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13 colonies timeline

  • the first colony Jamestown was founded

    the first colony Jamestown was founded
    England landed in Virginia and named there colony Jamestown after there king, king James the lV
  • Period: to

    Jamestown to Pennsylvania

  • start of the Plymouth colony

    start of the Plymouth colony
    the pilgrims landed in New England and started the colony Plymouth colony in Massachusetts
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    Massachusetts Bay Colony - refer to Massachusetts Colony. The Pilgrims, the founders of Plymouth, arrived in 1620.
  • the first Thanksgiving

    the first Thanksgiving
    The Pilgrims have there first successful harvest and decide to share it with the Wampanoag Indians
  • Maryland was settled

    Maryland was settled
    Maryland was settled to be a haven for Catholics
  • New Hampshire was founded

    New Hampshire was founded
    New Hampshire was founded by John Mason and settled by John Wheelwright and others
  • Delaware was settled

    Delaware was settled
    Delaware was settled in 1638 by Peter Minuit and others
  • Carolina was settled

    Carolina was settled
    Carolina was settled. Eight men received charters for the Carolina in 1663 from King Charles II to settle lands south of Virginia.
  • New Jersey was settled.

    New Jersey was settled.
    New Jersey was settled. The Duke of York granted some land to Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley who named their colony New Jersey.
  • Quakers Settle in Pennsylvania.

    Quakers Settle in Pennsylvania.
    The Quakers were persecuted in England and looked to have a colony in America with religious freedom. William Penn received a grant, which the King called Pennsylvania. - refer to Pennsylvania Colony