

  • Department Stores

    Department Stores
    The first department stores in 1846. These department stores organized goods into different " departments"/ categories. They also did not allow bartering of prices, all the prices were fixed. They also allowed a money back guarantee and free deliveries. This allowed for the creation of "5 and Dime" stores, very similar to dollar stores today. They allowed large discounts to customer. Department stores also gave discounts for those who bought in bulk.
  • Period: to

    Transforming the West

  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    The Transcontinental Railroad began in 1863 by two corporations Union Pacific and Central Pacific. Union Pacific built the railroad west from Omaha, Nebraska and Central Pacific built east from Sacramento, California. In 1869, construction finally finished at Promontory Point, Utah and the railroad was complete. The railroad allowed for the east and the west to finally have some sort of connection. It also allowed for a faster transportation of goods from one end of the country to the other.
  • Monopolies

    Monopolies were when a few or one powerful individual controlling a sector of the economy. Railroads would become one of the first monopolies. Many railroads men would bribe elected officials. Many companies will create trust, which allowed them to but different companies in the same industry to take over that sector of the economy. In 1890, the Sherman Anti- Trust was passed so that make trust illegal, though it did not help because companies will bribe politicians.
  • Period: to

    Becoming an Industrial Power

  • Economy: Cattle

    Economy: Cattle
    Most cattle during this period were Longhorns, a mixture between a Spanish and English cow. It was extremely popular during the 1860's as a source of food on American dinner tables. Because the cattle needed to be hearded from Texas to the railroads that would transport the cows North, it was much more expensive to buy beef in the North than it was in the South. Cattle drive only lasted about 20 years because of low beef prices, the creation of bared wire, and stockyards near the railroads.
  • Economy: Granges

    Economy: Granges
    Granges were societies created by farmers to find solutions to agricultural problems. By the 1870's there were hundreds of thousands of members. It created when the economy is on a downfall, though when the economy recovers, granges will disappear. Granges were politically powerful during this time and formed Populist parties after the economy tanks. Granges were also one of the first Populist movements. Later on Democrats and Republians will add granger issues to their platforms.
  • People: Immigrants

    People: Immigrants
    During this time there were many immigrants migrated from Southern and Eastern Europe from places such as Sweeden, Norwegia, Germany, Ireland and also China. Many immigrants settled in northern areas of the country. Irish and Chinses immigrants were similar they were both wage workers and both faced racism and violence.In 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed which banned any further immigration to the U.S. immigration quotas were put in place to protect white workers.
  • Mail Order Catalogs

    Mail Order Catalogs
    The Mail Order Catalog was introduced by Montgomery Ward in 1872. He allowed for department stores to be brought to rural areas of America. A popular example or mail order catalogs during this time was the Sears Catalog, and many other department stores will follow this trend as well. This worked very well because up until the 1920's most of the American population lived in rural areas. This also created the perfect consumer culture and was shared across the country.
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    Battle of Little Big Horn
    The Battle of Little Big Horn was fought because gold was found in South Dakota where the Sioux Indians were settled and many whites fled to the area to find gold. As a result of that, the Sioux Indians were ordered into reservations. And when the Sioux Indians refuse to leave their land the US government send the army to force them to leave. George Custer will lead the army to fight, but will die because he will underestimate the native numbers and refuse to wait from reinforcements to arrive.
  • Inventions: Telephone

    Inventions: Telephone
    The first telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell. The invention of the telephone was significant because it allowed for people to communicate with one another from coast to coast. And later on continent to continent. Not only did it change who we talked to it changed how we talked to people. It also allowed for information to be spread quicker, because people no longer had to physically see each other to tell each other things, they could now just pick up the phone and call them
  • Period: to

    The Gilded Age

  • People: African Americans

    People: African Americans
    During this time many African Americans were called Exodusters because many former slaves would migrate West for better opportunities. Although they expected to be successful only some were lucky, many would settle onto bad land and lack money. Causing them to migrate back to the South.Though those that were lucky enough, stayed out West. The Exoduster movement was the first big African American migration after the Civil War. It consisted of nearly 20,000 African Americans migrating West.
  • Inventions: The Light Bulb

    Inventions: The Light Bulb
    The first light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879. The invention of the light bulb was a major discovery. It replaced candles, which were not as bright and also lasted longer than candles. It allowed for people to work in the dark by just simply turning on the light. It also allowed for people to work for longer hours because they no longer had to rely on the suns light to do work. And it allowed for people stay up later because they had light to do things even when the sun went down.
  • Tenements

