city in Cyrodiil, Skingrad had a large civilian population. Urged by their officers to see Imperials as animals, the Dominion armies launched a campaign of terror on the defenseless civilians. Countless war crimes were committed. Sexual violence and unjustified killings became a part of life during the brutal Altmeri occupation of Skingrad. Tens of thousands were sent to extermination camps near Strid. -
The story of Sinyella Arwoena
Sinyella Arwoena was an Altmeri private of the Mantia Second Army. She took part in the Battle of Skingrad, where the Dominion won a decisive victory. Along with her compatriots, Sinyella gleefully took part in the Rape of Skingrad. In a tight competition with her comrades, Sinyella secured a personal kill count of 87 Imperial civilians. She was injured after an older Imperial gentleman shot her to defend his grandchildren. Eventually, Sinyella succumbed to a Dragon League attack and perished. -
Battle of Karthwasten begins
Orcish Zeth'kur Grommash, supplanted by Ra Gada Fifth Division and Yoku Hunters Fifth Brigade, invaded the Karthwasten Pass. Unaccustomed to high altitude warfare, the Compact troops became bogged down in the Pass and were attacked by the Nordic Høgnakørstarmannar Tri III. Acting in accordance with the Tyranus Protocols, the Nordic armies had a clear objective: prevent all incursions into Skyrim, planned by the Empire to become an impenetrable fortress for retreating and recuperating legions. -
Emperor and the Elder Council flee from Cyrodiil
As the eventual invasion of Imperial City drew nearer, the city was declared unsafe for the higher powers of the Empire. The Tyranus Protocols were activated and the political leaders of the Empire were evacuated to Skyrim. Emperor Gaius Tiberius was flown to a Synod research station in Solstheim, while the Elder Council set up their new home in Windhelm. High Chancellor Fabius Lucius refused to leave the Imperial City and stayed behind, to offer moral support to the people of Cyrodiil. -
Valenwood resists attempts to industrialize
Arthion Útíradien, the Magister of Economy, asked the Dominion of Valenwood to rescind its strict environmental laws and to allow its industrialization for the war effort. Telaiel Lichenthorn, the Archmagister of Valenwood, refused his request. Útíradien complained to Durion Thorontur, who made a formal demand on Lichenthorn to change the laws of her domain. Lichenthorn still refused the demand and asked Útíradien to consider industrializing occupied Cyrodiilic areas. -
Battle of Solitude
In accordance to the final stage of the Morohtar Plan, Miscurin Seventh Fleet and the Yokudan Fourth and Fifth Navy attacked Solitude. Industrial factories and military bases were bombed. As the Imperial Malleus fleets were preoccupied with defending Cyrodiil, the Nords organized their own national naval forces, the Frysehagar Grahlar. Composed of weaponized fishing vessels and re-purposed mine layers, the Grahlar fleets offered fierce resistance. -
Battle of Bravil
Legio IX Malum, defending Bravil, was attacked by by Scalebacks Orange and Purple divisions, helped by Verauf First and Eight Ranger Squads. The city surrendered after Legio IX Malum was ordered to pull back to Bruma. Bravil fell to the combined Bosmeri-Argonian army and massive railway guns were brought from Leyawiin to bombard the Imperial City, directly across the Lake Rumare. Bravil's factories were repurposed to produce war equipment for the Compact war effort. -
The story of Peragor Dornwing
Peragor Dornwing was a Bosmeri soldier of the Eight Ranger Squad. Peragor was drafted into the army against his will, as he had been a lifelong anti-war anarchist. He rose to become a corporal during the Battle of Leyawiin, but was demoted after he got into an altercation with his Argonian comrades. In the Battle of Bravil, Peragor lost his right foot to an Imperial mine and spent three months in a military hospital. The trauma of losing his leg had crippled Peragor, who later took his own life. -
Battle of Hackdirt ends
Auxilia VI Scenogaradicum, stationed in Hackdirt, was attacked by the Ra Gada Sixth Division, led by Colonel Qaasim Sylla. The Scenogaradicum fought back against the Sixth Division, allowing local civilians to escape to Skyrim. However, the city eventually fell to the Yokudan Empire. Soldiers of the Scenogaradicum were sent to Redguard prison camps near Chorrol. Hackdirt was spared from mass slaughter by Sylla's orders, as he had developed a soft spot for the city during its long siege. -
Imperial Legions brought to defend Imperial City
Legio XIX Noctes, Legio II Avendum, Legio I Fortes and the Arcanii II, supported by Eagles IV Viator, Numeri I Khajiit, Numeri II Mer and Numeri VI Bretoni, were brought to defend the Imperial City. About 5 million of its 18 million inhabitants were evacuated to massive makeshift refugee camps located in Eastern Skyrim. High Chancellor Fabius Lucius still refused to leave the city, believing that his departure would be a sign of Imperial surrender. -
The establishment of the Fanacas
In order to enlarge the Dominion's main invasion army, Magister of Order Thalia Mafortion initiated the creation of the Dominion Fanacas, a penal battalion. Soldiers of the Fanacas were recruited from Dominion's prisons, mental asylums and concentration camps. These convicts were ordered to learn Destruction magic and embark to Cyrodiil. During a two-year period, 700,000 Fanacas battlemages were trained, all commanded by Grandmaster Eremor Melancar. -
The brutality of Fanacas
Soldiers of the Dominion Fanacas were described as a mixture of rapists, arsonists, murderers and cut-throats, allowed to slaughter Imperials with no oversight from anyone other than Magister Mafortion and Grandmaster Melancar. They wore enchanted robes and were armed with magical staffs, as Destruction spells were their prime weapons. Imperial civilians and legionnaires alike feared them, as wherever the Fanacas battlemages walked, death and violence followed. -
Profile: Eremor Melancar
Eremor Melancar was the Grandmaster of Dominion Fanacas, 27 years old by 5E 285. Together with Thalia Mafortion, he served as the founder and commander of the Fanacas battlemages. Melancar was an extremely cruel man, fanatically devoted to the extermination of humans. He was used in Thalmor propaganda as the face of "Altmeri wrath". Atrocities committed by Melancar included decapitating alive Imperial legionnaires, impaling babies on bayonets and boiling Imperial women inside drums of acid. -
Dragon League attacks Skingrad
Under Antonius Brutus Marius's orders, gas-masked Dragon League soldiers attacked occupied Skingrad with chemical weapons. Suicide bombers were ordered to clear the path for League battlemages, whose attacks caused the Mantia Third Army to take hefty casualties. Before departing, the League blew up an alchemical bomb in the vicinity of the Great Chapel of Julianos, turning parts of the city toxic. After this intense attack, Durion Thorontur declared the League to be an enemy of the Dominion. -
Omnioccidit in full blow
Under the orders of Durion Thorontur, Imperials living in occupied areas were incrementally delivered to the concentration camps along the Strid River. Trains were brought from Summerset Isles and installed on the Imperial railways. Fanacas battlemages played an integral role in carrying out the Omnioccidit, as they staffed the purification camps. Under their disciplined brutality, 15,000 humans per day were killed in sophisticated arcane chambers. The dead were burned to ashes with magic. -
Battle of Dragon Bridge
Zeth'kur Orsinium, helped by Ra Gada Tenth Division, landed next to Solitude after a successful naval invasion. They immediately rushed towards Markarth to liberate their fellow armies still held down at the Karthwasten Pass. At Dragon Bridge, they were stopped by the Nordic Høgnakørstarmannar Vølsung and Ulfar. Orcish troops were defeated and taken as prisoners of war. The Redguard Tenth Division fled into the mountains of the Reach, where they were hunted down by Forsworn guerrillas. -
Battle of Karthwasten ends
In the narrow Karthwasten Pass, the Nordic Høgnakørstarmannar Tri III bravely fought off the Orcish Zeth'kur Grommash and the Ra Gada Fifth Division. After General Amar Awad realized that his Northern Campaign was unfeasible and would jeopardize the Redguard war effort, he ordered his armies to retreat. Humiliated, General Awad committed suicide to regain his honor, following the ancient Redguard tradition of Shehai Shen She Ru, the "Way of the Spirit Sword". -
The Compact driven from Skyrim
The arduous Battle of Solitude was decisively won by the Frysehagar Grahlar II and IV. The Yokudan Fourth Navy was completely destroyed. The Miscurin Seventh Fleet and Fifth Marine Navy retreated to occupied Northpoint to make repairs. After three major losses to the Empire, the forces of the Compact were driven from Skyrim. In accordance to the Tyranus Protocols, the Empire began to fortify Skyrim's borders and reinforce local Nordic troops. -
Extermination Campaign begins
After the failure of Northern Campaign, President Abdul Hameed Mona ordered the Extermination Campaign, to bomb Skyrim to pieces. The Hunters Sixth Brigade, Padoth Second and Third Groups and the Veraulf Wings First, Second and Third Squads launched a massive carpet bombing campaign against all major cities, in order to destroy the industrial capabilities of Skyrim. Countless civilian lives were lost in Western Skyrim. Nordic Draker Fjølar airforce was crippled during these attacks. -
The story of Cyrus Firaxji
Cyrus Firaxji was a pilot of the Yoku Hunters Sixth Brigade, in charge of bombing Markarth. Before the war, Cyrus had been a commercial airline pilot. All of the Sixth Brigade pilots were purposefully kept in the dark about the casualties they were causing. When Cyrus met with a Nordic prisoner of war in the Dragonstar Air Base, he learned that Markarth had suffered crippling civilian casualties. He couldn't live with this knowledge and committed suicide shortly after the war. -
Battle of Imperial City starts
Ra Gada Sixth and Second Divisions, the Argonian Flytails Green Squad, the Verauf Second Rangers Squad, the Dominion Mantia Fifth, Seventh, Tenth Divisions and the Fanacas III, IV, XI and XV Squads attacked the Imperial City from its western flank, moving through Weye. Before they managed to cross into the City Isle, they were stopped by Imperial legionnaires. A brutal siege of the city began. Urban warfare and carpet bombing turned the districts of the Imperial City into rubble. -
Battle of Bruma begins
Legio X Querrum and Legio IX Malum, defending Bruma, were attacked by the Second Rangers Squad, the Fanacas II Squad and the Mantia Eight Army. The attacking Dominion armies had numerical superiority, but suffered from logistical problems and often ran out of ammo. As a result, the Battle of Bruma turned into a protracted siege, with both sides bombarding each other with artillery while fighting apartment-to-apartment. -
Synod makes major advancements
Experimenting with soul gem destruction under the banner of the Project Aetherius, the Synod attempted various solutions to mechanize the destruction process. Emperor Gaius Tiberius's presence at the island of Solstheim raised Synod's morale. Little by little, technicalities were worked out and scientific discoveries were made. Synod wizards began to codify Time Dynamics, the science of the arcane manipulation of time, to hopefully have a repository of knowledge to leave behind. -
High Chancellor Fabius Lucius evacuated from the Imperial City
High Chancellor Fabius Lucius was still a resident of the Imperial City when the Compact troops assaulted the city. Although they were kept away from downtown Imperial City by the defending legions, the inner city was still heavily shelled. Emperor Gaius Tiberius personally ordered a helicopter to locate and rescue Lucius. He was found, barricaded inside the deserted White-Gold Tower, and evacuated from the city. Lucius was taken to Windhelm, the temporary capital of the Empire. -
The Mereth Plan drafted
Veryan Rûdhon, the Dominion Magister of the Interior, began drafting a comprehensive post-victory plan of Altmeri dominance. According to the Mereth Plan, Cyrodiil and Skyrim would be ethnically cleansed of their human inhabitants and colonized by Altmeri and Bosmeri civilians. The Bretons of High Rock would be enslaved and "Altmerized", through forced marriages of Bretonic women and Elvish soldiers. Upon the finalization of the Mereth Plan, Cyrodiil and Skyrim would be 100% ethnically Elvish. -
Weye falls during the Battle of the Imperial City
For three months, the Imperial Legion attempted to keep the forces of the Compact from invading downtown Imperial City. Eventually, they were forced to retreat. Compact troops occupied Weye, the largest suburb of the Imperial City, and crossed the Talos Bridge to invade the City Isle itself. Adriana District became Compact's first bridgehead within the Imperial City. -
Omnioccidit spreads to Bravil
On the orders of Magister Aearion Aradon, the Omnioccidit spread to Bravil. Bravil's large factory buildings, deserted after the outbreak of the war, were converted into purification centers. Fanacas battlemages built life-draining magic relays and managed to achieve a constant death rate of 7,000 Imperials per day. Eerie silence took over the streets of Bravil as Imperial citizens hid in their homes, afraid of being taken to the purification centers. -
The S'rendarr Trains
Although the Dominion of Elsweyr was allied with the Aldmeri Dominion, they did not join the Compact. After visiting occupied Cyrodiil, Khajiiti volunteers and diplomats described witnessing terrible carnage and genocide. The Cats of S'rendarr, a religious Khajiiti society, organized a fleet of trains to take Imperial orphans, widows and senior citizens to neutral Elsweyr. Thanks to the bravery of the Khajiit, 30,000 Imperials were saved from execution. -
Tullario negotiates with Jonsdottir
Marallia Tullario, the Imperial Minister of Economy, began negotiations with Prime Minister Katrin Jonsdottir of Skyrim. Tullario wished for Skyrim to make all of its resources available for the war effort, including its considerable reserves of corundia. Jonsdottir was hesitant, as she was afraid that the quality of life in post-war Skyrim might suffer a sharp fall. Tullario was quoted as saying: "What post-war Skyrim? You, me and everyone we know will be dead in nine months' time." -
Battle of Cheydinhal begins
Cheydinhal was attacked by the Ra Gada First, Second and Fourth Divisions. Their mission was to cut the Imperial City off from Nordic reinforcements. Facing the Legio III Nasca and Legio IV Falerfagus, the Redguards suffered high casualties, with Colonel Aslam Salama of the First Division dying from artillery strikes. The Yokudan troops were given orders not to advance deeper into Cheydinhal until the Imperial City was occupied, but they were also forbidden to retreat on the penalty of death. -
Arthion Útíradien increases industrial production
Arthion Útíradien, the Magister of Economy, began employing wizards in armament factories to hasten the process of production. The Dominion had an impressive stock of charged soul gems, which were installed as additional power sources to keep the factories running 24/7. Útíradien ordered abandoned armament factories in Anvil and Kvatch to be restarted for the war effort. Unbeknownst to him, the factories in Cyrodiil were staffed by Imperial slave labor. -
