birth of the solar system (5 billion years ago)
10 billion years ago -
eath began to form (4.6 bya)
bacteria diversify (3.8 bya)
oldest organisms -
photosynthesizing bacteria (3.7 bya)
grew faster -
oldest fossil (3.5 bya)
washed up on shore -
oxygen appears (2.2 bya)
appears in the enviorment, causing damage to living tissues -
oldest eukaryote fossil (1.8 bya)
oldest definstive fossil -
major glaciation period began (800 mya)
first 4 global ice ages set -
fishes (480 mya)
diffrent from today -
oxygen nears present day levels (400 mya)
21% -
protective ozone layer in place (600 mya)
all was water till then -
reptiles (350 mya)
diffrent from now -
late tarassic (250 mya)
50% -
dinosaur (220 mya)
emerged -
pangea starts to brake apart (200 mya)
due to heat -
end cretaceous (65 mya)
60-80% animals were extinct -
primates(60 mya)
oldest fossil -
homeids (5.2 mya)
first known -
modern humans (1000 years ago)
throught out africe and europe -
late plastocene (100000 years ago)
all animals over 45 lbs go extinct