13 Colonies Timeline Project

By hle1438
  • Queen Elizabeth Permission

    Queen Elizabeth Permission
    Queen Elizabeth allow Walter to send 100 men to Roanoke Island.
  • Native Americans Get Killed By Men

    Native Americans Get Killed By Men
    Some men from the journey killed Native Americans.
  • Men's Death

    Men's Death
    People found men from the journey died.
  • Trip For Riches

    Trip For Riches
    People went on the Mayflower to get riches on their journey.
  • Captain Smith Death

    Captain Smith Death
    Captain Smith got killed by Cheif Powhatan.
  • Harvest Party

    Harvest Party
    Jamestown had a harvest party to celebrate.
  • A Big Day

    A Big Day
    Jamestown had a big day having their first law.
  • The Return of Mayflower

    The Return of Mayflower
    The trip of the mayflower came back.
  • Fresh Food

    Fresh Food
    People from the harvest ate fresh food.
  • Land For You

    Land For You
    King Charles ll gave land to New Jersey.