    Tenements were buildings that were 4 to 6 stories high, that housed multiple dwelling families. Each building housed dozens of families. They were poorly ventilated, which helped in the spreading of diseases and sicknesses. They were also poorly lit, making residents only able to rely on the sun for any source of light. Because the cities were so overpopulated during this time rent prices soared and many families were evicted because they couldn't pay the rent. Crime rates were high in this area
  • Nativism

    Nativism is the belief of protecting those that are native born people against immigrants. This will be the second time where native born Americans will become weary of immigration. They will try to stop immigrants from migrating to america because of their fear of losing their jobs. The creation of the American Protective Association will lobby restrictions on immigrants. And the beginning of deportation of immigrants, criminals, and diseased. This is also the beginning of literacy test.
  • Pendleton Act

    Pendleton Act
    Before the Pendleton Act, jobs were infected by the Spoil System. Many employees were selected through favoritism and not by what they were capable of doing making things very unfair. Though when President Garfield is assassinated, changes are made against favors. The Civil Service Reform Act will get rid of the spoil system though the establishing of the civil service exam. This will allow for people to get hired based on what they capable of doing and not by the connections they have.
  • Economy: Railroads

    Economy: Railroads
    The creation of railroads opened up new lands for farming and allowed for farmers to transport goods from the West to the East and vice versa. The had numerous tracks that created a vast transportation network throughout the nation. The creation of railroads helped the upbringing of many major cities today such as San Fransico, Portland, and Denver. The creation of railroads also led to the creation of time zones for train departures and arrivals, so that people wouldn't get confused.
  • Exploitation

    Worker exploitation placed stricter rules and guide lines on employees. Employees were expected to work in silence to make production of goods more efficient. This allowed for the creation of foreman's and managers, who would enforce workplace rules. Failure to comply with the rules would result in fines or termination. Another form of exploitation were blacklist. Blacklists were list of "bad workers" that employers would circulate among each other so that those workers wouldn't get hired.
  • Dawes Severalty Act

    Dawes Severalty Act
    Dawes Severalty Act allowed for the breaking up of reservations and the assimilation of Natives into American Christian society. It gave Natives 160 acres of land to farm. It also allowed for Natives to apply for citizenship. Though it sounded like a good deal, there were many problems. Such as, the land that was given were bad land and most couldn't farm or hunt on it. Ad if the land wasn't doing any better from when first given, whites could buy the land back.
  • Western Romanticism: Imagery

    Western Romanticism: Imagery
    The West was seen as an adventurous place, with wide-open land, mountains, rivers, and Indians. Many people believed it was like this because novels and shows that came out during this time which portrayed as a land with cowboys and horses. Shows such as Buffalo Bills Wild West Show dealt with Indian fights, cowboys, cattle drivers, lassoing, and marksmanship. Shows like this one will also influence Americans today on their view of what the West is today.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    Andrew Carnegie was a poor Scottish immigrant, that would, later on, become a successful businessman. Though with lots of hard work and investments he was able to start and build his industrial empire. He was pushed production cost to the lowest levels possible. Carnegie was the first to invest in the Bessemer Process. The Bessemer Process allowed for the mass production of good quality steel at low prices. Carnegie would also buy all supply sources and competition.
  • Farmers Alliance

    Farmers Alliance
    The Farmer's Alliance was born out of the Granger movement. It consisted of 5 million members, that were all white and only white. These farmers would overcharge on shipping crops, which would create high interest loans. They would negotiate for higher crop prices. This created better loan rates and insurance. And would make fighting monopolies political. This movement would create an alliance between many farmers and unite them against industrial monopolies.
  • John D. Rockefeller

    John D. Rockefeller
    Much like how most of the steel industry was controlled by Carnegie, a man named John. D Rockefeller controlled most of the oil business. Rockefeller would follow in Carnegie's footsteps and control 90% of the domestic oil industry. He would come to invent 2 very important elements, trust, and holding companies. Trusts were when someone bought different companies in the same industry under control of a board of trustees. Later on holding companies would replace trusts.
  • American Media

    American Media
    During this time many American journalists would make stories dramatic, sensational, and highly exaggerated, this was called "Yellow Journalism". Yellow Journalism would be the start of many troubles for the U.S. At the same time Yellow Journalism began to rise the Spanish- American war was also taking place, yellow journalism would spread rumors of rape and murder in Cuba, and women being abused by the Spanish. BY spreading such rumors it would help increase the sale of newspapers during.
  • Ghost Dances