Alessian Order steals a building
In the middle of a firefight held between the Legion and the Compact in the Temple District, the elusive Alessian Order appeared. Their members, wearing all-blue robes, surrounded the Temple of the One and began chanting. Soldiers from both sides watched in silence as the Order generated a large bubble of magic around the church. In an instance, the Temple of the One disappeared, along with the members of the Order. -
Omnioccidit discovered by Penitus Oculatus
Penitus Oculatus agents infiltrated the purification camps along the Strid River and learned of the Omnioccidit. The Oculatus informed the leadership of the Empire, who found it hard to believe. High Chancellor Fabius Lucius disregarded their findings as mere war hysteria. The Dragon League, employing several moles within the Penitus Oculatus, were convinced by the findings and drew up plans to liberate the camps. -
Imperial City begins to slip away
Struggling against a numerically superior force and cut away entirely from the legions in Skyrim, the legionnaires defending the Imperial City were doomed to absolute slaughter. There was no possibility of a retreat, due to the Compact occupying the Jerall Mountains. The Arcane University and the White-Gold Tower both fell into the hands of the enemies, leading the legionnaires to entrench themselves inside the Elven Gardens District and hope that their eventual sacrifice would be remembered. -
The story of Corvixto Nuncus
Corvixto Nuncus was a legionnaire of the Legio XIX Noctes. A Nibenean country boy, he was drafted into the war from his farmstead in County Blankenmarsh. During the Battle of the Imperial City, he lost all of his friends to the enemy forces. Corvixto was left blind in his right eye due to a stray shrapnel. After the Elven Gardens District came under attack, he fought bravely to defend the Empire. He perished in a shock magic attack carried out by Dominion Fanacas battlemages. -
The Hunt for Xanin Sexer
Thalmor Talons agents began to search for Xanin Sexer, the Imperial Minister of Defense, who had stayed behind in the Imperial City. Searching through the large warehouses of Imperial Waterfront, they found only vagrants and refugees. After they were tipped off to look into the Imperial Sewers, sixty Talon agents entered the Imperial Sewers to apprehend Sexer. A day later, all sixty agents were found dead on the other side of the City Isle. Apparently, the sewers hid a few dark secrets. -
Titus Flavius Tyranus assassinated
General Titus Flavius Tyranus was the General of the Imperial Legion and the author of the Tyranus Protocols. Antonius Brutus Marius felt that his membership in the Syndicalist Party was unacceptable for a military man and ordered the Dragon League to kill him. A poisoned apple was slipped into his private quarters. Tyranus's death generated confusion among the Legion ranks and finding a replacement for him proved to be a hard task. -
Second Battle of Karthwastern Pass begins
Ordered by President Abdul Hameed Mona to reattempt the Northern Campaign, the Ra Gada Fifth Division and the Zeth'kur Krishkhik and Grommash moved to advance through the Karthwasten Pass for the second time, helped by the Dominion Meldis Allied Army. In the far end of the Pass, they were ambushed by the Nordic Høgnakørstarmannar Atte VIII and Tolf XII troops. The combined Redguard-Orcish battlegroup was led by Major General Keiji Mahmud Khel. -
Profile: Keiji Mahmud Khel
Major General Keiji Mahmud Khel served as the leader of all Redguard forces in Skyrim. Khel had seen distinguished service in the Second Great War, where he fought side-by-side with the Imperial Legion. As a result, he forbade his troops to attack surrendered Imperial soldiers without just cause. Like most Yokudan officers, Khel saw the Third Great War as an opportunity for Hammerfell to replace Cyrodiil as the center of human civilization in Tamriel. -
Anselim Plan drafted
On President Abdul Hameed Mona's orders, the Senator of Defence Odion Sarraf drew up plans for an eventual Redguard conquest of the Aldmeri Dominion. According to the Anselim Plan, the Yokudan Empire would've continued to fight the Empire until Skyrim had fallen. Using captured Imperial Legionnaires as fresh soldiers, the Yokudan Empire would've then launched a naval invasion of the Summerset Isles to occupy it, leaving the mainland Dominion armies without leadership. -
Negotiations start between the Empire and the Union
Emperor Gaius Tiberius received a grim prognosis: unless things took a drastic turn for the better, the Empire would only last two more years before its resources were exhausted. Afraid of losing the war, Emperor Gaius ordered High Chancellor Fabius Lucius to begin negotiations with the Union of Mahakhist Syndicates. Lucius, an avowed anti-syndicalist, refused to consider the Dunmer as allies. Having no other choice, Emperor Gaius Tiberius himself flew to Mournhold to meet with Falaris Eldhren. -
The Fall of the Imperial City
After eight months of fighting, the Compact managed to conquer the Imperial City. Surrendered legionnaires were treated differently by each member of the Compact: Redguard, Bosmeri and Argonian troops treated them with respect and sent them to prison camps, while Altmeri soldiers massacred surrendered legionnaires and marched the survivors to purification camps along the Strid River. The city was divided, with Dominion occupying the southern half and Yokudan Empire occupying the northern half. -
Battle of Dawnstar
Dominion Miscurin Fourth, Sixth and Seventh Fleets, helped by Bosmeri Scarab gunboats, attempted to invade Skyrim from the sea. Imperial Malleus I, II, IV and V Fleets arrived from Solstheim and engaged the Dominion fleet near the city of Dawnstar. Malleus battleships crippled the Miscurin and Scarab Fleets, forcing them to retreat to High Rock. After their victory, the Imperial dreadnoughts toured the coast of Skyrim to raise morale. -
Battle of Bruma ends
Throughout the siege, the Legio X Querrum and Legio IX Malum took heavy casualties from the Verauf Second Rangers Squad, the Fanacas II Squad and the Mantia Eight Army. After General Audens Procellos was killed in Bruma during an air raid, High Chancellor Lucius ordered the two legions to retreat from the city and march to Skyrim for replenishment. After their retreat, Bruma fell to the victorious Dominion and its inhabitants suffered their burning wrath. -
Anvil Conference begins
In occupied Cyrodiil, the representatives of the Compact met for a three-day long Anvil Conference to divide the occupied areas and to air out their grievances. Ana Máfortion, who represented the Aldmeri Dominion, ordered the Yokudan Empire to finally cleanse the Karthwasten Pass for an invasion of Markarth. President Abdul Hameed Mona demanded the Dominion to open a second front and accused Máfortion of attempting to lead the Ra Gada armies to certain deaths for personal gain. -
The Empire divided between the Compact
During the second day of the Anvil Conference, the Empire was divided between Compact members. Colovia, Western Skyrim and Jerall Mountains were to be annexed by the Yokudan Empire, while Eastern Nibenay was to be given to Argonia. Orcs were given control over Northern High Rock. The Dominion was to annex most of Cyrodiil, Eastern Skyrim and Southern High Rock. After intense negotiations with Ana Máfortion, Abdul Hameed Mona was forced to give Anvil to the Dominion. -
Final March authorized
During the last day of the Anvil Conference, the Final March was authorized. Drafted by Durion Thorontur personally, the Final March ordered the Yokudan Empire to keep on assaulting Western Skyrim through the Karthwasten Pass. Dominion Mantia divisions, commanded by Marshal Arandea Amonian, were to invade Eastern Skyrim through the Halldir Pass. Upon its completion, the Final March would've caused the collapse of the Empire and the end of the Third Great War. -
Battle of Halldir Pass begins
As per the Final March, the Dominion Mantia Third and Thirteenth Armies, commanded by Marshal Arandea Amonian, entered the Halldir Pass to invade Skyrim. Dominion armies suffered from cold weather and bad morale. In the middle of the Pass, they were greeted by the Legio XXVI Polcus and Høgnakørstarmannar Lykkebrog V, who had dug an extensive network of trenches. Under Amonian's commands, battlemages were instructed to create large magical shields to defend the Dominion troops. -
Profile: Marshal Arandea Amonian
Marshal Arandea Amonian was the commander of Dominion Mantia in Skyrim. She took commands directly from Archmagister Thorontur, as Amonian's task was of utmost importance. Although she was a devoted supporter of Altmeri supremacism, Amonian was highly critical of outright slaughter of humans. She was a brilliant tactician, who took advantage of snowstorms and foggy weather to conceal the movement of her troops. Thalmor propaganda portrayed Amonian as portraying the virtue of "Elvish nobility". -
Battle of Cheydinhal ends
Legio III Nasca and Legio IV Falerfagus fiercely defended Cheydinhal from the attacking Redguard troops. Antonius Brutus Marius, however, had other plans for the legions. On his orders, the generals of both legions were assassinated. Dragon League officers seamlessly took over their duties and ordered the legionnaires to retreat from Cheydinhal. The two legions disappeared into thin air and the city was occupied by the Yokudan Empire, who transferred it over to the Dominion. -
Cyrodiil falls
After the Battle of Cheydinhal ended with a defeat, the Empire of Tamriel lost control over the entire province of Cyrodiil. With Skyrim attacked from two sides, the Empire was facing incredibly bad odds. High Chancellor Fabius Lucius refused to yield, believing that Akatosh wouldn't allow the Empire to wither and die. The Nords of Skyrim, although sensing the coming of an end, stayed loyal to the Empire and enlistment into the Nordic national armies grew with each defeat. -
Establishment of the Dominion of Cyrodiil
After Cyrodiil fell to the Aldmeri Dominion, a provisional military occupation was set up, called the Dominion of Cyrodiil. Saruril Mithran, a high-ranking Thalmor Party member, was designated the Archmagister of Cyrodiil. Mithran's first act was to reassign all Imperial nationals as stateless subjects, not subject to Dominion's laws. This allowed the Thalmor to eventually exterminate them all. The government of the Dominion of Cyrodiil was composed entirely of Elves. -
Profile: Saruril Mithran
Saruril Mithran was the Archmagister of Cyrodiil, 48 by 5E 287. His office was set up in the White-Gold Tower, from where he ruled Cyrodiil with an iron fist. Saruril was regarded as one of the most sinister figures in the Thalmor Party. He carried out orders to exterminate two-thirds of Cyrodiil's population and keep the rest as slaves. Through the use of torture and massacres, Saruril terrorized the population of occupied Cyrodiil. His brutality earned him the nickname "the Eagle of Death". -
The Faol Alrach awakens
The Faol Alrach (Red Hunters), a Reachmen terrorist organization, began attacking the new Orcish occupation of High Rock. As neither the Dominion nor Orsinium were interested in giving Western Reach autonomy, the FA considered them to be enemies. A series of bombings and guerrilla attacks were carried out by Reachmen agents, terrorizing the Orcish garrisons in Western Reach. -
Riots hamper the Omnioccidit operations
In the largest purification camps (Holyhead Camp, East Midlands Complex, Bravil Center), occasional riots led to the slowing of Omnioccidit proceedings. Agents of the Dragon League often penetrated the purification camps and used explosive vests to inflict casualties. Deadly diseases infected prisoners and Fanacas administrators alike, killing thousands of people. By 5E 287, 4,5 million Imperials had already been exterminated. -
Second Battle of Karthwasten ends
The Ra Gada Fifth Division and the Zeth'kur Krishkhik and Grommash, who fought the Nordic Høgnakørstarmannar Atte VIII and Tolf XII troops for five months in the narrow Karthwasten Pass, took severe casualties. Eventually, the Redguards routed the Nordic armies and finally advanced into Skyrim proper. With the troops demoralized and suffering from injuries, Major General Keiji Mahmud Khel ordered his troops to recuperate in the city of Karthwasten until the Dominion captured Falkreath. -
Marallia Tullario secures the Deal of the Century
After long negotiations with Prime Minister Jonsdottir, Minister Tullario forced Jonsdottir to reorient the economy of Skyrim towards the production of war equipment. After returning to Windhelm, Marallia Tullario was visited by Nammu Seduroth, the Secretary of Resources of the UMS. He offered her the Deal of the Century: a delivery of 800,000 tons of corundia and steel from Morrowind for the symbolic price of 2 septims. She accepted. -
Free Bretonic Army organized
The Republic of Orsinium annexed the entirety of Northern High Rock into their state and established their capital in Wayrest, now renamed Augzal. Orcish militia imprisoned and slaughtered all Bretons who attempted to resist the Orcish occupation. Under these tough conditions, the Free Bretonic Army was organized. A ragtag army of Bretonic civilians armed with improvised firearms and magic spells, the Free Bretonic Army began to engage small Orcish detachments in the region of Northpoint. -
The Dragon League recovers the "Jaws of Akatosh"
Looting of the Imperial City by Compact troops led the Moth Priest's Library, inside the White-Gold Tower, to be burned down and destroyed. Elder Scrolls were thrown out from its windows, landing on the streets below. Civilians looked through the scrolls, hoping to gather some divine help. An Elder Scroll was found which contained the prophecy of "Jaws of Akatosh": an invocation of Aedric wrath upon the Altmer, erasing their race from history. The Elder Scroll was delivered to the Dragon League. -
Battle of Halldir Pass ends
Dominion Mantia Third and Thirteenth Armies, commanded by Marshal Arandea Amonian, successfully pushed back opposing Nordic-Imperial troops and advanced through the Halldir Pass. Finally reaching Skyrim, Marshal Amonian's troops began causing havoc in the hold of Falkreath by bombing local villages. Using levitation, battletanks were lifted through the Halldir Pass and into Skyrim, where they were used to clear out Imperial fortifications and offer fire support for the Mantia. -
Operation Sancar
After entering Skyrim, Elvish scouts learned that Skyrim had a population of giants, numbering around 10,000 individuals. In order to anger giants and force them to attack Nords, Padoth Condor bombers carried out Operation Sancar, during which caves were bombed with precision strikes. The operation was deemed a success after numerous sightings of giants were confirmed. Over 500 villages were destroyed by giants in the holds of Falkreath and Whiterun. -
The Ayleid Plan commences
Aearion Aradon, the Magister of Racial Purity, claimed the abandoned Colovian Shardrock Airbase for himself. Inside the airbase, Aradon built a research laboratory and ordered Fanacas battlemages to deliver him Imperials. Aradon launched the Ayleid Plan, his pet project to turn Imperials into the Ayleids, thereby resurrecting the long-extinct Cyrodiilic Elvish race. Through the use of necromancy and medical experimentation, Aradon created thousands of mutated Imperials. -
