D 4 colonists landing at jamestown for web

13 Colonies Time Line

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus First Voyage

    Christopher Columbus First Voyage
    Christopher Columbus makes his first voyage and discovers America.
  • Period: 1492 to

    13 Colonies Time Line

    My first event was Christopher Columbus makes his first voyage and discovers America. My last event was the capital of Virginia moves from Jamestown to Williamsburg.
  • The Lost Colony

    The Lost Colony
    The Roanoke Colony is founded. It will disappear and become known as the "Lost Colony."
  • Jamestown

    The Jamestown Settlement is established.
  • Plymouth Colony

    Plymouth Colony
    Plymouth Colony is founded by the Pilgrims.
  • Voyage began for Massachusetts Bay.

     Voyage began for Massachusetts Bay.
    A royal charter is issued for the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • Boston City

    Boston City
    Puritans found the city of Boston.
  • William Penn

    William Penn
    William Penn is granted the charter for the Province of Pennsylvania.
  • Philadelphia City

    Philadelphia City
    The city of Philadelphia is founded.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The Salem witch trials begin in Massachusetts. Twenty people are executed for witchcraft.
  • The Capitol of Virginia

    The Capitol of Virginia
    The capital of Virginia moves from Jamestown to Williamsburg.