Civil Rights Act of 1960.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's civil rights act of 1960 was a means of making sure the voters polls were not tampered with and no one was unjustly denyed the right to vote. -
Nuclear Missle Program
President Kennedy launches 17 billion dollar nuclear missile program- this increased military aid to Indochina. He also announces the creation of the Peace Corps. -
Yuri Gagarin of the USSR becomes the first man in space.
Russia is competing with American in a "space race", at this point they are winning. -
U.S. invades the Bay of Pigs
the Unites States invades Cuba at the Bay of Pigs; the mission is a failure. -
Berlin Wall
East German border guards begin construction of Berlin Wall. The Berlin Wall literally physically seperated Communist East Gernmany from Democratic West Germany. -
Cuban Missile Crisisses
Soviets establish missile bases in Cuba; Kennedy orders a naval blockade to divert any missiles from attacking Cuba. -
Arrest for Protest
Martin Luther King and Ralph Abernathy are arrested in, and go to jail in Birmingham during the protests. during this time Martin Luther King writes his famous letter from Birmingham jail. -
President Kennedy proposes the Civil Rights Bill.
declared who were citizens of the States, defined their rights, told the penalties for violating those rights, and provided the means of redress. -
President Kennedy assassinated in Dallas
malcom x
the assassanation of malcom x