    Ghost Dances
    The Ghost Dances were the Natives ways of resistance to white rule. These dances included a shaman envisioning a flood washing away all whites so that natives could return back to their way of life. They believed that dead spirits would protect them from bullets. Ghost Dances were very popular among western Native people because they want to go back to their old way of life. Many military leaders saw these ghost dances as threats. Ans as a result of that the military was allowed to interven,
  • Cuba's Independence

    Cuba's Independence
    The road to independence for Cuba began in the 1860's, beginning with the 1st rebellion though that rebellion failed and would not start again until America would get involved. During this time America heavily invest in Cuba because of sugar. With the support of America Cuba would begin their second rebellion against Spain. An economic Depression would spark the second rebellion. Cubans would destroy sugar plantations and use guerilla warfare. And many Spanish soldiers would become ill.
  • Period: to


  • People's Party/ Populist Party

    People's Party/ Populist Party
    The People's Party was a 3rd party, that consisted of farmers, workers, and reformers. It was also known as the Populist Party. Much like the Farmers Alliance, it was created to fight corruption and greed. It wanted to get rid of monopolies, the coinage of silver, graduated income taxes, and the storage of surplus. Both of the Democrats and Republicans were against them. And like many 3rd political parties it did not perform well nationally.
  • Robber Barons

    Robber Barons
    Robber Barons were greedy capitalist the became rich through shady business practices. They used tactics such as political manipulation and worker exploitation. By doing this they would be able to keep their monopolies and become extremely rich. Some famous robber barons were people such as Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Vanderbilt. They would buy politicians to help keep their monopolies, so that they could continue to control that sector of the economy.
  • City Reform

    City Reform
    City reforms included things such as the creation of police forces, public parks, sanitation, condemnation of slums and education. Police forces would be formed to keep the peace and to create a form of justice. Public parks would be created to create a sense of escaping the city without leaving the city because many people could not leave work long enough to go to rural areas. During this time public schools were mandatory. Many immigrant children attend in a way to "Americanize" them.
  • Depression of 1893

    Depression of 1893
    The Depression of 1893 was one of the worst in US History. It was caused because of collapse of railroad over building. Places such as banks, railroads, and everyday businesses went under during this panic. Many people would come to question the laissez-faire capitalism. Coxey's Army was peaceful protest of unemployed workers , who marched to Washington D.C in 1894, which was also the worst year during the 4 years of the depression.They protested against the capitalism and showed patriotism
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    The Pullman Strike was led against George Pullman in 1894. Goeger Pullman made luxury railroad cats and following the Depression of 1894, he increased working hours, cut wages, and laid off workers because the Depression had hurt the company so much. This led to workers going on a strike and the ARU ( American Railroad Union) to support them. The ARU would shut down American railroads and the would cause President Cleveland to intervene. This would also allow the strikers to gain public support.
  • War in Cuba

    War in Cuba
    During this time the Spanish American war will be going and Americans will create a ship blockade around Cuba. At the time Theodore Roosevelt was the assistant secretary of the Navy and would lead the first volunteer cavalry made up of cowboys, cops, athletes, Indian scouts and African Americans making the calvary nearly 300 thousand people. The Battle of San Juan Hill is where TD would become famous. The Seige of Santiago would end the war, with Americans surrounding the Spanish defeating Spain
  • Progressives

    Progressive was a philosophical approach, not a movement but a way of thinking during this time. It included thoughts on safety, health, women's suffrage, temperance, middle class, government protection, and capitalism. These thoughts would lead America into an era we call the "Progressive Era". It will establish many things we have today such as the FDA, 21 drinking age, and women being able to vote.
  • Period: to

    The Progressive Era

  • Election of 1896

    Election of 1896
    The Election of 1896 was between Republican, William McKinley, and Democrat, William Jennings Byran. McKinley wanted gold to be standardized and Bryan wanted free silver. During this time, if you had gold the meant you were rich and if you had silver that meant you were a worker. The Democrats wanted to add more money to the circulation by adding silver. This would help end monopolies and the depression. And because of this it would allow McKinely to win the Election 51% to 47% against Bryan.
  • U.S.S Maine Incident

