1   john smith

13 Colonies

  • Virginia

    In 1607, Virginia was founded by John Smith at Jamestown. It was named after the "Virgin Queen" Elizabeth I.
  • Period: to

    13 Colonies

  • Thanksgiving

    In 1620, Pilgrims were going to the new world for religious freedom. They landed close to James Town, VA, but a storm hit and blew them off track. They traveled across Massachusetts Bay to a rocky harbor called Plymouth. They decided to stay there and establish their own rules. With the hard work of harvesting, they decided to have a celebration we now call Thanksgiving.
  • New York

    New York
    In 1626, New York was founded by Peter Minuit on Manhattan Island.
  • Massachusetts Bay Company

    Massachusetts Bay Company
    In 1628, Puritans led by John Winthrop formed the Massachusetts Bay Company. Many Puritans settled in the area around present day Boston. In 1630, Massachusetts was founded.
  • Maryland

    Lord Baltimore founded Maryland in 1633. It was named after Queen Henrietta Maria of England.
  • Connecticut

    Connecticut was initially settled by Thomas Hooker and others who left the Massachusetts Bay colony due to anger and settled in the Connecticut River Valley.
  • New Hampshire and Delaware

    New Hampshire and Delaware
    New Hampshire was founded by John Wheelwright and others. It is named for the county of Hampshire. Delaware was also founded in 1638 by Peter Minuit.
  • Carolina

    Carolina was first settled from charters issued by King Charles II. North Carolina was founded in 1653, while South Carolina was founded in 1663.
  • New Jersey

    New Jersey
    New Jersey was settled in 1664. The Duke of York granted some land to Sir George Cateret and Lord John Berkley who named their colony New Jersey.
  • Pennsylvania

    The Pennsylvania Colony was based on religious beliefs. The reason that King George II gave William Penn such a large area in the New World was because he owed William's father a large amount of money.
  • Georgia

    Georgia was settled in 1732. James Oglethorpe received a charter to create a colony between South Carolina and present day Florida.