13 Colonies

  • Queen Elizabeth

    Queen Elizabeth
    Queen Elizabeth allowed Raleigh to send over a 100 men to Roanoke Island after two of his explorers found it to be a perfect place for a settlement.
  • Period: to

    13 Colonies

  • John White

    John White
    John White was put in charge and brought his family along upon arrival they found out the men were killed.
  • Bank's of Virgina

    Bank's of Virgina
    A group of over 100 men landed on the banks of Virgina's James River which was not healthy to drink. They were immediately attacked but were determined to stay.
  • Captian Smith

    Captian Smith
    Captian Smith returned to England when he became ill.
  • Captian John Smith

    Captian John Smith
    Captian John Smith explored the New England coast and mapped it but did not succeed in establishing any colonies.
  • Mayflower

    Pilgrims landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
  • First Thanksgiving

    First Thanksgiving
    First Thanksgiving in Plymouth. This was a three day feast.
  • Thomas Hooker

    Thomas Hooker
    The Connecticut Colony was founded by Thomas Hooker.
  • King Charles II

    King Charles II
    King Charles II gave land that was Southwest of New Jersey.
  • Georgia Colony

    Georgia Colony
    James Ogethorpe and others were granted the Georgia colony.