Synod makes a breakthrough
Synod wizards built the "Deliverer", the first warhead to operate on the principle of soul gem destruction. Using an intricate automated system of crushing a single grand soul gem held inside a vacuum pump, the "Deliverer" served as a proof of concept that the incredibly powerful effects of soul gem crushing could be harnessed and turned into a weapon of mass destruction. Highly classified work began on Solstheim to construct a soul bomb. -
The Dragon Coup begins
Four years ago, the Dragon League took control over the Legio III Nasca and Legio IV Falerfagus and positioned them in the Jerall Mountains. On Antonius Brutus Marius's orders, the two legions were ordered to attack and occupy Riften. The attack came as a surprise to the Empire and led to heavy urban fighting. While the Battle of Riften raged, Dragon League suicide bombers attacked Solitude, killing High King Ottar Osvaldsson of Skyrim. It was Marius's goal to take over the Empire. -
Battle of Falkreath begins
Dominion Mantia First and Second Armies, accompanied by Verauf First and Eight Squads and Zeth'kur Gragobold, surrounded the Høgnakørstarmannar Lykkebrog V and Atte VIII inside Falkreath. Using the Dragon Coup to their advantage, the Dominion Mantia troops advanced through the Nordic ranks with utter impunity, employing battlemages to drive wedges into their formations. Dominion Mantia tanks shot high-powered shock spells at the Nords, leading to grievous injuries. -
Fall of Markarth
Major General Keiji Mahmud Khel ordered the Ra Gada Fifth Division and the Zeth'kur Krishkhik to leave their camps in Karthwasten and attack Markarth, an important industrial center. Orcish tanks, supported by occasional bombing raids by Padoth Condor airplanes, drove straight into Nordic fighters and crushed the Nords under their weight. In just three days, the poorly-defended city of Markarth surrendered to the Compact troops and was annexed by the Yokudan Empire. -
The Miracle of Peace
Stationed in Markarth, Ra Gada Fifth Division suffered from malnutrition and exposure to freezing weather. In spite of the war, Nordic civilians gave them food and warm blankets. This act of goodwill surprised the Redguard soldiers. In return, Major General Keiji Mahmud Khel organized the delivery of additional food supplies from Hammerfell, allowing Markarth to avoid starvation. The Miracle of Peace was a rare moment of altruism and compassion amidst the most violent war in Tamrielic history. -
Silinthar constructed
In order to implement the Mereth Plan, the Thalmor scheme to settle Cyrodiil with Elves, Magister Ana Mafortion ordered the construction of the village of Silinthar, located in County Kvatch. It was meant to serve as a model of a fully self-sufficient colony. Five thousand Altmer and Bosmer were sent to Silinthar and given houses and plots of land. In order to provide safety for Silinthar's settlers, nearby Imperial villages were burned down and their inhabitants were sent to purification camps. -
Dragon League loses the "Jaws of Akatosh"
During a Yokudan attack on the city of Markarth, Dragon League agents carrying the "Jaws of Akatosh" were attacked by Ra Gada troops. The agents were killed and the Redguards retrieved the prophecy. Believing it to be of value, the Elder Scroll was hidden inside a golden chest and sent towards Sentinel, to be investigated by Yokudan wizards. -
Arthion Útíradien resigns as the Magister of Economy
Arthion Útíradien, the Magister of Economy, discovered that his armament factories in Anvil employed slave labor. Demanding more information about the condition of Imperials in occupied lands, he pressurized Veryan Rûdhon into revealing both the Mereth Plan and the Omnioccidit. Útíradien, disgusted by the criminal actions of the Thalmor, resigned as the Magister of Economy. This disappointed Durion Thorontur, who saw him as his eventual successor. -
Applewatch Massacre
The inhabitants of Applewatch, a town located in the Jerall Mountains, rose up against the local Dominion garrison. Their insurrection threatened to spread to Bruma. Saruril Mithran, the Archmagister of Cyrodiil, ordered the Fanacas XII Squad to suppress the uprising. After a brief battle, the XII Squad demolished the entire town into rubble. 12,000 civilians were systematically murdered, with most of the victims being the elderly, women and children. -
Fall of Riften
Legio III Nasca and Legio IV Falerfagus marched into Riften after the Dragon League launched the Dragon Coup. Antonius Brutus Marius himself arrived in Riften and declared himself the new Emperor of Tamriel. His declaration led to much confusion among the Imperial Legion. Marius used this to his advantage and ordered his sympathizers within the Imperial Legion to give out conflicting orders. -
Battle of Falkreath ends
The Nordic troops inside Falkreath were encircled by the Dominion Mantia First and Second Armies, who were accompanied by Verauf First and Eight Squads and Zeth'kur Gragobold. The Nordic troops attempted to break out of the siege by retreating towards the Hammerfell border, but they were slaughtered before they could finish the maneuver. Falkreath fell to the Dominion forces and an unimaginable slaughter of its inhabitants began. -
The Butchery of Falkreath
After the other Dominion armies advanced towards Whiterun, the Fanacas XI Squad was tasked to upheld public order in Falkreath. The XI Squad, composed of sadistic ex-convicts and led by Grandmaster Eremor Melancar, was given free reign to root out partisans. Melancar gave direct orders to treat all Nordic civilians as if they were insurgents. The Butchery of Falkreath began, during which the Fanacas battlemages systematically exterminated the civilian population of Falkreath. -
The story of Ortron Silloreth
Ortron Silloreth was a psychopathic soldier of the Fanacas XI Squad. Before the war, he had been jailed in Summerset Isles for possession of skooma. Ortron actively took part in the Butchery of Falkreath. Engrossed in Thalmor ideology, he and his vicious comrades committed thousands of murders and rapes. Due to Ortron's high kill count and his loyalty to Melancar, he was promoted to the rank of Captain. After the war, Ortron returned to a civilian life and took his terrible crimes to the grave. -
Fabius Lucius makes a declaration
Due to the Final March and the Dragon Coup, the Empire was close to a defeat. From Windhelm, High Chancellor Fabius Lucius made a well-received declaration over the radio. He said the following: "...Old Kingdom of the Nords has become a safe refuge for those who stand against the Thalmor and their capability to do extraordinary evil. Soldiers, do not despair. Do not yield to sorrow. Put your trust in the Empire. We have defeated the Altmer before. We will defeat them again." -
Blacklight Conference held
Organized by Emperor Gaius Tiberius, the Blacklight Conference was held between the Empire of Tamriel and the Union of Mahakhist Syndicates. First Secretary Falaris Eldhren, concerned that an unchecked Aldmeri Dominion might eventually attack Morrowind, was interested in a potential alliance. Emperor Gaius Tiberius offered Eldhren the island of Solstheim and exclusivity over the corundia depots in the Republic of Vvardenfell. Falaris Eldhren returned to Mournhold to consider the deal. -
Hjaal-Karth Offensive
Commanded by Major General Keiji Mahmud Khel, the Ra Gada Fifth Division and Zeth'kur Krishkhik advanced towards Morthal, in order to isolate Solitude from the rest of Skyrim. While marching in the swamps between the Hjaal and the Karth River, Khel's troops were attacked by Høgnakørstarmannar Rjaakræf, commanded by General Göthsven Marsson. With only 100,000 troops, General Marsson won a heroic victory over 340,000 Yokudan/Orcish troops, who were forced to retreat back to Markarth. -
Arthion Útíradien fights against the Omnioccidit
After finding out about Omnioccidit, Arthion Útíradien had resigned from his post as the Magister of Economy. He contacted a Redguard diplomat called Miriam Rhashta, who had similarly expressed her resistance to the Omnioccidit. Together, they faked documents to suggest the existence of a purification camp in Elsweyr. 20,000 Imperials were sent to this fake camp via trains. As soon as they arrived, they were rescued by local Khajiiti and allowed to live safely in Elsweyr. -
Arthion Útíradien apprehended
Archmagister Durion Thorontur was informed that Arthion Útíradien was attempting to avert the Omnioccidit proceedings. With a heavy heart, Thorontur ordered his old friend to be apprehended and executed. The Thalmor Talons captured Útíradien and imprisoned him deep below Castle Skingrad, which had been converted into a political prison. Miriam Rhashta was deported to Hammerfell. In the Castle, Útíradien was given a chance for a trial, which he could use to exonerate himself. -
An excerpt from Arthion Útíradien's testimony during his trial
"It was my desire to end the proceedings of our Party, which has started to flirt with immorality.
Among the killed, there were people of bountiful character with whom the Altmer have always been on finest terms: wizards and artists, scientists and other intellectuals.
I regret only that I didn't have time to save all of those whose misery was beyond words.
I refuse to idly observe the vulgar slaughter of humans as I obey the mandates of the Aedra, who distinguish between neither Man nor Mer." -
Arthion Útíradien executed
After a short trial found Arthion Útíradien guilty of high treason, a Thalmor Talon officer walked into his cell with a pistol in his hand. Arthion Útíradien, devoutly religious, asked for a last minute prayer. After finishing his prayer to Auriel, Útíradien was shot in the head. His body was inserted into a pile of Imperial corpses and ordered to be dumped into Strid River. His remains now rested in the Abecean Sea, along with the victims of the Omnioccidit. -
Omnioccidit proceedings run into logistical problems
Due to the sheer number of slaughtered Imperials, the extermination camps along the Strid River ran into a problem: there were too many corpses to be incinerated. Fanacas battlemages decided to use the Strid River for natural disposal of the corpses. About 20,000 corpses were thrown into the river during the first day. The corpses often caused spontaneous dams to form, which resulted in flooding along the Strid. Some corpses floated all the way to the Summerset Isles, terrifying the locals. -
White River Offensive
Led by General Gwedhiel Meldamiriel, the Mantia Second Army attempted to cross the White River, located in the middle of Skyrim. While advancing towards the river, the Second Army was attacked by Høgnakørstarmannar Vølsung and Legio XXVI Polcus, tasked to close the Elvish salient. For three weeks, extremely intense combat took place along the White River. Although the Empire lost 105,000 men, the White River Offensive was successfully ended and General Meldamiriel retreated back to Riverwood. -
Profile: Andialmo Raemhar
Andialmo Raemhar was a private of the Mantia Second Army, 20 years old by 5E 287. Before the war, Andialmo worked at a cotton farm in the Eton Nir Province. When the war began, Andialmo was exempt from duty, as he had to take care of his crippled mother. After Andialmo's mother had died, he was conscripted and sent to Skyrim. He had no interest in Thalmor ideology and longed to return to the Summerset Isles. During the White River Offensive, Andialmo was hit by an artillery barrage and perished. -
Vel Laelius Marcellinus is appointed the General of the Legion
After Titus Flavius Tyranus was assassinated by the Dragon League, the Imperial Legion had been commanded by a rapid succession of generals, most of whom were either incompetent or unsuitable for the position. High Chancellor Fabius Lucius convinced Emperor Gaius to appoint Vel Laelius Marcellinus, his close friend, as the General of the Legion. After Marcellinus's appointment, the weakened Legion went through an intense period of reorganization. -
Profile: Vel Laelius Marcellinus
Vel Laelius Marcellinus was the new General of the Legion. Unlike Tyranus, General Marcellinus was a proponent of using offensive tactics to restore Cyrodiil under Imperial control. Although the Imperial Legion was facing extreme shortages of materiel and the Empire's territory had been reduced to Eastern Skyrim, Marcellinus did not consider surrendering to be a viable option. The Empire still had 19 legions and 10.3 million legionnaires, enough to defend Skyrim for a few more years. -
Xanin Sexer organizes the Talos Squads
Xanin Sexer, the Imperial Minister of Defense, resurfaced in occupied Bruma. Long believed to be dead, Sexer proved otherwise by releasing a public announcement in the occupied Cyrodiilic areas, calling all Imperials to rise up against the Dominion/Yokudan occupation. At his request, paramilitary civilian armies called the Talos Squads spontaneously sprung up in Cyrodiilic cities. Although poorly-armed, the Talos Squads became a major nuisance to Saruril Mithran and the Dominion of Cyrodiil. -
Dominion High Command delivers an assessment
Dominion High Command was ordered by Archmagister Thorontur to deliver a status report on the Final March in Skyrim. The High Command revealed that the Dominion armies in Skyrim were exhausted, demoralized and lacked the means to complete the Final March. Although the Empire was close to its breaking point, the Dominion High Command suggested the Dominion to pull back to Cyrodiil and recuperate for a year. Thorontur ignored the report and ordered the continuation of the Final March. -
Stormcloaks occupy Riften
After Riften was taken over by the Dragon League, the Stormcloaks were among those declared "undesirables". Seeing the Dragon League as a foreign imperialistic power, the Stormcloaks organized their rebels into an army and assaulted Riften. With the help of the local militia, the Dragon League was pushed out of the city and Stormcloak rebels took over. Letting their historical hatred of the Empire pass due to the extreme circumstances, the Stormcloaks handed Riften back to the Empire. -
The Dragon Coup fails
Antonius Brutus Marius's ambitious plan to depose Emperor Gaius Tiberius and install himself as the new Emperor failed after the Stormcloaks drove them out from Riften. All across Skyrim, Dragon League sympathizers were hung without trial. Antonius Brutus Marius, furious over the failure of the Dragon Coup, ordered the League to pull out of Skyrim and move back to Cyrodiil. The Dragon Coup, although unsuccessful, drained the Empire and resulted in many unnecessary casualties among the Legion. -
The story of the Inveus family
The Inveus were a well-off middle-class family from Anvil. Sanna Inveus, the matriarch of the family, had died during the invasion of Anvil. Her husband, Geragius Inveus, perished in the East Midlands Purification Camp. Their children were orphaned. Auguntea Inveus, eight years old, was murdered by a Dominion Fanacas battlemage after she accidentally ventured into Castle Anvil. After his sister's death, Silaro Inveus was forced to sell apples to earn money. He eventually succumbed to starvation. -
Fall of Whiterun
