
The Black Death vs. The 100 Years war

  • Feb 1, 1320

    The first hit of the black death

    The first hit of the black death
    The black death ravages China and the Middle East.
  • Jun 15, 1337

    English victory in the Hundred Years War

    1337-1429 the english have a victory over the french.
  • Oct 19, 1347

    The Black Death hits Italy

    The Black Death hits Italy
    The black death enters the port of Messina, Sicily, via trade ships from the east.
  • Jan 1, 1348

    The end of winter in Europe

    The end of winter in Europe
    The black death enters France through the port of Marseilles. Also the population of France is cut in half by the Black Death.
  • Apr 5, 1348

    Spring of the Black Death

    Spring of the Black Death
    Massacres of the jews begin. The Black Death hits Paris and the Black Death continues through Europe crossing the Alps into Bavaria.
  • Aug 16, 1351

    The end of the black death

    The black death has ended. But it came back 12 years later.
  • Apr 13, 1429

    French victory in the Hundred Years War

    1429-1453 the French have victory over the English in the Hundred Years War. That ended the war!