    U.S.S Maine Incident
    The U.S.S Maine was sent from Key West, Florida to Havana. Cuba to help with the Cuban Revolution in January 1898. Only a month and a half later, on February 15th, 1898 the U.S.S Maine would explode on Havana Harbor. Many at the time believed it was the Spanish's doing because of the current war going on and American media would blame the Spanish because of a "harbor mine". Though in an investigation, later on, would discover that the explosion was likelty caused because a faulty ship design.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris 1898 would be the treaty that ends the Spanish-American War. It would make Spain give up Cuba. Though because of this Cuba becomes a puppet state to America, doing everything they're told and being controlled. Cuba would make concessions and because of that, the U.S forces would leave. The Treaty of Paris 1898 would also allow America to buy not only Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines for 20 million dollars. It would be signed in August of 1898.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    Although America had exclusive rights to trade with China they were worried about the growing European powers trying to also trade with China. Americans believed that the vast market existed fot U.S products. And becasue of that,The Open Door Policy was a non-binding agreement sponsored by the U.S. China would open its markets to everyone, hence "Open Door Policy". It would create a "non-established" right to trade and it would also allow no duties, meaning there would be no taxes.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    During this time many European countries would try and colonize China and because of that many Chinese would become angry. And out of that grew the Boxer Rebellion. The rebellion began with a secret organization called the "Righteous and Harmonious Fist". They would create terrorist campaigns aimed at European and Americans. They would also attack foreigners everywhere in China and the government would secretly fund the rebellion. It would end with the insurance that they would be taken over.
  • Social Darwinism

    Social Darwinism
    Social Darwinism was a theory created by Herbert Spencer in the late 19th century. It was a theory that said those that are more intelligent, strong and adaptable would the fittest to survival, also know as survival of the fittest. Basically saying that those that were rich were more likely to live and the poor was less likely because they were seen as "unfit". This theory closely relates to the controversial theory of evolution.
  • Ethnic Communities/ Neighborhoods

    Ethnic Communities/ Neighborhoods
    The rapid growth of immigrants migrating to cites causes for the rapid growth of cities during this time. Like many people these day we tend to stick to our own kind, our own race. This causes for the creation of ethnic enclaves. Example of this would be certain parts of cites such as "Little Italy" and "Chinatown". Many immigrants would collect toward their own ethnicity and create their own communities where they could comfortably live without being discriminated for their culture
  • Teddy Roosevelt

    Teddy Roosevelt
    Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, was the youngest person to become President. He would take President McKinley's place once he is assassinated in September of 1901. He was very energetic and enthusiastic. Many would say he was a big little kid. Teddy Roosevelt was very well liked by the people. He got his nickname because he had saved a bear cub from being hunted, hence Teddy and that is also where the name teddy bear came from. He also believed that the country was at a crossroads.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    The Roosevelt Corollary was President Roosevelt's take on the Monroe Doctrine. The Roosevelt Corollary would declare Latin America off limits. It would make sure that Europeans would fulfill their debts to international creditors. It would make the U.S an international police power. This is also where Roosevelt's famous quote " Speak softly and carry a big stick" will come from. Meaning act with caution and non-agressivley though if needed to use force and violence.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The Panama Canal began construction in 1903 but did not finish until 1914. It would be the shortest route between the Caribbean and the Pacific. Construction would begin with the French, though because of diseases and mudslides the French would give up. Though Theodore Roosevelt would purchase rights to continuing building the canal for 40 million dollars. Columbia would resist but Panama Province will revolt against Columbia and win allowing the continuing of construction on the canal.
  • Industry Welfare

    Industry Welfare
    Another way Industrialist would try to stop workers from going against them was through offering free medical care, pensions, and offering Kindergarten for workers kids. by offering workers such benefits it made them less likely to fight against the industry. Free healthcare would allow workers to save money and use it for something else. Pensions would allow workers to save up their money for when they retire. And Kindergarten would allow for parents to work knowing that their kids were safe.
  • William Howard Taft

    William Howard Taft
    During Roosevelts Presidency, William Howard Taft was the Secretary of War. In the Election of 1908, Taft will defeat William Jennings Bryan and become the 27th President of the United States because Roosevelt had promised not to run again. As the Presidency continues, he and Roosevelt will drift apart and have philosophical differences.Taft will file suits against many trusts. He will also not support new reforms and will not use his executive to make poiclies.
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    Henry Ford was the one that would revolutionize the automobile industry. He would reduce the cost of making cars through the assembly line process, standardized auto parts, and improved machinery. This allowed him to be able to produce more cars for less money. He would also pass benefits onto employees. He establish the 8 hour work day. He would also pay $5 a day for working. Though there were conditions, employees had to work for a year, men had to live with their families and no gambling.
  • Angel Island

    Angel Island
    Angel Island is the equivalent of Ellis Island except it is in the Pacific. It was created to help identify immigrants. This is where thousands of Chinese immigrants will enter the U.S after 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. This is also where birth records will come in. Many will become "paper sons" meaning many American citizens will claim Chinese immigrants as their "sons" to bring them to America. California will declare it illegal for Japanese immigrants to own property.
  • Blacklists