In the Battle of Whiterun, the Dominion and their allies managed to decisively defeat the Høgnakørstarmannar Ulfar and Vølsung, as well as the Legio XXVI Polcus. The fall of Whiterun led to mass panic in Skyrim as the last hour of the Empire had arrived. Penitus Oculatus wished to evacuate High Chancellor Fabius Lucius, Minister Marallia Tullario and Prime Minister Katrin Jonsdottir to Morrowind for safe refuge. All three refused, as it was their wish to perish along with the Empire. -
Battle of Riften begins
Høgnakørstarmannar Tri III and Legio XIV Vampyr, given the task to keep the city of Riften in Imperial hands under all circumstances, prepared to make their last stand in the city. They were joined by Stormcloak irregulars, who bolstered their ranks with manpower. Dominion Mantia Third and Thirteenth Armies, commanded by Marshal Arandea Amonian, reached Riften and began bombing the city. The morale of the Imperial/Nordic soldiers was very high, as they knew that they had nothing to lose. -
The story of Heranian Abitina
Heranian Abitina was a legionnaire of the Legio XIV Vampyr. He was born in the Colovian city of Hackdirt and joined the war as soon as it began. Heranian took part in over 12 major battles and had seen more action than anyone in Legio Vampyr. During the Battle of Riften, he fought valiantly to defend the city from being overtaken. While retreating to high ground, Heranian was struck by a Dominion artillery shell. He succumbed at the age of 26. -
Union of Mahakhist Syndicates joins the Third Great War
Although First Secretary Falaris Eldhren despised the Empire and its political system, he was afraid of the Dominion and felt like an invasion of Morrowind was inevitable. Finally making a decision, he sent a telegram to Emperor Gaius Tiberius, informing him that the Dunmer will join the Third Great War on the Empire's side. After the telegram was sent, the Union of Mahakhist Syndicates officially declared war on the Aldmeri Dominion, the Yokudan Empire and the State of Argonia. -
Miracle at Riften
Dominion Mantia Third and Thirteenth Armies were close to entering Riften. However, an unknown enemy began attacking the Dominion troops from the skies, halting their advances. The Dunmer Foyada Blacklight and Foyada Necrom warplanes, commanded by Junior Lieutenant Rolaus Drurrvi, bombed the Dominion troops. Høgnakørstarmannar Tri III and Legio XIV Vampyr watched the fireworks and celebrated as the Dominion armies canceled their assault and fled towards Whiterun. -
Liberation of Whiterun
After Riften was secured, the Høgnakørstarmannar Tri III and Legio XIV Vampyr advanced out of the city and encircled Whiterun. They cut all supply lines, leaving the Mantia Second and Third Armies inside Whiterun without logistical support. Attacked by the Dunmeri Foyadas, General Gwedhiel Meldamiriel surrendered to the Imperial Legion. Close to 250,000 exhausted Elvish troops were captured by the Imperial Legion. Whiterun was liberated and returned to the Empire. -
The Butchery of Falkreath ends
Battlemages of the Fanacas XI Squad slaughtered the citizens of Falkreath with utter impunity. The Legio XIV Vampyr advanced towards Falkreath and shelled the XI Squad, which forced them to retreat back to Cyrodiil. The Butchery of Falkreath had finally come to an end. Under Grandmaster Eremor Melancar's orders, the XI Squad murdered 120,000 civilians in Falkreath and caused indirect deaths of 30,000 further inhabitants, making it one of the worst Altmeri war crimes in the Third Great War. -
Survivor's testimony of the Butchery of Falkreath: Steinar Thombrand
"There were so many people escaping to Windhelm that there weren’t any train tickets available for us to purchase. So, we stayed in Falkreath. The night after the city fell, five Elvish soldiers broke into our house, forced me and my son out, and then raped my wife and shot her dead. A soldier punched me to the ground. I woke up lying in a pool of blood. My son was nowhere to be seen. I wrapped my wife’s body in quilt and carried it to the temple. I don’t want this to happen to anyone else." -
Survivor's testimony of the Butchery of Falkreath: Helga Griotgardottir
"In the middle of the night, our door bell rang. My father went to open the door and the Altmeri soldiers, with their hands glowing, electrocuted my father as soon as he opened up. They dragged my sister out from her bed and stabbed her to death. They just killed her. My mother grabbed me and ran me to another room. I hid beneath a table. I heard screams and gunshots from the other room but I was too scared to make a sound. When I emerged a few hours later, everyone was dead. Even my neighbors." -
Liberation of Northpoint
The Free Bretonic Army attacked the city of Northpoint. Although undermanned and overpowered by the local Orcs, the attack galvanized Bretons inside the city to rise up. A week of urban warfare was all it took to drive the token Orcish garrison from Northpoint. After the city was taken over by the Free Bretonic Army, the Federation of High Rock was restored and plans were made to liberate other Bretonic cities. -
Veryan Rûdhon begins to have doubts
Veryan Rûdhon, the Magister of the Interior and Durion Thorontur's right-hand man, looked through Dominion field reports in an effort to rectify his Mereth Plan. He discovered that, due to the long war effort, the Aldmeri Dominion had exhausted its natural resources and had very serious problems with manpower. Rûdhon calculated that the Dominion was facing a real threat of going bankrupt and convinced himself that Thorontur had no plans to solve these problems any time soon. -
Yokudan Empire withdraws from Skyrim
Facing a combined threat of resurgent Imperial Legion and the Dunmeri forces, Major General Keiji Mahmud Khel ordered the Yokudan Ra Gada to disengage from the Final March and return to Cyrodiil, to defend and pacify the occupied Colovian cities. Hearing of this, Archmagister Thorontur was furious and called President Abdul Hameed Mona to rescind Khel's order and resume fighting. However, he was in no position to make demands upon the Yokudan Empire. -
Battle of Stros M'Kai
The Malleus VI Imperator and Malleus V Sanguinis sailed to Stros M'Kai and defeated the local Yokudan garrison. They occupied the island and began constructing huge airbases for future air raids. Guarding the island with four Malleus fleets at any given time, the island was impenetrable and secure for the Imperial Eagles airforce to land, refuel and visit. -
Silgrad Conference begins
Held in the Dunmeri city of Silgrad, the Conference brought together representatives of the Empire, the UMS and the Kingdom of Skyrim. At the conference, High Chancellor Fabius Lucius was anxious to start reconquering Cyrodiil, but his enthusiasm was dampened after Falaris Eldhren revealed that the Dunmer armies needed another month to mobilize themselves. The UMS and the Empire officially established the Alliance, an united military command of the two states. -
Silgrad Conference ends
High Chancellor Fabius Lucius introduced the Liberation Plan, drafted by the General of the Legion Vel Laelius Marcellinus. According to the Liberation Plan, the goal of the Alliance was to attack the major cities of Cyrodiil first, to deny the enemy a chance for recuperation. The capture of the Imperial City became priority number one. It was decided that after the Imperial City was captured, a new conference would be held by the Alliance to discuss securing a total victory over the Compact. -
Second Battle of Falkreath
Dragon League, sensing an opportunity to slow the Empire down, attacked Legio XIV Vampyr in Falkreath. After arduous battling, the Legio XIV Vampyr successfully took out the only Dragon League army still left in Skyrim. The captured League paramilitaries spoke of heinous experiments, cooperation with the Thalmor and revealed that the Antonius Brutus Marius had a surprise for the Legion, waiting in the Imperial City. -
Battle of Summerset Isles
For the first time, Summerset Isles themselves faced attacks. Using the recently-occupied island of Stros M'Kai for refueling and rearming, the Imperial Eagles I Umbra and III Faxtrebatum, commanded by Commodore Carvilius Paetus, bombed Firsthold, Lillandril and Cloudrest, using the Imperial Malleus X Buccus for covering fire. In order to defend the Isles, Thorontur ordered most Padoth Condor warplanes to depart from Cyrodiil and aid the Isles, leaving Dominion soldiers without air support. -
Telaiel Lichenthorn executed
Archmagister Durion Thorontur felt passionate anger towards Telaiel Lichenthorn, the Archmagister of Valenwood, who refused to industrialize Valenwood. Blaming her for the failure of the Final March, Thorontur ordered Lichenthorn to be arrested and executed for high treason. Although she was supported by Thorontur's magisters, none of them dared to anger Durion by standing against his will. After Lichenthorn's death, Valenwood remained leaderless for a few months. -
Veryan Rûdhon contacts Fabius Lucius
Veryan Rûdhon was having major doubts over Durion Thorontur's leadership. He sent an encrypted telegram to High Chancellor Fabius Lucius. Contained within was an anonymous message, carrying the words: "Would peace between the Altmer and the Imperials be possible under certain circumstances?". Rûdhon received a simple answer: "Over my dead body." -
Jerall-Valus Offensive begins
The first step of the Liberation Plan involved a massive invasion of Cyrodiil: the Jerall-Valus Offensive. Millions of soldiers crossed the Jerall Mountains and the Valus Mountains to defeat Dominion Mantia units in County Bruma and County Cheydinhal. The goal of the Jerall-Valus Offensive was to put the Alliance within striking distance of the Imperial City. Twelve legions (3,292,300 personnel) and nine Dunmeri Muatra divisions (1,992,100 personnel) took part in the offensive. -
Battle of Blue Hills
Legio II Avendum, Legio III Nasca, Legio IV Falerfagus and Høgnakørstarmannar Tolf XII crossed the Jerall Mountains and advanced towards Bruma with unprecedented speed. While advancing through the region of Blue Hills, 52 miles northeast of Bruma, the four Imperial armies came across Dominion Mantia Tenth and Eleventh Divisions, who had built fortifications in the area. After five days of fighting, the Elvish armies were routed and the Empire scored a decisive victory. -
Battle of Malvern
Muatra Salen, composed entirely of tanks, rode over the Valus Mountains and crossed the border to Cyrodiil. Commanded by People's General Rivoth Sarvth, the Dunmeri tanks met the Dominion Mantia Third Army in the town of Malvern, twenty miles from Cheydinhal. In the battle, the Muatra Salen routed the Third Army, using tanks capable of Destruction magic. The road to Cheydinhal was cleared and Muatra Mournhold was ordered to liberate the city. -
Battle of Sedor
The recreated Legio I Fortes, now mostly composed of mechanized units, crossed the Jerall Mountains from Riften and rode towards the major town of Bleaker's Way. Legio I Fortes was intercepted near the village of Sedor by the Dominion Fanacas II Squad, who were searching for Dragon League troops sighted in the area. The Battle of Sedor was easily won by the Legio I Fortes, who crushed the Fanacas II Squad battlemages under the treads of their tanks. -
Battle of Dragonclaw
During the second phase of the Jerall-Valus Offensive, Legio X Querrum and Legio IX Malum crossed the Pale Pass and advanced into Cyrodiil. The Verauf Second Rangers Squad and the Mantia Fifth Army ventured out from Bruma to meet them. The two armies met near the mining town of Dragonclaw. The Empire secured a decisive victory and crushed the Dominion resistance, clearing the way towards Bruma. Imperial Eagles were ordered to commence the bombardment of Dominion bases located within the city. -
The story of Hakon Vestgeirsson
Hakon Vestgeirsson was a soldier of the Høgnakørstarmannar Tri. Before the war, Hakon studied art in Whiterun. When war arrived to Skyrim, he enlisted in the Nordic national army. Hakon fought in the Battle of Whiterun and accompanied his comrades to Cyrodiil, where he took part in the Jerall-Valus Offensive. Hakon received only minor injuries and bravely fought until the war ended. After the war, Hakon returned to Whiterun and married his girlfriend, settling down to a life of merited comfort. -
Liberation of Bruma
Legio X Querrum and Legio IX Malum won the Battle of Dragonclaw and launched the Second Battle of Bruma. The Muatra Telvannis crossed the Valus Mountains to attack the Dominion flanks. Facing utter destruction, the three Mantias and their Bosmer allies retreated from Bruma to defend the Imperial City from a possible attack. Furious over their defeat, the Padoth Condors Seventh Group carpet bombed Bruma to cause irreversible cultural damage to the city. -
Battle of Bleaker's Way
After winning the Battle of Sedor, the Legio I Fortes rode towards Bleaker's Way, a city with 500,000 inhabitants. The city was defended by a token garrison composed of the Mantia Meldis IV, a conscript army of Bosmeri youth from Falinesti. The Meldis IV offered little resistance to Legio I Fortes and surrendered after two days of warfare. Legio I Fortes took the Meldis IV as prisoners of war and entered Bleaker's Way to much jubilation. The road towards the Imperial City was now clear. -
Alawnaen Thorontur appointed as the Archmagister of Valenwood
After Telaiel Lichenthorn's execution, the Dominion of Valenwood was left leaderless. Durion Thorontur appointed Alawnaen Thorontur, his wife, as the Archmagister of Valenwood. She was given absolute powers to do whatever she wanted with the province. Alawnaen launched mass executions of Bosmeri draft dodgers and allocated large swathes of Central Valenwood for industrialization. All opposition to her rule was promptly and utterly crushed by the Thalmor Talons. -
Thalia Mafortion imprisoned
Thalia Mafortion, the Magister of Order and the leader of the Thalmor Talons, was imprisoned after rumors reached Durion Thorontur that she had planned to assassinate him. Thalia's betrayal came as a shock to Thorontur's cabinet. Ana Mafortion was thrown into disarray, as she understood her sister's motivations. Her unwavering devotion to Durion Thorontur was shattered and she began to meet with Veryan Rûdhon. The two magisters shared their fear over Thorontur's growing fanaticism. -
Project Aetherius detonates the first soul bomb
After solving numerous scientific and arcane problems, the Synod acquired a black soul gem, which contained the soul of a dying legionnaire. The black soul gem was inserted into a warhead and exploded over the Sea of Ghosts. A massive purple explosion sent 1000 tons of water into a Dragon Break. This highly successful test, retrospectively called the S-Day, proved that soul bombs could be successfully exploded over a wide area. Synod began to construct more soul bombs. -
Liberation of Western Reach
Before the Third Great War, Bretons and Reachmen were steadfast enemies. Now, the two sides cooperated to liberate High Rock from the Orcish occupation. The Faol Alrach (Red Hunters) organization launched open warfare against the Orcish garrisons of Western Reach, forcing them to retreat towards Northpoint. After Reachmen insurgency successfully defeated the last Orcish armies, Western Reach was liberated. The Free Bretonic Army used Western Reach as their base of operations. -
Liberation of Cheydinhal
