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Original 13 colonies

13 Colonies Timeline

  • Period: Jan 1, 1580 to

    Timespan of the 13 colonies

    It shows 10 dates related to the thirteen colonies.
  • Virginia Dare Born

    Virginia Dare Born
    She was the first English child to be born in the New World.
  • Roanoke Disappears

    Roanoke Disappears
    The Roanoke Colony disappears and is called "The Lost Colony of Roanoke".
  • Jamestown Becomes a Settlement

    Jamestown Becomes a Settlement
    A new colony called Jamestown is founded in present-day Virginia.
  • House of Burgesses Built

    House of Burgesses Built
    The House of Burgesses is constructed and holds the first legislative assembly in the American colonies.
  • Plymouth is Founded

    Plymouth is Founded
    A new colony called Plymouth is founded.
  • First Thanksgiving

    First Thanksgiving
    The very first Thanksgiving is held in the Plymouth colony.
  • Pennsylvania is Founded

    Pennsylvania is Founded
    The colony Pennsylvania is founded.
  • NC is Founded

    NC is Founded
    North Carolina is founded.
  • Georgia is Founded

    Georgia is Founded
    The last of the thirteen colonies, Georgia, is founded.
  • America Declares Independence

    America Declares Independence
    The thirteen colonies declare independence from England and form a new country, the United States of America.