    Blacklists were a form of exploitation during the Progressive Era. They were lists that consisted of names on a paper, that would be passed around many different employers telling them not to hire certain people. This was a way to suppress workers from wanting to fight against the system. There were many other ways companies would try to suppress their workers but blacklist were one of the most effective because if they got fired and added to the blacklist they would not be abe to find a job.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    It is in the Election of 1912, where Woodrow Wilson will go up against Roosevelt and Taft and win the election. During his Presidency he will cut tariffs, establish the 16th Amendment, and create the Federal Reserve. Because there is a loss of income there needed to be a new income to replace it. And because that the 16th Amendment is created to bring in income taxes. The Federal Reserve would hold bank funds for emergency times, set loan rates and issue currency.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    Before the 17th Amendment was passed U.S Senators were chosen based on who had money and connections. This is also known as the Spoil System. By passing the 17th Amendment, it allowed for the senators to be voted on by the people and made it fairer. This would also lead to the start of the Civil Service Exam. The Civil Service Exam was a test that showed how competent you were for the job. This allowed for the end of the Spoil System because now you are tested to see if you were good for the job
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Throughout World War I, trenches played a major. They were used to avoid getting shot at by machine guns and also to shield themselves from mustard gas, which was extremely deadly. Many soldiers after the war experienced PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or shellshock from the explosions and other things that happened while on the battlefield. Both Sides had trenches and the land in between the trenches was call "No Man's Land" because no one was able to claim it without getting shot at.
  • European Alliances

    European Alliances
    There were two sides to the war, The Central Powers, and the Allied Powers. The Alliance during World War 1 consisted of Great Britain, France, Serbia, Russia, Japan, and Italy. Russia, France, Great Britain, Japan, and Italy were all allieed with each other. The Central Powers consisted of Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire. Germany and the Ottoman Empire are allied with Austria. And America would stay a neutral power until 1917 when they would join the allied powers.
  • Western Front

    Western Front
    Much like the Eastern Front, the Western Front was also mostly trenches. Though the trenches never moved more than 20 miles because neither side could gain any territory. There were many new weapon developments on the Western Front. Things such as mustard gas, airplanes, tanks, and machine guns. Tanks would be used to get over trenches to gain land and machine guns were used to continuously kill people. Developments such as these would take millions of lives on both sides.
  • Eastern Front

    Eastern Front
    The Eastern Front of the war went between parts of Russia and Austria-Hungary. The Eastern Front was also much larger than the Western Front because it was a much wider and larger amount of space. As large as it was it was mostly trenches. Though most of the Eastern Front will fall becasue of Tsar's overthrowing in early 1917 and in the fall of 1917 because of the Bolshevik Rebellion. They will kill the royal family and with the help of Vladimir Lenin, Russia will become communist.
  • Weapons

    During World War 1, there were many new developments regarding weapons. New weapons such as mustard gas, machine guns, airplanes, and tanks. These weapons would take millions of lives during this war. The making of these weapons would make this war one of the deadliest because of all of the new weapon developments. The creation of U-boats would also be introduced during this war as well. U-boats were German submarines. They would be used to sink merchant ships.
  • Period: to

    World War I

  • Sussex Pledge

    Sussex Pledge
    In 1915, the RMS Lusitania was going from New York to Liverpool when the Germans sank the ship and 1200 people died, with Americans on board. This would anger the Americans. In response they would create the Sussex Pledge. The Sussex Pledge was an agreement between Germany and America. It was an agreement that Germany would not target passenger ships sailing between Europe and America. They could only sink a ship if they had evidence that there were weapons on board.
  • Temperance

    During this time many women were against alcohol because it caused them to be abused by their husbands and a result of that arose the temperance movement to prevent that from happening. And from this movement came the birth of the WCTU, Women's Christian Temperance Movement. The WCTU helped influenced women to stand up and fight for labor laws and suffrage. With the influence of women such as Francis Willard, the 18th Amendment was able to be passed, banning alcohol.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    The Zimmerman Telegram is what will bring America out of being a neutral power and into World War I, joining the Associate Powers. It will be discovered by the British, who will intercept the message between Germany and Mexico. Germany urging Mexico to attack the American colonies.And in return Mexico would recover Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, if Mexico declared war on America. The British will warn the Americans and President Wilson will declare and troops will arrive in Europe in 1917
  • Homefront

    Back in the home front, there was lots of industry regarding the production of weapons and food. The price for food prices rose drastically because they were conserving food for the troops. And because most of the men were away at war, many of those working in the factories were women. During this time the Great Migration is still going on. Thousands of African Americans will migrate from the South to the North to find better opportunities. The 19th Amendment will also be passed during this time
  • Dead in Numbers : WWI

