
13 Colonies Timeline

  • Making of Jamestown

    Making of Jamestown
    The first colony was made in Jamestown, Virginia. This was the start of the 13 colonies.There was a period in Jamestown referred to as the starving time.
  • The Headright System

    The Headright System
    The Headright System (The Government back then) gave 50 acres of land to colonists who paid the way they wanted to. The money went to Virginia.
  • The Pilgrims Establish Their Own Government

    The Pilgrims Establish Their Own Government
    The Pilgrims established their own government. Which then the made the Mayflower and started their expedition to the new world.
  • DA New Netherlands

    DA New Netherlands
    New Netherlands, Which became New York, Was settled by Peter Stuyvesant and Peter Minuit. In 1664 King Charles ll granted New Netherland to his brother James.
  • Dem Puritans

    Dem Puritans
    Puritans led by John Winthrop formed the Massachusetts Bay company. And many puritans continued to settle in the areas around Boston.
  • The GREAT Migration

    The GREAT Migration
    The Great Migration- Mass migration of thousands of English people to the Americas that took place between 1630 and 1640.
  • Maryland

    Maryland was settled- refer to Maryland Colony. King Charles l gave land to George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, to create a haven for Catholics in America.
  • Connecticut

    Connecticut was initially settled colonists, led by Thomas Hooker, left the Massachusetts Bay Colony due to dissatisfaction and settled in the Connecticut River Valley.
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire
    New Hampshire was founded by John Mason and settled by John Wheelwright and others.
  • Dem Quakers

    Dem Quakers
    The Quakers, or Society of Friends, was a protestant sect founded in England whose members believed that salvation was available to all people.