After Battle of Malvern routed the Mantia Third Army, they retreated to Cheydinhal. Muatra Mournhold, main army of the Union of Mahakhist Syndicates, assaulted the city. Using the People's Foyada Sheogorath to achieve air superiority, the Muatra Mournhold invaded downtown Cheydinhal and decisively defeated the Mantia Third Army. The inhabitants of Cheydinhal welcomed the Dunmer as liberators and began enlisting in local Talos Squads, to liberate the rest of County Cheydinhal. -
The story of Arshyr Boldoth
Arshyr Boldoth was a battlemage of the Muatra Mournhold. He was a student of Destruction and fought bravely to liberate Cyrodiil. Unlike most of his comrades, he fraternized with Imperial legionnaires and made several friendships. Arshyr took part in most major battles of Cyrodiil. After the war, his life took a dangerous turn after the government of UMS ordered his village to be purged. Arshyr escaped from certain death and fled to Cheydinhal. Two years later, he became a citizen of the Empire. -
Battle of Avalon
The Muatra Kragenmoor, composed of Dunmeri volunteer fighters, was ordered to secure the small town of Avalon, located only 50 miles from the Imperial City. The Avalon Talos Squad, unaware that the Union of Mahakhist Syndicates had joined the war on the Empire's side, opened fire on the Muatra Kragenmoor. For three days, the two detachments battled. On the fourth day, orders arrived to both sides to cease fire. Muatra Kragenmoor disarmed the Talos Squad and sent them to repair Cheydinhal. -
Omnioccidit hastened
Due to the invasion of Cyrodiil, Durion Thorontur gave out orders to hasten the process of Omnioccidit. By now, 6 million Imperials had died in the purification camps near Strid River and in Bravil. There had been riots in multiple camps among the imprisoned, but all camps were kept fully functional and continued to exterminate Imperials. Using the Strid River for disposal, the bodies of thousands of Imperials began to spread into the Abecean Sea. -
Camlorn and Koegria liberated
After the successful liberation of Western Reach by the Faol Alrach, the Free Bretonic Army liberated the cities of Camlorn and Koegria from Orcish occupation. The furious Orcs organized retribution attacks, slaughtering entire villages of Bretons for harboring Free Bretonic Army members. These vicious attacks on defenseless Bretonic citizens increased enlistment in the Free Bretonic Army. Soon, all cities in High Rock were enveloped with uprisings. -
The story of Aodrena Vallée
Aodrena Vallée was a partisan of the Free Bretonic Army. Before the war and during the Orcish occupation, Aodrena studied psychology in the University of Camlorn. When her family was killed by the Orcs for supporting the resistance, she picked up a gun and joined the Free Army. Aodrena and her comrades fought to liberate numerous small cities in the former Kingdom of Camlorn. During the Battle of Durrac, Aodrena was injured by an Orcish sniper and spent the rest of the war in a hospital. -
The Fourth Arnesian War begins
Dunmeri Muatra Necrom and Khanen Western Squad attacked Argonia from its northern border, capturing the cities of Stormhold and Thorn. Argonians, caught by surprise, were recalled by Hist to protect their homeland from the Dunmeri invasion. Even though some token Argonian forces remained within other Compact armies, for all intents and purposes the State of Argonia exited the Compact to fight exclusively with the Dunmeri invading forces. -
Alessian Order steals "Jaws of Akatosh"
"Jaws of Akatosh", an invocation promising to eradicate all Altmer from Nirn, was taken by the Redguards from the Dragon League. En route to be delivered to Sentinel, the vehicle transporting the Prophecy was attacked by tall men in blue robes. The Alessian Order took the Elder Scroll upon which the "Jaws of Akatosh" rested and disappeared without killing a single person. -
Desnia Thorontur born
Born in Falinesti, Desnia Thorontur was the daughter of the murderous Archmagister Durion Thorontur and his equally murderous wife Alawnaen Thorontur. Desnia Thorontur never knew her father, who seldom left Alinor during the war. An ethnic Bosmer, Desnia Thorontur was never even considered to be a successor to her father and enjoyed a life of relative anonymity with her mother in Valenwood. -
Battle of Ninendava
Legio X Querrum, sent to clear the way for an eventual liberation of Chorrol, met the Ra Gada Tenth Division near Ninendava, a large town in Colovian Highlands. The Battle of Ninendava was brief, only lasting four days, and led to the unconditional surrender of Ra Gada Tenth Division to the Legio X Querrum. As the Yokudan Empire had began to coalesce their troops into the Imperial City, their defenses in Colovia had grown weak. -
The Ayleid Plan is stopped
A year ago, Aearion Aradon had acquired an abandoned Imperial facility called the Shardrock Airbase, where he attempted to use various alchemical and arcane experiments to turn Imperial test subjects into Elves. Aradon's brutal experiments weren't successful, as the mutants who were born from his experiments had limbs and ears in all the wrong places. Aradon ordered the Padoth Condors to destroy Shardrock and returned to Alinor. -
Composition of the Imperial Legion
So many young Imperial men had perished during the first four years of the war that the Imperial Legion was facing a serious shortage of manpower. As a result, by 5E 288, 40% of all legionnaires were Nords. This led High Chancellor Fabius Lucius to proclaim Skyrim the "last bastion of mankind". During the last years of the war, women had also began to fervently enter Imperial military. In total, 10% of all legionnaires were female, mostly of Imperial descent. -
Second Battle of Imperial City begins
Legio I Fortes, Legio II Avendum, Legio III Nasca, Legio IV Falerfagus and Høgnakørstarmannar Tolf XII attacked the Imperial City. Mantia Tenth and Eleventh Divisions were holed up in the Imperial City with the Ra Gada First, Second, Fourth and Sixth Divisions. Dunmeri Foyadas were used for Imperial aerial support. Close to three and a half million soldiers were involved in the Second Battle of the Imperial City, making it the largest and the bloodiest battle in the Third Great War. -
Elven Gardens Massacre
After the arrival of the Imperial Legion, the inhabitants of the Elven Gardens District launched an uprising. Saruril Mithran, the Archmagister of Cyrodiil, ordered the complete destruction of the district and the extermination of its population. Soldiers of the Fanacas III Squad carried out his orders. The Elvish troops drank, raped and murdered their way through the District, killing 10,000 civilians in total. Eventually, 60% of all buildings in the Elven Gardens District were demolished. -
Liberation of Chorrol
Imperial Vigilo Occidentalem and Vigilo Orientalem, elite arcane troops, infiltrated Chorrol and used Alteration magic to sabotage war machines. Imperial Numeri II, made up of Elven volunteers, assaulted and liberated Chorrol for the Empire. The Hunters First and Sixth Brigades, who built airbases around Chorrol, were taken out and their warplanes destroyed, removing the entire airforce of Hammerfell from the Third Great War. -
Assault on Aleswell
Acting on a rumor that Ana Mafortion was inspecting a Dominion army unit in Aleswell, Penitus Oculatus agents infiltrated the populous suburb of the Imperial City. The rumors turned out to be false, but the Oculatus did take out Captain Neûria Eorwye, a high-ranking Thalmori Talon implicated in carrying out war crimes in Skingrad. From her corpse, detailed plans to turn the entire Imperial Waterfront into a massive extermination center were found. -
Battle for the Arcane University
During the Second Battle of Imperial City, the Legio II Avendum attempted to invade and reclaim the Arcane University. The University was guarded by the Fanacas III Squad, who generated magical barriers to keep the Legio II Avendum out. Dunmeri D'nuhkena South Division battlemages were ordered for assistance. After two weeks of intense fighting, the Fanacas were routed and the Arcane University was reclaimed by the Empire. -
High Chancellor Fabius Lucius returns to Cyrodiil
Fabius Lucius traveled to Cheydinhal and set up his office in the former headquarters of the Mantia Third Army. In a radio broadcast made to let the Imperial public know that he was in Cyrodiil, he spoke the words: "We have obeyed the call of the Empire. In the hour of disaster and death, we found among her sons of Talos worthy enough to raise her from the dust. Now, our only aim is to remove all Thalmor corruption from the promised lands of Akatosh." -
Battle of Arboretum
Arboretum was the third most populous district in the Imperial City, containing 2,5 million citizens (pre-war). The Legio IV Falerfagus armed the local Talos Squads and used them to assault the Ra Gada Fourth Division machine gun nests built into the now-deserted apartment buildings. Suffering heavy casualties, the Legio IV Falerfagus pulled back and resorted to artillery bombardment. The Ra Gada machine gun nests were eventually cleared out by sustained artillery fire. -
Battle of Uriel
Uriel District in the Imperial City used to be a favorite for bohemians, adventurers and apprentice mages. During the Second Battle of Imperial City, it was fully depopulated and turned into a minefield by the Mantia Eleventh Division. Høgnakørstarmannar Tolf XII was tasked to liberate the district. They had to use armored personnel carriers and battletanks to move around in the dangerous streets. Eventually, the Tolf XII drove the Eleventh Division back into Temple District and liberated Uriel. -
The Big Collapse
In utter secrecy, the Dragon League had hidden itself in the Imperial Sewers. They had placed high-explosive bombs below all major streets of the city. During the Second Battle of the Imperial City, the League detonated the bombs, causing thousands of houses in the Imperial City to collapse, streets to fall into the sewers and tens of thousands of troops on both sides to die. Dragon League fighters appeared from the sewers to fanatically massacre every living thing in sight. -
Vlaestrus Comfort House discovered
Muatra Kragenmoor, clearing the way for the liberation of Skingrad, liberated the small town of Vlaestrus. Inside the town, a large multi-complex camp was discovered. This dark prison camp, operated by Fanacas troops, supplied enslaved Imperial comfort women to Thalmor officers, for carnal pleasures. The women, traumatized by their captivity, were liberated and the discovery of this heinous war crime worked to increase enlistment in the Talos Squads and the Imperial Legion. -
Battle of Weatherleah
Advancing towards Kvatch, Legio X Querrum was attacked by the Ra Gada Fifth Division, near the town of Weatherleah. The Legio X Querrum enjoyed numerical superiority and superior morale, but failed to decisively defeat the Fifth Division. The Ra Gada Fifth Division ordered the Bosmer Verauf Fifth Wing Squad to bomb the Legio X Querrum, which led to their dislodgement from Weatherleah. This defeat forced the Empire to focus on capturing Skingrad instead. -
The story of Hilla Bashir
Hilla Bashir was a sergeant of the Ra Gada Sixth Division. Before the war, Hilla was a poet and a supporter of the Yoku Power Party. He joined the war with fervor and his wartime poems became famous in Hammerfell. Hilla was a vicious soldier, who often joined the Altmer in committing crimes against the Imperials. During the Battle of Arboretum, he was wounded by a sniper. Hilla was found hiding in a bomb shelter. A group of furious civilians dragged him onto the streets and beat him to death. -
Battle of Brindle
The Mantia Thirteenth Group, helping the battered and wounded Orcish Zeth'kur Orsinium reach the Yokudan lines, was ambushed by Legio XIV Vampyr near the village of Brindle. In the resulting fight, the last remaining Orcish troops outside Orsinium were destroyed. The soldiers of the Thirteenth Group were taken as prisoners of war. Marshal Arandea Amonian, the leader of Dominion forces in Skyrim, was among those captured. Her capture and imprisonment was widely reported in the Imperial media. -
Battle of Green Skies
Due to the Imperial victories, the Compact troops still inside the Imperial City were being cut off from logistical support. Attempting to open a supply line from Weye to Skingrad, Mantia Tenth Division was attacked by the Dunmeri Muatra Telvannis. The Tenth Division suffered heavy casualties. In a last ditch effort, the Tenth Division used Destruction magic to destroy Dunmeri tanks, causing the skies above Weye to turn green. They weren't successful and retreated back into the City. -
The story of Metav Bonelda
Metav Bonelda was a legionnaire and a member of Legio IV Falerfagus. Before the war, Metav owned an automobile repair shop in the Imperial City. Metav was drafted into the war after his four legionnaire brothers pressured him to do so. He fought bravely during the Second Battle of Imperial City and gave the Dominion fighters no quarter. He fell in love with the Imperial Legion and continued to serve after the war, eventually rising to the rank of Colonel. -
Holyhead Camp liberated
The Holyhead Extermination Camp was liberated by Dragon League troops. Fanacas battlemages, carrying out the Omnioccidit, were marched to the Sancre Tor headquarters of the League for unknown malevolent purposes. The Dragon League supplied the Elder Council with information about the Camp, predating the Penitus Oculatus. According to seized paperwork, the Fanacas killed a combined total of 2 million Imperial civilians in the Holyhead Camp. -
Retribution Campaign begins
From their bases in Stros M'Kai, the Alliance launched the Retribution Campaign and began air raids on the Summerset Isles and Hammerfell. Cities of Gilane, Hegathe, Rihad, Lillandril, Cloudrest and Firsthold were bombed by Imperial and Dunmeri warplanes. Padoth Condors took down several Alliance bombers, but were hampered by corundia shortages. In a desperate measure, Dominion posted wizards along the northern coastline of the Summerset Isle to shoot rays of magic at the bombers. -
Dominion High Council convenes
Dominion High Council convened to discuss the war effort. During the meeting, Thorontur threatened to hunt down all Party members who had advocated for peace. Veryan Rûdhon suggested to end the Omnioccidit, afraid that the Empire might discover the purification camps and resort to extreme measures. Thorontur shot down the idea, as he believed that the Empire would never advance far enough to discover the camps. -
Dominion High Council continues
Aearion Aradon pressurized Thorontur to allocate more funds for the extermination of Imperials in Cyrodiil. In Aradon's mind, the finalization of the Omnioccidit was more important than winning the war. His request was denied, as the Dominion had acute military concerns to address. However, Thorontur did promise to Aradon that the extermination of the Imperials would be finalized after a military victory, as it was the "divine mission" of the Thalmor. -
Dominion High Council ends
Durion Thorontur took out most of his anger on Veryan Rûdhon, for his failure to secure fuel reserves and draft more Altmer for the war effort. He openly accused Rûdhon of working with the Empire and causing the Dominion to take massive losses in Skyrim and Eastern Cyrodiil. He ordered Rûdhon to increase enlistment in the Dominion Mantia units by 125% or face execution and replacement.
