Making of Jamestown
The first colony was made in Jamestown, Virginia. This was the start of the 13 colonies.There was a period in Jamestown referred to as the starving time. -
The Headright System
The Headright System (The Government back then) gave 50 acres of land to colonists who paid the way they wanted to. The money went to Virginia. -
The Pilgrims Establish Their Own Government
The Pilgrims established their own government. Which then the made the Mayflower and started their expedition to the new world. -
DA New Netherlands
New Netherlands, Which became New York, Was settled by Peter Stuyvesant and Peter Minuit. In 1664 King Charles ll granted New Netherland to his brother James. -
Dem Puritans
Puritans led by John Winthrop formed the Massachusetts Bay company. And many puritans continued to settle in the areas around Boston. -
The GREAT Migration
The Great Migration- Mass migration of thousands of English people to the Americas that took place between 1630 and 1640. -
Maryland was settled- refer to Maryland Colony. King Charles l gave land to George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, to create a haven for Catholics in America. -
Connecticut was initially settled colonists, led by Thomas Hooker, left the Massachusetts Bay Colony due to dissatisfaction and settled in the Connecticut River Valley. -
New Hampshire
New Hampshire was founded by John Mason and settled by John Wheelwright and others. -
Dem Quakers
The Quakers, or Society of Friends, was a protestant sect founded in England whose members believed that salvation was available to all people.