13 colonies

  • Feb 11, 1450

    what year did it start?

    what year did it start?
    People who wanted to trade stuff sailed and traded. the whole thing started on 1450. also ended on 1750.
  • May 6, 1450

    who started the triangular trade?

    who started the triangular trade?
    not only one person started the triangular trade but many people . that was after they started trading slaves. then after a while people started catching on to it.
  • Nov 19, 1450

    the trianglular trade

    the trianglular trade
    In the triangular trade is where people would bring their goods to trade with other peoples goods.It is called the triangular trade because people trade goods in a triangle.people would die of thirst and hunger on the ship.if someone got a disease they would through them off the ship because they did not want the disease to spread.
  • Jun 14, 1460

    why they do it

    why they do it
    They trade food and crops with other people. They do it because they want to keep them and their village healthy. Also because If someone gets and disease from hunger they do not want it to spread.
  • Mar 18, 1480

    what 3 colonies did they were the ones who traded?

    what 3 colonies did they were the ones who traded?
    The three colonies that traded were England, west Africa and Spain. They all traded a good amount.
  • Jan 22, 1570

    what did they trade?

    what  did they trade?
    They traded crops, seeds, fur, animal skin and many more than that.
  • What tpyes of ships did they take?

    What tpyes of ships did they take?
    Every single time they would go to trade they would take a big ship so that all of the captive slaves would all fit .they would have to take a very very very big ship.
  • what time did it end in?

    what time did it end in?
    the whole thing ended in 1750. the reason it all ended in 1750 was because people had nothing to trade anymore. so that is why people stopped trading.
  • on the ship

    on the ship
    On the ship lots and lots of people and slaves would get sick . Also if that happened they would have to through them over bored so the disease does not spread.
  • what people to take

    what people to take
    they would have to take people that were super brave and that new how to do helpful stuff in any situation.