    Dead in Numbers : WWI
    The Americans will stop the Allies from losing the war. Germany will become overwhelmed and quit the war. In the end, the British will have 722,000 soldiers dead, the French will have 1.3 million dead, Germany will have 1.8 million dead and the Americans will have 116,500 dead. Most of these numbers are due to the new development of weapons during the war. Machine guns and mustard gas will take thousands of lives because how rapidly they can reach the soldiers.
  • Hysteria

    Back in America during this time, there was lots of hysteria because of the war. There would be German spies among the people spying on people. The Espionage Act and the Sedition Act would also come into play during this time. Making it a crime to obstruct military recruitment, encourage mutiny, spread lies, and say anything bad about America. And the Supreme court will uphold these laws. Many German Americans will face discrimination. They will change theyre names and some will be lynched.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles would be the treaty that would end World War I. Although the war ends in 1918 the treaty would not be signed until 1919 on the anniversary of the Archdukes assassination. This treaty would cripple Germany's economy because they would have to pay for reparations that they caused. The treaty also did not allow Germany to rebuild their army. They also had to give up all of their colonies and would also have to take all responsibility for the war.
  • First Red Scare

    First Red Scare
    The First Red Scare will occur between 1919 and 1920. It was a time where many Americans were fearful of communism. The red scare will have immigration restrictions put in place because Americans are scared of communism. WWI will also play a part as to why Americans are afraid because of the Germans that are in the U.S. This will cause the immigration act of 1924 to be put into place. It will deport all anarchist and communist. Many innocent people will be deported because of false accusations.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th Amendment was a major step for women. At some points women were treated worse than immigrants. Around the same time as the 18th Amendment was passed, women also fought for their rights such as voting and equality. After many years of hard work, protests, and persistence they were finally able to gain their rights. In 1920, the 19th Amendment was passed. It allowed women equality to vote. It also made sure that women wouldn't get treated differently because of their gender.
  • Marcus Garvey

    Marcus Garvey
    Marcus Garvey was a Jamaican immigrant that will become a very influential individual. He will promote economic empowerment from Booker T. Washington and create the UNIA ( Universal Negro Improvement Association). He will promote black-owned businesses. He wanted to buy land in Africa for black people around the world. he was against the going away of Jim crow laws. The government would grow worried about a violent movement. In 1923 he would be convicted of mail fraud and the UNIA will collapse.
  • Jazz

    During the Harlem Renaissance, many artists will rise to prominence because of the artistic movement. Jazz will become extremely popular during the Harlem Renaissance because of people such as Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington. Tin Pan Alley will be where many music publishers and singer will become known. Jazz venues will form where white and blacks are both able to attend. White jazz bands will also form. This time period will also be known as the Jazz Age.
  • Hospitality Industry

    Hospitality Industry
    The invention of the assembly made cars much more affordable, which allowed for more people to buy cars. As a result of that, the creation of roadside hositality would be born. Roadside hospitality were things your would now see at exits on the interstate. Things such as cottages,motels signs,billibaords,restuarants, gas stations, and convience stores would go on a rise. The vacation industry would also go on a rise during this time becasue people had more time.
  • Benefits

    During the 1920's the concept of workers benefits would be introduced. This is where modern-day workers benefits will come from. Workers benefits would include things such as sick leave, stock ownership, pensions, medical insurance, and paid vacations. By doing this it instilled loyalty to employees to their jobs. It would make sure that employees did not revolt or start strikes against their jobs. And make them "good" employees.
  • Leisure

    During the 1920's leisure time was also big too. Many Americans would have more time now because of the 8-hour workday. They were no longer working day and night. They were now able to work and then come home and spend time with their families. Leisure activities would include things such as radios, which were used like modern-day television, vacuums, and other household items. Silent films were also a big hit during this time even though they had no audio, they were still very entertaining.
  • Eugenics

    The creation of birth control would spark a movement in Eugenics. Eugenics was the belief that the only way to improve the human race was through selective breeding of desirable traits. They believed that through selective breeding it would et ride of undesirable traits. Many of those that were mentally ill and criminals were sterilized to avoid spreading their traits. Many people would be get sterilized without even knowing from going to the doctors that believed they were undesirable.
  • Period: to