After the meeting ended, Rûdhon and Mafortion were both 100% certain of what had to be done. -
Battle of Rockpoint
Advancing through the swamps of Argonia, the Muatra Necrom suffered from ambushes by the Argonian guerrillas. In the town of Rockpoint, the Dunmeri troops of Muatra Necrom met with Scalebacks Purple and Orange Divisions. The Muatra Necrom won a decisive victory, but were unable to push forwards. With Dunmeri casualties mounting in the swamps of Argonia, Falaris Eldhren ordered his armies to pull back to Morrowind. The Foyada airforce was used to provide cover for the retreating Muatra troops. -
Sancre Tor Strategy launched
Antonius Brutus Marius initiated the Sancre Tor Strategy, to seriously hinder the Dominion's ability to wage war in Cyrodiil. Under the strategy, the League was to use suicide bombings and tactical artillery strikes to eliminate the Dominion Army Headquarters in Cyrodiil and kill as many high-ranking military officers as possible. Dragon League agents were sent to infiltrate Skingrad, Kvatch and Anvil. -
Liberation of Leyawiin
Ever since the early stages of the Third Great War, the city of Leyawiin had been jointly occupied by Argonian and Bosmeri troops. After the Argonians left to defend their homeland, the Bosmer were left alone to guard the city. Nibenean Talos Squads attacked the city with the intent to dislodge the Verauf Ranger Squads. After three months of warfare, the Bosmeri troops were routed from Leyawiin and the major city was reclaimed by the Empire. -
Republic of Orsinium defeated
The Free Bretonic Army fought the Orcish occupation fervently. Hundreds of towns had been liberated by the Bretonic guerrillas. The liberation of Wayrest crippled the Orcish war effort and led to a general retreat of all Orcish troops from High Rock. Général Gurient Dowrick of the Free Bretonic Army signed a ceasefire with the Republic of Orsinium and ordered the liberation of Southern High Rock. -
Second Battle of Imperial City ends
After six months of heavy fighting, the Imperial City was finally liberated by the Alliance after the exhausted Compact forces inside the city surrendered. The captured Redguard soldiers constituted the majority of all Yokudan Empire troops active in Cyrodiil, essentially crippling the Redguard war effort. Although the Imperial City was left in ruins, its liberation was a massive symbolic victory for the Empire and made many in the Aldmeri Dominion incredibly anxious about the future. -
Massacre in the City begins
After Redguard and Dominion soldiers inside the Imperial City surrendered, they were left at the mercy of the Alliance. Talos Squads and Imperial legionnaires used this opportunity to carry out their revenge. The Massacre in the City began, during which roughly a quarter of the surrendered troops were beaten to death by the legionnaires. The Dunmeri troops strongly condemned the proceedings. Captured Altmeri troops suffered the most brutal treatment. -
Veryan Rûdhon encounters the Penitus Oculatus
Veryan Rûdhon was afraid for his life. He attempted defection into the Yokudan Empire by sending an encrypted message from Anvil to Sentinel. His message was intercepted by the Penitus Oculatus, who located Rûdhon. The agents arrived to kill him. Rûdhon stopped them by asking for delivery of a note to Emperor Gaius Tiberius. The note contained suggestions that Rûdhon was attempting to remove Thorontur from power and asked the Emperor to consider a truce. -
Yokudan Empire retreats from Cyrodiil
The Yokudan Empire lost a vast majority of its fighting force during the Final March and was unable to replenish their ranks. Under President Mona's orders, the Yokudan Empire pulled all of its surviving troops back to Hammerfell. The hastily set-up civilian administration in Colovia was dismantled. About 30,000 Imperials were taken by the Ra Gada from Colovia and marched to Hammerfell, where they were enslaved and forced to work in factories to produce munitions. -
The Imperial City Conference begins
Following the liberation of the Imperial City, the Alliance convened in the White-Gold Tower for a second conference. Falaris Eldhren of Morrowind, Fabius Lucius of the Empire and Katrin Jonsdottir of Skyrim were represented; the Free Bretonic Army was not invited. Lucius and Eldhren declared the goal of the Alliance to be utter destruction of the Aldmeri Dominion and the Yokudan Empire. Dragon League was declared a national threat and was to be eliminated after the Compact was defeated. -
The Imperial City Conference ends
Fabius Lucius revealed that the Empire was working on a weapon of mass destruction and that it would be ready by the time the invasion of Summerset Isles was launched. Falaris Eldhren wished for the Empire to share the weapon with the Union of Mahakhist Syndicates, which Lucius promised to do after the war. The Imperial City Conference ended with the Annihilation Declaration: due to the crimes of the Compact, nothing short of an utter destruction and subjugation would be afforded to them. -
State of the Compact and the Alliance
Although the Imperial Legion had won many victories in Cyrodiil, their numbers were dwindling and supply lines were becoming increasingly harder to maintain. The Yokudan Empire and Skyrim saw most of their soldiers eliminated, while the Aldmeri Dominion still had a relatively large army in Cyrodiil, albeit one plagued by resource shortages and low morale. The Dunmer had the largest and the most capable fighting force, but they were under strict orders to avoid overextending. -
Liberation of Bravil
Legio IX Malum and Legio X Querrum moved out from Imperial City and assaulted Bravil, held by the Bosmeri Verauf First and Eight Ranger Squads. After weeks of fighting, the utterly demoralized Bosmeri troops surrendered. The victorious legions entered the city, only to discover that it was deserted and filled with corpses of Imperial civilians. Half-dismantled extermination camps were found and survivors spoke of the Omnioccidit. -
Penicillin discovered
Thorion Erynion, an alchemist employed as a medic for the Mantia Fifth Army, discovered that certain breeds of fungi were capable of producing substances that killed bacteria. Discovering penicillin to be the culprit, he extracted and isolated the substance from fungus. He tested his theory on victims of the war and lower mortality rates were recorded among the injured under his care. Thanks to his efforts, antibiotics were added to Tamrielic medical knowledge. -
Battle of Skingrad begins
Høgnakørstarmannar Tolf XII, Legio I Fortes and Muatra Mournhold advanced towards Skingrad, a city heavily fortified by two Mantia divisions and Padoth Condors. Alliance troops encircled the city, using Foyada Sheogorath for precision strikes. The battle turned into a protracted siege, with no side gaining an advantage over the other. The Dominion Mantias were constantly attacked by Dragon League agents, who targeted high-ranking officers as per the Sancre Tor Strategy. -
Liberation of Hackdirt
The city of Hackdirt was abandoned by the Ra Gada as they retreated over the Colovian Highlands to defend Hammerfell. Legio X Querrum was ordered to secure Hackdirt and drive out all remaining Redguard forces. Arriving in the city, the Legio X Querrum reported that the civilians were eerily calm. It was later found out that the retreating Redguards had taken 10,000 people from Hackdirt to be used as slave labor. People who weren't taken had developed survivor's guilt. -
Durion Thorontur meets with Shimmerene Steelworks Corporation representatives
Visiting Shimmerene for a scheduled meeting with the Shimmerene Steelworks Corporation representatives, Archmagister Thorontur departed from Alinor. He was accompanied by a group of Thalmor Talon bodyguards. What Durion didn't know was that the Talons accompanying him were allied with Veryan Rûdhon. They were given orders to arrange for a fatal "accident" to occur to Thorontur. -
Durion Thorontur assassinated
Archmagister Durion Thorontur spent the whole day inquiring about Shimmerene's economic potential. Heading back towards Alinor the next morning, his entourage reached a bend near a small village called Yellowfields. Thalmor Talon agents accompanying Durion used this opportunity to slit his throat. His car was blown up with magic and the Talon agents carrying out the deed immediately contacted the highest tiers of Dominion's government, informing them of a "terrorist" attack. -
The Dusk Coup begins
Informed that Durion Thorontur's assassination was a success, Veryan Rûdhon launched the Dusk Coup. He appointed himself the new Archmagister and declared a state of military emergency. Agents of the Thalmor Talons were ordered to arrest Durion Thorontur's most loyal followers. Reserve military units were tasked to uphold public order in major cities. After gaining control over the city of Alinor, Rûdhon made a public speech to the Altmeri nation. -
Excerpt from Rûdhon's Address to the Nation
"Unscrupulous terrorists have slain Archmagister Thorontur in cold blood. The whole world might vilify us, but I am still convinced that Durion did the right thing. In the hour of greatest despair, he took upon himself the burden of leadership. However, the events of the past four years have changed our nation deeply. War is a valley of misery, hopelessness and death. We must not allow our Dominion to go adrift on uncharted seas of eternal warfare. Peace, however uncomfortable, must be had." -
The Dusk Coup ends
Archmagister Rûdhon used forged documents to successfully convince high-ranking government officials that the Dragon League were behind Thorontur's assassination. Generals of Dominion Mantia, who had suffered from Thorontur's unwillingness to abandon the Final March, backed the Dusk Coup. Thalmor Party bureaucrats, who were distinctly pro-Thorontur, resisted the Coup and accused Rûdhon of usurping power. After a series of arrests and executions, their resistance was ruthlessly crushed. -
Valenwood placed under martial law
Alawnaen Thorontur, the surviving wife of Durion Thorontur and the Archmagister of Valenwood, managed to stay in power through clever manipulation of Archmagister Rûdhon and threats of Bosmeri secession. Her harsh rule led to local riots among the war-weary Bosmer. Alawnaen Thorontur declared martial law and used the Thalmor Talons to round up and execute the instigators of the riots. Under her autocratic rule, Thoronturism survived the Dusk Coup and hardliners continued to rule in Valenwood. -
Treaty of Moonmarch signed
State of Argonia, bombed into submission by the Dunmer, officially surrendered to the Union of Mahakhist Syndicates. The Treaty of Moonmarch, signed between the Empire, the UMS and the An-Xileel, demanded Argonia to step out of the Compact, pay war reparations to the Empire and allow the annexation of the cities of Stormhold and Thorn by the UMS. The terms were deemed acceptable and Argonia became the second member of the Compact to exit the war. -
The Corinthe Negotiations begin
Archmagister Veryan Rûdhon contacted High Chancellor Fabius Lucius and arranged for talks on neutral grounds. In the Elsweyrian city of Corinthe, negotiations were held. Fabius Lucius, believing that the mere existence of an Altmeri superstate was a permanent threat to the Empire, was hesitant to speak with Rûdhon. Purely due to the Emperor Gaius Tiberius insistence did he finally agree to hear Rûdhon out. -
The Corinthe Negotiations off to a rocky start
Fabius Lucius began the negotiations on a sour note by calling the Aldmeri Dominion an abomination. Lucius, knowledgeable of the Omnioccidit, accused Veryan Rûdhon of doing nothing to end the slaughter of Imperials and of being silently in favor of the proceedings. Veryan Rûdhon, knowledgeable of the weakened state of the Imperial Legion, asked Lucius if a world dominated by Falaris Eldhren and the Union of Mahakhist Syndicates would be a world that he'd like to live in. -
The Corinthe Negotiations continue with a positive note
Fabius Lucius knew that the Union of Mahakhist Syndicates would sooner-or-later betray the Empire. Veryan Rûdhon revealed a secret to Fabius Lucius: he was behind Thorontur's death. He proposed a restoration of the pre-war status quo between the two nations, with the condition that the Dominion and the Thalmor Party be allowed to exist. In return, Rûdhon offered a permanent peace, the renunciation of Dominion's aggression and the delivery of war criminals to the Empire. Lucius was tempted. -
The Corinthe Negotiations end
Fabius Lucius knew that the Imperial City Conference forbade him from seeking a ceasefire with the Dominion, but he also knew that the Imperial Legion couldn't win a protracted war against the Dominion: even the invasion of Valenwood was considered a near-impossibility. The negotiations ended after Fabius Lucius promised to consult the Emperor. In case the Emperor wished to seek peace, a peace would be had. -
Battle of Kvatch begins
Legio XIV Vampyr was split from Battlegroup Skingrad to advance and liberate Kvatch from its Dominion occupiers. Attacking from east, the Legio XIV Vampyr took heavy damage from Fanacas XI Squad battlemages, commanded by Grandmaster Eremor Melancar personally. The Battle of Kvatch turned into a bloody quagmire, just like the Battle of Skingrad, with neither side having enough manpower to dare a direct assault. -
Emperor and High Chancellor discuss a ceasefire
High Chancellor Fabius Lucius informed Emperor Gaius Tiberius of the results of the Corinthe Negotiations. Emperor Gaius was happy to hear that there was a non-violent solution, but believed that the Empire should secure a major victory over the Dominion before official talks began, to secure a better bargain. Both men agreed that an uneasy peace with the Dominion was preferable to mutual extinction. -
East Midlands Complex liberated
The East Midlands Complex, located 20 miles south of Skingrad, was the largest Thalmor purification camp built into Cyrodiil. Second only to Holyhead Camp in its casualty rate, 1,5 million Imperials lost their lives in the Complex. It was finally liberated after Legio X Querrum fought their way through County Skingrad. Esden Bureus, a Restoration mage and a legionnaire of the Legio X Querrum, composed a full report on the horrors of the East Midlands Complex. -
Bureus's Report on the East Midlands Complex I
"…the further we walked into the camp, the stronger the bitter smell of burning flesh grew. Black ash rained down on us from the skies, darkening the ground… Countless crippled, wretched figures with shrunken faces and bald heads were standing outside of the camp. With their arms extended, they were begging and screaming for bread. They were whining out of despair and wiping away their tears… Only death reigned here. It smelled of it." -
Bureus's Report on the East Midlands Complex II
"Corporal Laenius told us that this is what was called a “purification camp”, that we were about to see things our young eyes were in no way prepared for. He told us to look as long as our stomachs lasted, and then pray to the Gods. He spoke so softly we could barely hear him. The Corporal had fought in Falkreath and in the Imperial City. The Corporal had seen the deaths of thousands of soldiers. I didn't understand why this place was having this effect on him. I didn’t understand at all.” -
Bureus's Report on the East Midlands Complex III
"...there were massive arcane chambers, and on each side of them was a room fifty feet square, crammed to the ceiling with Imperial bodies - one big stinking rotten mess. Their faces purple, their eyes popping, and with a hideous grin on each one. They were nothing but bones and skins. Two legionnaires were attempting to identify some of the dead. The bodies squooshed and gurgled as they were touched and the odor could almost be seen. I had enough. I laid my rifle on the ground and ran outside." -
Bureus's Report on the East Midlands Complex IV
"When our tanks arrived at the Complex, we captured a dozen Altmer, who had been members of the Fanacas.
I asked one of them: “Why did you do that?” and pointed towards the corpses. He replied: “The Thalmor didn’t ask if I wanted to. No, I didn’t want to. But better be the one burning the corpses, than be the one burning. That’s why I did it.”
