Birth of the solore system million years ago
univers exploted fromed sun moon stars and planets -
Earth begans to from 4.6 million years ago
Iron sinks deep froms core elements rises to surface then hardens -
3.8 million years ago
setement rock layers are minarols single of bilogical past -
3.7 million years ago
microbs thrive for oxygen process called formantaion -
3.5 million years ago
Stromotites apper of shore mounds battric thrive by water sediment traped between layers -
2.2 million years ago
oxygen appers in the enviorment causing damage to living tissues -
1.8 million years ago
Alge froms eukerotic froms -
800 mya
globe ice age set in microbs invalve -
600 mya
exsposher to radeation reduced oxygen layers are high to from ozon layers -
480 mya
alge rash ashore first to adapt on land -
400 mya
oxygen persent layers 21 percent of atmephere -
350 mya
reptial and anfibeans share almost same skelital -
250 mya
end of permain -
220 mya
. Mammels
. rocodiels
. Dinosaurs -
200 mya
Pangea starts to brake apart -
65 mya
end cretaceous -
60 mya
Primates -
5.2 mya
Whales -
1000 00
Mordern humans late pleistocene