Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth allowed Raleigh to bring 100 men from England to Roanoke. -
Virgina Dare
Virginia Dare the first american born child of english parents was born in roanoke in 1587. -
The southern colony disappeared
The southern colony mysteriously disappeared into thin air. The word Croatoan was carved in a tree nearby. -
The first thanksgiving
The first thanksgiving was at Plymouth Massachusetts. -
New york city is founded
New amsterdam which would later become New york city is founded. -
The colony of providence was established.
Roger williams established the colony of providence. -
Pequot indians get massacred
Connecticut and Massachusetts militia massacre pequot indians near present day mystics. -
The duke of New york
The duke of york is in control of the former dutch trading pest.
He renamed it New york. The city of the dutch called new amsterdam. -
War in Massachusetts
War breaks out in Massachusetts. Massachusetts is frightened with horror. -
The 13 Colonies
The 13 colonies are represented in the first American flag.