Corporal Laenius cried out: “Mara's mercy, how can this be?! I can’t fathom this. The Aedra will have to beg for our forgiveness!” -
Battle of Skingrad intensifies
Høgnakørstarmannar Tolf XII, Legio I Fortes and the Muatra Mournhold relied almost exclusively on heavy shelling and air raids, due to the presence of large quantities of Dominion Mantia troops within Skingrad. The bombardment caused heavy casualties among Skingrad's civilian population. Situation inside the city was equally dire. The cut-off Dominion troops resorted to eating leather shoes and rats to keep themselves alive. Starvation began killing Dominion troops en masse. -
Sancre Tor Campaign expanded
Thanks to the Sancre Tor Campaign, the elimination of high-ranking military officers of the Aldmeri Dominion through clandestine methods, the Dragon League managed to murder every Dominion officer above the rank of Colonel active in Cyrodiil. The Dragon League authorized the Sancre Tor Campaign to also cover the Alliance, and the murdering of Imperial, Nordic and Dunmeri military officers began. -
Battle of Daggerfall begins
Free Bretonic Army had gained strength through the liberation of small towns and villages. From every town liberated, the Army gained thousands of new fighters. Alongside with the Reachmen organization of Faol Alrach, the Free Bretonic Army laid siege to Daggerfall, one of the largest cities in Tamriel. The city itself was defended only by a small garrison of volunteer Mantia troops, but due to the sheer size of Daggerfall, the battle grew to become a siege. -
Battle of Ravenford
Legio III Nasca and Legio IV Falerfagus attempted to advance towards Anvil and launch the siege of the second-largest city in Cyrodiil. In the town of Ravenford, 30 miles from Anvil, they were attacked by the Dominion Mantia Sixteenth Division, freshly composed in the Isles. The two legions suffered casualties and were routed. The Battle of Ravenford proved that the Dominion still had some strength left and led to the reopening of the Corinthe Negotiations. -
Silinthar Massacre
A year ago, Magister Ana Mafortion had ordered the construction of Silinthar, an Elvish colony in Cyrodiil. While marching towards Anvil, Legio X Querrum found the village. Knowledgeable of Silinthar's purpose, Major Julianus Novation of Legio X Querrum ordered his men to "slaughter the bastards". All of its 5,000 residents were systematically executed and buried in mass graves, making it the deadliest Imperial war crime. Major Novation was later court-martialed for his role in the massacre. -
Project Aetherius successfully completed
The Synod informed the Emperor, the Elder Council and the High Chancellor that Project Aetherius had been successfully completed: the first soul bomb had been constructed. Due to their extremely destructive power, the soul bombs were considered weapons of last resort, to be used when conventional weapons had exhausted themselves. Emperor Gaius strictly forbade the usage of soul bombs within Cyrodiil, due to the potential collateral damage. -
Liberation of Skingrad
After Imperial Vigilo Orientalem managed to sneak a bomb past the Dominion Mantia troops to take out their headquarters, mass confusion arose in their ranks. Alliance troops struck hard and entered Skingrad as victors. Dominion troops, fearing large casualties, fled to Anvil to prepare for their last stand. After the city was liberated, the Rape of Skingrad was discovered: the willful slaughter of the city's civilian populations by the occupying Mantia troops. -
The Corinthe Negotiations restarted
Emperor Gaius Tiberius, First Secretary Falaris Eldhren and High Chancellor Fabius Lucius flew to the city of Corinthe and met with Archmagister Veryan Rûdhon, Magister Ana Mafortion and Omniseer Locien Morohtar. The Corinthe Negotiations were launched, to secure a peace treaty between the Aldmeri Dominion, the Empire of Tamriel and the Union of Mahakhist Syndicates. -
The Corinthe Negotiations: Thalmor Party
Archmagister Veryan Rûdhon had a simple request: the primacy of the Thalmor Party in the Dominion was not to be questioned. Fabius Lucius, however, found the Party to be inherently anti-Imperial and pro-war. Ana Mafortion argued that the Thalmor Party was oriented towards self-defense and the Empire just happened to constantly threaten its survival. Emperor Gaius Tiberius decided that the Party's primacy in the Isles was only agreeable if it promised to bury the legacy of Durion Thorontur. -
The Corinthe Negotiations: Omnioccidit
Emperor Gaius Tiberius called the Omnioccidit the number one reason why a ceasefire wouldn't be accepted in Cyrodiil. Ana Mafortion claimed that no high-ranking Dominion Cabinet members were aware of the proceedings. After intense negotiations, Veryan Rûdhon promised to deliver architects of the Omnioccidit to the Empire for trials. Lucius Fabius did not pursue additional measures, as he believed that the Aedra themselves would eventually punish the Altmer for their crimes. -
The Corinthe Negotiations: Auridon & The Dragon League
Falaris Eldhren demanded the Dominion to cede sovereignty over the island of Auridon, which would be jointly ruled by the Empire and the UMS. Both Rûdhon and Lucius shot Eldhren's idea down as unreasonable. Locien Morohtar demanded the Empire to execute all Dragon League members as war criminals. Fabius Lucius admitted that the Dragon League had grown into a state-within-a-state and that a separate war against the League was necessary. -
The Corinthe Negotiations: Yokudan Empire
Veryan Rûdhon had no problems with the Empire and the UMS continuing a separate war against the Yokudan Empire. As a matter of fact, he keenly encouraged it. By the time of the Corinthe Negotiations, meaningful cooperation between the Dominion and the Yokudan Empire had broken down, so it was easy for the Dominion to sell their old allies out. Fabius Lucius asked for and received a list of all Yokudan Empire officers who were involved with launching the Third Great War. -
The Corinthe Negotiations: Aggression
Falaris Eldhren proclaimed that the Dominion had to take the responsibility for causing the outbreak of the Third Great War. Dominion representatives found this condition to be hard to argue against. However, a loophole was found: Durion Thorontur and his "evil mesmerizing hold on the peace-loving Altmeri nation" could be used as a scapegoat, shifting the blame from the Thalmor Party and their radical ideologies. -
The Corinthe Negotiations: The Future
Fabius Lucius, Falaris Eldhren, Locien Morohtar and Ana Mafortion all saw an eventual Fourth Great War happening, while Veryan Rûdhon and Emperor Gaius Tiberius believed that peaceful co-existence was possible. Lucius revealed that the Empire was planning to extinguish Redguard independence and acquire Hammerfell as a province. Rûdhon did not object to his plan, as long as the Empire kept its hands away from Valenwood. -
The Corinthe Negotiations end
With common ground achieved, the Corinthe Concordat was signed. The Crystal Concordat was declared superseded, the Thalmor Party was allowed primacy over the Dominion, the worship of Phynaster was allowed and the Dominion was to arrest all those involved with the Omnioccidit and deliver them to the Empire. According to the Concordat, a ceasefire would be announced on 24th, followed by the Concordat becoming a legally binding treaty on the 31th. -
Battle of Miscarcand
The last battle in the Third Great War between the Dominion and the Empire, the Battle of Miscarcand began after the Legio I Fortes was ordered to liberate the town of Miscarcand, where the Dominion Mantia Seventeenth Division had began to shell local Talos Squads. The battle itself was brief and resulted in a decisive victory for the Legio I Fortes, who defeated the Seventeenth Division and disarmed them. -
Ceasefire declared
At 00:01, 23rd Sun's Dawn, a ceasefire was declared between the Empire of Tamriel, the Union of Mahakhist Syndicates and the Aldmeri Dominion. All troops were ordered to stop combat. Aerial bombardment of Cyrodiil and Summerset Isles halted. Although the Corinthe Concordat wasn't active yet, the Empire already began mobilizing troops towards Hammerfell. -
Corinthe Concordat declared
On 31rd Sun's Dawn, the Corinthe Concordat was declared. Its contents were simultaneously read over the radio by Emperor Gaius Tiberius, First Secretary Falaris Eldhren, Archmagister Veryan Rûdhon and Prime Minister Katrin Jonsdottir. Euphoria led jubilant crowds to overtake the streets. People of all nations were glad to finally see the end of the vicious Dominion-Empire war. Both sides of the Third Great War considered the war to be a strategic victory. -
Total war declared in the Yokudan Empire
President Abdul Hameed Mona presented a speech over both radio and television, declaring that Hammerfell itself had come under attack and the future of the Redguard race was in jeopardy. He declared that the Yokudan Empire was in a state of total war, with all 16-55 aged men and women required to enlist and serve. Massive auxiliary battalions were created and propaganda works were created to convince the Redguards that "Eastern monsters" were coming to exterminate their society. -
Prisoners of war in Cyrodiil
After the liberation of Cyrodiil, the Empire had gained vast numbers of Elvish prisoners of war. These POW's were used as laborers and were forced to reconstruct buildings, feed civilians, heal wounded legionnaires and perform menial labor. Bosmeri captives were left to their own devices, while Altmeri prisoners were routinely harassed. After the Corinthe Concordat was signed, hundreds of thousands of POW's were transferred back to the Dominion. The process of repatriation took a year in total. -
The Compact dissolved
In the city of Gilane, the representatives of the Republic of Orsinium, State of Argonia, Aldmeri Dominion and Yokudan Empire officially dissolved the Compact, leaving the Redguards to face the full might of the Alliance by themselves. Exhausted and with most of its military forces destroyed, President Abdul Hameed Mona refused to surrender, preferring a honorable extinction to a dishonorable defeat. -
Battle of Swanley
During the demilitarization of Anvil, the Fanacas X Division refused to surrender and resisted the implementation of the Corinthe Concordat. They unlawfully occupied the resort of Swanley. The Legio XIV Vampyr was sent to deal with the X Division. During the siege of Swanley, the X Division slowly dispersed into the surrounding Gold Coast and evaded capture. It was later discovered that members of the X Division had been instrumental in carrying out the Omnioccidit in County Kvatch. -
Dragon League assaults departing Mantia troops
Furious over the signing of the Corinthe Concordat, Dragon League continued the war effort by assaulting retreating Dominion Mantia troops. Dominion demanded the Empire to arrest the Dragon League soldiers as war criminals. Representatives of the Empire barely managed to hide their utter indifference felt towards the slaughter of retreating Dominion armies. Thalmor Talons were dispatched to assault the League and destroy their high command. -
Battle of Elinhir
Legio XIX Noctes and Legio I Fortes crossed the Colovian Highlands to invade Hammerfell, meeting local auxiliaries in the Battle of Elinhir. The Redguard militias guarding Elinhir were composed of teenagers, drafted from the local schools, which proved that the Yokudan Empire was militarily depleted and close to a collapse. With minimal effort, the city of Elinhir was occupied and plans were launched to hold a conference between the Empire and the UMS, to discuss the final theater of the war. -
Battle of Rihad begins
Imperial Legion, backed by Dunmeri Foyada warplanes, assaulted the major city of Rihad. Redguard auxiliary forces defended the city ferociously as they burned down their own street blocks to deny the enemies resources. The Battle of Rihad turned into a protracted siege with heavy bombardment on both sides. Imperial Eagles and Dunmer Foyadas were ordered to launch air raids against the city. On Fabius Lucius's orders, the University of Rihad was to be kept unharmed. -
Elinhir Conference begins
In the occupied city of Elinhir, the representatives of the Alliance met to discuss the final theater of the Third Great War. First Secretary Falaris Eldhren introduced the Uvnmon Plan, drafted by General Hlerenc Uvnmon of the Revolutionary Muatra Aldsotha. Under the Uvnmon Plan, the Alliance was to capture Eastern Hammerfell and use the region to launch massive air raids on Western Hammerfell, with the intent to destroy Hammerfell's economy, saving millions of Alliance troops from slaughter. -
Elinhir Conference ends
In the Elinhir Declaration, the Alliance declared that only an unconditional capitulation of the Yokudan Empire would be recognized. The Declaration stated that after the Redguards were to surrender, their state would be dissolved and Hammerfell would come under an Imperial military administration, which would carry the process of purifying the Redguard nation from the disease of Yokudanism. With the Declaration, the conference ended and war resumed. -
Penitus Oculatus foiled in Sentinel
Penitus Oculatus were tasked to discover the location of the 30,000 Colovian slaves taken by the Yokudan Empire. Penitus Oculatus used their Redguard members to infiltrate the Sentinel headquarters of the Yoku Power Party. Much to their surprise, the Dragon League had gotten there first. The headquarters had been attacked with bosarium gas and the information regarding the Imperial slaves had already been retrieved by the League. Oculatus returned to Cyrodiil with empty hands. -
Battle of Stonemoor begins
The minor city of Stonemoor was the next target for Alliance armies. The city was converted by Redguard conscripts into a fortress, with its apartment buildings turned into sniper nests and machine gun forts. Imperial legionnaires assaulting the city took massive casualties and had to withdraw from direct assaults. The pace of the battle considerably slowed down, with aerial bombardment taking the priority over increasingly lethal urban warfare. -
Dragon League assaults the Thalmor Talons
The Thalmor Talons launched an operation to eliminate the Dragon League's high command, due to their indiscriminate slaughter of Altmeri soldiers and prisoners of war. Expecting an easy operation, the Thalmor Talons were under attack the second they entered Cyrodiil. Under Antonius Brutus Marius's orders, all Talon secret agents active outside the Dominion were identified and slaughtered. Thalmor Talons were forced to pull back from mainland Tamriel after they suffered massive losses. -
Usage of soul bombs authorized
Emperor Gaius Tiberius, believing that the conquest of Hammerfell would drain the Imperial Legion into nothingness and that the Yoku Power Party was willing to lead their own people into extinction, authorized the usage of soul bombs. Two soul bombs were transported from Solstheim to Stros M'Kai and stood by, waiting for orders to strike. -
Karitha of Taneth
From Stros M'Kai, a Imperial Eagles warplane called Gemellus rose. It carried the first soul bomb ever built, infused with the souls of three dead Legionnaires. Gemellus flew over Taneth, an important production center in Eastern Hammerfell. The bomb was dropped. A massive purple explosion occurred, gravity itself rippled, and the entire city of Taneth was forever wiped from Nirn into a Dragon Break. Over 500,000 thousand people died in the Karitha (Catastrophe in Yoku) of Taneth. -
Karitha of Gilane
Gilane, fourth largest city in Hammerfell, was the second city to be hit with a soul bomb. This time, 750,000 people died, and Gilane was wiped from Nirn into a Dragon Break. The second soul bomb was filled with the soul of a Nordic widow, who had lost her husband in the war. Her wrath was felt all over Hammerfell. The second Karitha shocked Tamriel and Redguards stopped fighting, afraid that they were going to be deleted from Tamrielic history. -
Yokudan Empire announces capitulation
After the two Karithas, President Abdul Hameed Mona announced over radio that the Yokudan Empire would accept the terms of the Elinhir Conference and capitulate unconditionally to the Empire. Abdul Hameed Mona committed suicide not long after the announcement, leaving the nation leaderless. The Imperial Legion quickly advanced to occupy all major Hammerfellian cities and military bases, encountering almost no resistance. -
An excerpt from Mona's Declaration of Unconditional Surrender
"To strive for a Yokudan victory was an order dictated to me by Ruptga the Tall Papa. It is the obligation of the Redguard to never accept defeat in any spheres of life. But now, Imperials have begun to employ a new type of weapon, one that has the potential to exterminate all life on Nirn. I refuse to be held responsible for the total extinction of Redguard civilization. I surrender. Commit no outbursts of violence against the Imperials. Be aware of our heavy burden of responsibility." -
Yokudan Empire occupied by the Empire of Tamriel
After the unconditional surrender of the Empire of Yokuda, the Imperial Legion entered Hammerfell. Witnessing a destroyed nation, full of rubble and orphans, they entered Sentinel and established the Hammerfell Interim Authority, led by General of the Legion Vel Laelius Marcellinus. The Interim Authority forced strict rules on Hammerfell, rationed food supplies and ordered combatants to demilitarize. The occupying legionnaires began committing abuses against Redguard civilians. -
