Mayflower ship

13 colonies timeline

  • 1585

    in 1585 Queen Elizabeth allowed Raleigh to send over 100 men from Roanoke Island
  • 1587

    In 1587 they found out men in the fort were killed by some of Pocahontas people.
  • 1607

    In 1607 a group of over 100 men landed on the banks of Virginia's James River witch was not healthy to drink.
  • 1609

    In 1609 captain smith returned to England and became ill.
  • 1619

    in 1619 the first election assembly was established.
  • 1620

    In 1620 people boarded the mayflower with high winds and storms.
  • 1621

    In 1621 governor William Bradford held a celebration feast .He wanted to share the harvest with the wampanoags ,the celebration lasted three days.
  • 1681

    In 1681 king Charles II decided to give the new world more land