  • Tea Pot Dome Scandal

    Tea Pot Dome Scandal
    During this time preserves could not be sold off without being bid on. In 1922 Albert fall will lease an oil preserve in Wyoming without allowing it to be bided on and this will be the beginning of the Tea Pot Dome Scandal. It will become a serious matter that would be investigated vigorously by the Senate. And Fall will be convicted of accepting bribes. Albert Fall will become the first cabinet member in U.S history to go to prison. This will also be the biggest political scandal of this time.
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    The Ku Klux Klan has formed off a wave of fear following the red scare. Initially, it was suppressed by the government, though it rose to prominence because of fear of communism. By the 1920's it will have millions of members. They will burn and lynch thousands of African Americans because they are upset over the Great Migration. Many black communities will be assaulted by white KKK mobs. Although African Americans were the main targets, Jews, Catholics, immigrantsa nd feminist were also targets
  • Charles Lindbergh

    Charles Lindbergh
    Charles Lindbergh was an American pilot. In 1927 he would cross the Atlantic in an airplane, called "The Spirit of St. Louis". He would fly non-stop from New York to Paris in May of 1927. The entire trip would take him 33.5 hours, though he will not sleep for 55 hours. On his trip, he would only have a flashlight, a rubber raft, a wicker chair, water, and some food. He didn't have a radio or even a radar, he traveled blind.He will later one become a fighter pilot for American during WWII.
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    Herbert Hoover is the President in 1928. He was orphaned as a child and was very introverted. Although he was a humanitarian, he did not make a very good President because he was such an introvert and he was also a very poor public speaker. He believed that the economy would fix itself so there was limited government intervention. And because of that he would make the depression even worse than it already was.
  • The Crash

    The Crash
    On October 29th, 1929 the stock market will crash due to overproduction of goods. It would be 10 days of plummeting stocks. Many investors will try to sell off their stocks so that they wouldn't lose all of their money. Thousands of people will run to the banks to collect their money before the banks ran out of money. Though millions will be unsuccessful and lose all of their life savings. Prices will become overinflated and stock prices will continue to fall.
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    The Great Depression

  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    The Dust Bowl would occur the same time as the Depression. It was a time where winds would be so strong that they would blow away layers of topsoil because of droughts and poor farming methods. The Southern Plains of the US would be the worst part of the US that was hit. The dust would move into major cities and blacken the skies. Millions of cattle will die during this time due to suffocation because of the dust in the air. The government will pay farmers to plant to replenish the soil.
  • African Americans

    African Americans
    For the first time, African Americans will receive benefits because of people like Eleanor Roosevelt. she will spur interest in the Democratic Party. Many African Americans will join the New Deal Coalition and join people like liberals, union members, and Catholics. The New Deal Coalition will allow Roosevelt to pass the New Deal. And because of their help, the Democratic Party will begin to cater to black issues. Eleanor Roosevelt will also help bring black issues into the light.
  • Bonus March

    Bonus March
    In the Summer of 1932, 40 thousand World War I veterans were led by Douglas MacArthur to march to Washington D.C. After World War I veterans were promised payment if they were still alive by 1945. Though because the had gotten so bad they want early payment, to have money to support themselves and their families.In the end, the veterans would not get their bonus payment and would be forcefully removed from Washington D.C by the army. And President Hoover would be blamed for the removal of vets.
  • Election of 1932

    Election of 1932
    In the Election of 1932, there would be 2 candidates, Herbert Hoover would run for the Republicans and Franklin D. Roosevelt would run for the Democrats. The Bonus March would seal Hoover's fate and turn the people against him. Franklin D. Roosevelt will run a conservative campaign and win drastically over Hoover. Unlike Hoover, Roosevelt is charismatic, likable, and very involved with the people. In fact he is so liked that he will be elected a total of 4 times.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt

    Eleanor Roosevelt
    Eleanore Roosevelt is the niece of Teddy Roosevelt, 5th cousin of Frankin D. Roosevelt, and also wife to FDR. SHe is the right hand to FDR. She genuinely cared about the people and their plight. She would travel all across the country to help people and because of that, she was never really ever in Washington D.C. She would be the 1st outspoken first lady, through helping people. See would be an inspiration for women in politics. She hated the south for their treatment of African Americans.
  • Huey Long " The Kingfish"

