The voyage

13 Colonies Timeline

  • Walter Raleigh arrivies at Roanoke Island

    Walter Raleigh arrivies at Roanoke Island
    He had brought 100 men with him but no women or children.
  • Period: to

    13 Colonies Timespan

  • Jamestown is Formed

    Jamestown is Formed
    Jamestown was founded by Christopher Newport.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    The House of Burgesses was formed.
  • The Mayflower Compact

    The Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower Compact was formed.
  • Pilgrims land at Cape Cod

    Pilgrims were set offcourse and landed in Cape Cod.
  • Plymouth is Formed

    Plymouth is Formed
    Pilgrims landed in Plymouth.
  • Wampanoag help the Pilgrims

    Wampanoag help the Pilgrims
    Pilgrims met the Wampanoag.
  • The first Thanksgiving

    The first Thanksgiving
    William Bradford held the first Thanksgiving.
  • The Birth of William Penn

    The Birth of William Penn
    William Penn was born.
  • William Penn's Wife's Birth

    William Penn's Wife's Birth
    William's wife Hannah was born.
  • Pennsylvania is Formed.

    Pennsylvania is Formed.
    Willian Penn got land in the New World and he named it Pennsylvania.
  • William Penn's children

    William Penn's children
    Their names are Margaret Penn,Sir Dennis Penn,John Penn,Richard Penn,and Thomas Penn.(This is the date of the last birth.)
  • William Penn Gets Married

    William Penn Gets Married
    William Penn got married Hannah Callowhill.