Thirteen colonies

13 Colonies History Timeline

  • Roanoke Island

    Roanoke Island
    Queen Elizabeth sent Raleigh to Roanoke Island with 100 men to colonize there.
  • The Death of the Some Men

    The Death of the Some Men
    John White and his men found out that some of the 100 men sent to Roanoke Island were killed.
  • The War With Spain

    The War With Spain
    England took 2 years to defeat Spain. After that, they found that settlers of the Southern Colony's men on Roanoke island disappeared. Somewhere nearby, the word Croatoan was carved.
  • The Journey to James River

    The Journey to James River
    A group of 100 men were sent to Virginia's James River, which had water that was not healthy to drink. John smith told his colony to build a settlement there and named it Jamestown. John Smith and some others went to go hunt for food and as that happened, him and the group of people that were hunting were captured and taken to Chief Powhatan's home. The Chief was going to kill Smith, but Pocahontas told him not to kill Smith.
  • Jamestown

    John Smith returned to Jamestown, Pocahontas was sending supplies to him and his settlers. After a while, Smith became very ill and Pocahontas stopped visiting and giving supplies to Jamestown.
  • The Imprisoning of Pocahontas

    The Imprisoning of Pocahontas
    Pocahontas heard that John Smith died and went to Jamestown. When she got there, she was imprisoned by settlers there because her father had some of their men and weapons. She was moved to another settlement and converted to christianity.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    It was a very big year in Jamestown because the first assembly was created.
  • The Mayflower

    The Mayflower
    On the journey to somewhere near Jamestown, a boy named Oceanus Hopkins was born. A storm hit and caused the ship to go off course, so instead of landing at Jamestown, they landed at Cape Cod. They traveled across Massachusetts Bay to a rocky harbor called Plymouth. There was a humungous rock and the pilgrims named it Plymouth Rock.
  • Thanksgiving

    Because of all the things that the Wamponoags, Squanto, and Chief Massoit gave to the pilgrims, they shared their generosity and created the first thanksgiving. The first thanksgiving had lots of food and other things too.
  • The Quakers

    The Quakers
    William Penn and his father had a hard time dealing with the fact that he was a Quaker(person who obeys the "inner light)." King Charles II gave William land in the New world that was southwest of New Jersey because Charles owed Williams father, but he died. William named the land Pennsylvania and guaranteed free and fair trial by jury.