    Huey Long " The Kingfish"
    Huey Long was the former corrupt governor of Louisiana who would become a Senator. He was politically ambitious and was a Socialist. He would initially support the New Deal but he wanted the process to go faster. He will push Roosevelt further left on the political scale. He believed in sharing our wealth. He wanted the wealth to redistributed over the population. No one would make over 1 million dollars, and everyone would have a guaranteed income. He is slogan was "Amke every man a king."
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    The New Deal is a series of reforms that Roosevelt would create to fight the Depression. Unlike Hoover, who believed that the economy would fix itself, Roosevelt would take action to try to fight it. It would last from 1933 to 1938. The Progressive Era will reemerge during this time because of government intervention in the economy. The New Deal will create many new problems that will create thousands of jobs and create oppurtunites to help the people stuggling with the depression.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    The Social Security Act was created by Dr. Francis Townsend in 1935. He will be walking one day and see these old ladies digging food out of the trash can and that will spark his movement. He will campaign for old age pensions. His campaign will spread nationwide and he will get nearly 10 million signees to support the cause. This was important because many old people went into poverty because one no wanted to hire them because they were too old. Many would rely on thier families for survival.
  • Great Depression in Germany

    Great Depression in Germany
    The U.S Depression will spread worldwide and come to Germany. And this is when Hitler's radical ideas will take a hold. The Nazi party will soar to the millions during the 1930's. Hilter will become Chancellor, second in command from the President. Shortly after the capital, Reichstag will burn down and Hilter will be given emergency powers. With these political powers, he will ban all other political parties. And he will become the Fuhrer in 1934.
  • Hitler

    Hitler was a natural orator and was very charismatic. This will allow him to take leadership of the Nationalist Socialist Party (Nazi Party). He will attempt to coup the Weimar Republic and will get arrested. He will be sentenced to 9 months in jail and during that time he will write a book called "Mein Kampf", meaning My Struggle. He will blame all of his problems on the Jews. He will also express that he wants more territory in Eastern Europe. He will have all of his plans in this book as well
  • Beginning of World War II

    Beginning of World War II
    The war will begin because Germany will violate the Treaty of Versailles by re-establishing their army. They will also annex Austria. Hitler will also take Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia, which was given to them after WWI because he wanted to unite all of the German-speaking people Hitler will then meet with Neville Chamberland, who will give Sudetenland to Germany because Hitler "promises" to not take any more territories. But this will onlt convience hitler that the allies are weak.
  • Blitzkreig

    Because Hitler didn't want to fight a two-front war he would try to take out western front. the In September of 1939, Hitler will invade Poland. Hitler will use the strategy of Blitzkrieg, also known as the lightning war. Hitler will use tanks, planes, and the infantry to penetrate and surround the Polish. They would rush enemy lines and take over. Because of this event, Britain and France will declare war on Germany. And World War II will actually begin.
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    World War II

  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    In July of 1940, the Germans will bomb Britain. They will use a tactic called The Blitz, also known as the night attacks. The Germans will initially only bomb military targets through one night the Germans will accidentally bomb a major city and the British will reply by bombing a German major city. Initially, Hitler wanted peace and would allow Britain to surrenderbut they did not and he would become angry. This will continue from July 1940 to June 1941.
  • Japan

    During this time there is a great mistrust between Japan and the US. They are both supposed to unarm but they both ignore the reduction and neither side disarms themselves of weapons. Japan will invade Manchuria and kill 6 million Chinese and will also invade Indo-China because they want to build an empire in Eastern Asia. The Us will put sanctions on Japan and limit their iron and oil imports. Though they will ration those. Soon after the US will freeze all Japanese assets.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On Sunday, December 12th, 1941, the Japanese will have a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. In the process, they will damage 8 battleships. They will also destroy panes and some supplies but fail to meet their goal, destroy the American fleet. Because there were no aircraft carries or battleships there that day it would allow for the Japanese to fail their mission. After that the JApanese will also attack American and British territories, such as the pHilipines.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Hitler will turn his attention to the Eastern Front and his first plan of attack is called "Operation Barbarossa". In June of 1941, Hitler will send 4 million Germans to attack the Soviet Union. The Germans will attack the Soviet Union to try and take their land and oil. They will use the Blitzkrieg tactic. Though the Russians would use the scorched earth tactics, where they would burn everything in their wake so that the Germans could not use any of it to their advantage. And it will stop them

    Franklin D. Roosevelt will address the country, saying that we needed to stay neutral. Though in private he knew that the enter the war would be unavoidable. Roosevelt will secretly help the allies through the Lend and Lease program. This is the loophole that America will use to help the allies. They will allow for Britain and Russia to borrow ships, guns, and military machinery to help them fight the war before AMerica joins the fight.
  • D-Day

    On June 6th, 1944, the Allie Powers, Great Britain, the U.S., France, The Soviet Union, and other nations will fight the Battle of Normandy. It is the most well-known battle of the war. This battle is also known as D-Day, This battle will take thousands of lives. British, Canadian, and American troops will arrive on the beach of Normandy in France. They will arrive to a heavily fortified beach with barbed wire which made it very difficult for them to advance.