Federation of High Rock rejoins the Empire
After the Corinthe Concordat led to the Dominion pulling their troops out from areas of the Empire, the Free Bretonic Army took over High Rock. Although the Free Bretonic Army entertained the thoughts of declaring independence from the Empire, they were forced to disband by the restored civilian administration of High Rock. The Legion carried out the disarming of the Free Army and their fighters returned to their former civilian lives. -
Changes of leadership in the Aldmeri Dominion
After discovering the full extent of Altmeri war crimes, Locien Morohtar was thoroughly disgusted. He resigned from his position as the Omniseer and exiled himself to Elsweyr. Veryan Rûdhon appointed himself the new Omniseer. He placed an unknown Thalmor Party member called Rhovanion Lithônion as the new Archmagister. Lithônion's first act was to order the imprisonment of all former members of the Fanacas, whose continued existence was extremely problematic for Rûdhon's government. -
Third Great War officially over
The Third Great War, the most destructive war in the history of Tamriel, was declared over on the 19th Rain's Hand. In total, 81 million people lost their lives, a majority of them in Cyrodiil. All nations of the world were demoralized, major cities were destroyed and the Tamrielic economy was in shambles. The Empire of Tamriel and the Aldmeri Dominion both won important strategic victories. The Empire of Yokuda was eradicated and Hammerfell lost its ancient independence. -
Statistics for the Alliance
The Empire of Cyrodiil lost a total of 28 million people, half of them civilians. Additionally, 7 million Imperial civilians were murdered in the Omnioccidit. Kingdom of Skyrim lost 12 million people. Federation of High Rock lost 5 million people, vast majority of them civilians. The Union of Mahakhist Syndicates lost 3,5 million people, all of them soldiers. Collectively, the Alliance lost 55,5 million people in the Third Great War. -
Statistics for the Compact
Yokudan Empire lost 13 million people, with equally large casualties among their soldiers and their civilian populations. Aldmeri Dominion lost 9 million troops, most of them in the battles of Skingrad and the Imperial City. The Republic of Orsinium lost 2,5 million troops, most of them in Karthwasten. The State of Argonia lost 1 million troops, most of them in the Fourth Arnesian War. All in all, the Compact lost 25,5 million people, a majority of them soldiers. -
Alliance dissolved
In the city of Blacklight, the Alliance United Command was officially dissolved, ending the military union between the Empire and the UMS. Negotiations started between the Empire and the UMS over the status of the island of Solstheim, promised by the Emperor to be given to the Dunmer. High Chancellor Fabius Lucius, strongly against giving the island away, attempted to stonewall Falaris Eldhren by discussing the status of Vvardenfell instead. -
Combined statistics for the Third Great War
Empire of Cyrodiil surpassed all other nations in the sheer amount of casualties, both military and civilian. Around 1/4 of Cyrodiil's population either perished or were injured in the war. Aldmeri Dominion, although the second-largest player in the war, took relatively small casualties and saw almost no civilian deaths. The Yokudan Empire saw almost all of its military wiped out, while the Kingdom of Skyrim took staggering civilian casualties. -
Aldmeri Dominion faces an economic calamity
During the Third Great War, the Aldmeri Dominion ran out of its reserves and lost all of its trading partners. As a direct result of the war, the Dominion faced an economic collapse. Living standards dropped drastically as many of the returning Mantia troops were left unemployed and homeless. Shortages of supplies led to the rationing of food and corundia. Public transportation was stopped to preserve corundia, and many factories were forced to close their operations. -
Deyokudafication process begins
Deyokudafication of Hammerfell was launched by the Interim Administration. High Chancellor Fabius Lucius ordered former members of the Yoku Power Party to have their food rations cut. This measure led to widespread starvation and was rescinded after a month. Hammerfell's economy was in shambles, which led to serious shortages in food and drinking water. Millions of Redguards emigrated from Hammerfell during this time, with most of them ending up in Skyrim and Cyrodiil. -
The Weynon Trials
After the Corinthe Concordat was signed, the Dominion delivered four high-ranking Thalmor Party members - Eremor Melancar, Aearion Aradon, Saruril Mithran and Thalia Mafortion - to the Empire for a trial. General Akamon Udwur-Hareem, captured by Penitus Oculatus from occupied Hammerfell, was added to the list. All five were accused of carrying out atrocities in Imperial lands. The Trials were held in Weynon, a city near Chorrol, and were presided over by Imperial, Nordic and Dunmeri judges. -
Trials begin
For being the mastermind behind the Omnioccidit, Aearion Aradon was charged with the murder of 7 million Imperials. Akamon Udwur-Hareem and Saruril Mithran, two war-time military administrators, were charged with enslavement of Imperial civilians. Additionally, both men were accused of ordering several massacres. Eremor Melancar was charged with ordering the Butchery of Falkreath. Thalia Mafortion was accused of using the Thalmor Talons to torture and execute Imperial resistance fighters. -
Proceedings of the Trial
During the trials, the defendants were shown films of purification camps and saw photographic evidence of massacres. Thalmor officers and Imperial civilians were called in as witnesses and gave testimonies. Mithran was the only defendant to show remorse for his actions. Melancar, Mafortion and Aradon believed themselves to be guilty of nothing but excellent service to Thorontur, while Udwur-Hareem claimed that his brutal measures shielded Imperial civilians from being sent to purification camps. -
The Weynon Trials end
After two weeks of deliberation, all five were found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death. As his last statement, Aearion Aradon claimed that there was a high place in Aetherius reserved for him, for his "achievements". Mafortion, Mithran, Aradon and Udwur-Hareem were executed by hanging. Melancar died in custody, as he was beaten to death by three Nordic prison guards. All five bodies were cremated and the ashes scattered into the Abecean Sea. -
The Punishment War begins
The Dragon League, still occasionally attacking Imperial garrisons in Colovia, was a huge nuisance to the Empire and jeopardized Dominion-Empire relationships. High Chancellor Fabius Lucius authorized the Imperial Legion to hunt down and exterminate the Dragon League. The Legion began to invade their army bases in Colovian Highlands. However, the Dragon League evaded destruction, due to their many sympathizers within the higher ranks of the Imperial Legion and the Elder Council. -
Viggo Dahlstrom becomes the High King of Skyrim
As the former High King of Skyrim had been killed by the Dragon League, a new High King was needed. Viggo Dahlstrom, the Jarl of Riften, was chosen as the new High King of Skyrim. A supporter of syndicalist causes, Dahlstrom strongly supported the continued leadership of the Aenelfist Syndicate. -
Nuclear weapons theoretically possible
After years spent on nuclear research, Thalmor engineers took over from the civilian Royal Wayfarers and gathered enough research data to make a bold statement that if need be, nuclear weapons could be built. A weapon of mass destruction was something that the Empire had, but the Dominion lacked. Omniseer Veryan Rûdhon authorized the program, as he wished to gain an edge over the Empire, just in case. Nuclear testing began on the island of Wasten near the Summerset Isles. -
Fourth International held in the Imperial City
Held in the destroyed Imperial City, the Fourth International invited all Mahakhist, syndicalist, anarchist and secularist movements to discuss their plans for a post-war Tamriel. The Sathenists of Morrowind led the discussions and heavily promoted their unique brand of militant syndicalism. The Fourth International agreed that the Alliance was a good idea and that the Mahakhists can take pride in helping the Empire to defeat the Dominion. -
The Blue Revolution begins
The Altmeri civilians of the Dominion were shocked by the war crimes of the Thalmor. Coupled with the extreme economic downturn, it led to street protests against the Thalmor Party. The Thalmor Party didn't usually tolerate dissent, but were hesitant to act due to a fear that the government could be toppled by drastic actions. Using the Thalmor Talons to "silence" the ringleaders of the protests, the Dominion government hoped to avoid a revolution. -
Imperial violence in Hammerfell
Imperial legionnaires, tasked to purify Hammerfell from Yoku Power Party elements, used their powers to terrorize the civilian populace. Countless undeserved killings, rapes and looting operations were recorded as the legionnaires acted with complete impunity. These actions led to the birth of the far-right Ansei Party, formed by Redguard war veterans to drive the legionnaires out from Hammerfell. The Ansei Party was banned, but acquired clandestine popularity. -
Temple of the One returned
The Alessian Order, who "stole" the Temple of the One during the Battle of the Imperial City, returned the temple after the war. Their members surrounded the former location of the Temple and began chanting. Imperial legionnaires allowed them to complete their ritual. Local citizens enjoyed messing around with the Order members and many goofy pictures were taken. After a week of rituals, the Temple appeared in its old location, relatively unharmed. -
Economic devastation in the Empire
After the Third Great War, the Empire of Tamriel lacked a functioning economy. Most railways, highways, seaports, airports, factories, schools, temples and markets were destroyed. Major cities like Whiterun, Skingrad, Daggerfall, Bruma, Bravil, Cheydinhal, Wayrest and the Imperial City were in ruins. Up to 60% of residents of Cyrodiil were left homeless and lived in temporary tent cities. Many died from starvation, dehydration and infectious diseases as the Empire struggled to restore itself. -
The Astral Highway observed
For three months, a mysterious phenomena was sighted over the skies of Tamriel: large white balls of energy began gliding with great speed across the sky. Called the Astral Highway, it was taken by many as a sign that the Aedra had been observing the Third Great War. The balls of energy originated from beyond Skyrim and moved in a straight line passing Dawnstar, Whiterun, Riverwood, Bruma, the Imperial City, Bravil, Leyawiin and finally Senchal in Elsweyr before disappearing beyond the horizon. -
Troubles in Orsinium
Although the Republic of Orsinium lost the war and signed peace treaties with all major powers, its legal status within the Empire was never defined. As a result, the Republic of Orsinium was de facto an independent state, although de jure it was a part of the Empire. Orcs used this to their advantage and stopped paying Imperial taxes. The Empire of Tamriel, too weak to act, was forced to accept the Republic's temporary independence. -
Elections in the Empire
In the first postwar elections, the Syndicalist Party (red) gained 40% of the seats, followed by the Progressive Party (orange) with 30% of the seats. Imperial Conservative Party (blue) gained 20% of the seats, followed by the Imperial Liberal Party (grey) gaining 10% of seats. Marallia Tullario, the wartime Minister of Economy, became the new High Chancellor and replaced the long-reigning Fabius Lucius, who became a special military adviser for Emperor Gaius Tiberius. -
Profile: Marallia Tullario
Marallia Tullario was the first female High Chancellor of the Empire, 76 by 5E 290. Marallia was and has continued to be a controversial figure in Imperial history. On one hand, she was a shrewd politician, whose patriotic wartime activities as the Minister of Economy played a significant role in the Empire's victory. On the other hand, she was a ruthless left-wing zealot, who led the Waterfront Revolution in her youth and had almost succeeded in destroying the Empire. -
First computer built
Rediscovering the work of Ethynili Thiro, a Dunmeri mathematician who built the first programmable computer about 200 years ago, the UMS mathematician Reynlion Oreilo built the first electromechanical computer, called the Silt Strider. Using binary, the Silt Strider was capable of calculating 5000 equations at any given time, faster than mechanical calculators. With this discovery, the field of computer science was born in Morrowind. -
The Tullario Plan announced
Marallia Tullario drafted the Tullario Plan of restoring the Empire's shattered economy to its former glory. Organizing syndicalist work battalions, she dissolved the bulk of the Imperial Legion and turned former soldiers into builders. Pouring massive amounts of still-remaining septims into the Plan, the idea was to rebuild High Rock, Skyrim and Cyrodiil as quickly as possible. Hammerfell was purposefully not included in the Tullario Plan. -
Stormcloaks gain popularity
During the Battle of Riften, the Stormcloaks helped to defeat the Dragon League and held the city from Dominion troops alongside the Imperial Legion. Thanks to their war-time service, four Stormcloak leaders were given the Ruby Amulet of Courage by Emperor Gaius Tiberius. The Stormcloaks were legitimized and decided to end their drug trading operations, instead focusing on helping war refugees in Skyrim and improving their political representation through the Party of Nords. -
Union of Mahakhist Syndicates joins the Tullario Plan
Unlike Fabius Lucius, Marallia Tullario had excellent relations with First Secretary Falaris Eldhren. Union of Mahakhist Syndicates donated 20 billion f'lah to the Empire and sent builders to help repair the Empire's cities, highways and ports. A lot of progress was made and many important institutions were rebuilt. Years later, it was discovered that Dunmeri workers had retrieved sensitive military data and intentionally built structurally weak Legion forts along the Cyrodiil-Morrowind border. -
Elections in Skyrim
In the first postwar elections in Skyrim, the Aenelfist Syndicate (red) continued their majority lead by gaining 60% of seats. Party of Nords (blue) won 25% of seats, and the Party of the Divines (light blue) gained 15% of seats. The Democratic Mahakhist Party and the Royal Conservative Party were both left out from Moot. Katrin Jonsdottir continued as the Prime Minister of Skyrim, popular due to her decisive leadership during the Third Great War. -
Battle of Orsinium
Although the Republic of Orsinium enjoyed a peaceful existence during its unlawful years of independence, the Empire was never interested in allowing Orcish independence. Under High Chancellor Tullario's orders, three legions encircled Orsinium. Refusing Imperial demands to surrender and rejoin the Empire, the Orcish Zeth'kur opened fire. The Orcs called their old allies from the Thalmor Party to help them, but the Altmer couldn't care less about the fate of the Pariah Folk. -
Reachian Peace Process begins
Although the Faol Alrach (Red Hunters) had previously bombed and slaughtered hundreds of Bretons on their quest to secure independence for their homeland, the Third Great War united them with the Bretons. The Reachian Peace Process was launched in the city of Jehanna, with the goal of ending Reachmen terrorism and finding a non-violent solution to the question of Reachian independence. -
The Sunhold Declaration
The Thalmor Party, facing internal and external pressure to take a stance on the war crimes committed by the Dominion, wrote the Sunhold Declaration. According to the Declaration, the Thalmor accused Durion Thorontur of betraying the ideals of the Thalmor and holding the entire Altmer nation in the hostage of his "evil charm". Signed by Veryan Rûdhon, the Declaration unequivocally declared the goal of the Aldmeri Dominion to be securing a peaceful coexistence with the Empire. -
The Blue Revolution brutally suppressed by the Thalmor
After a year of revolts and occasional violence by the anti-Thalmor youth, the Party began to attack the protesters. Street protests were violently dissolved by the Dominion Mantia troops, with all resisters shot. All of the leading pro-democracy dissidents were executed, and tanks were brought into the streets of Alinor to frighten people. The Blue Revolution was halted and the Thalmor Party secured their primacy over the Dominion. -
Dragon League driven from Cyrodiil
After a year of warfare against the Dragon League, the Imperial Legion had eradicated most of their army detachments. Antonius Brutus Marius, last seen fleeing from the burning wreck of a military vehicle, was presumed dead after his prized war jacket was found on a tree branch, shot through with two bullets. The Dragon League was declared extinct and dispersed, punished for their anti-Empire activities during the Third Great War. -
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