13 Colonies Stephanie Espino

  • 1607-First Colony Found "Jamestown, Virginia"

    1607-First Colony Found "Jamestown, Virginia"
    On May 14 1607, a group of 100 members called the Virginia Company found the first English settlement in North America on the banks of the James River.
  • Period: to

    1607-1689 13 Colonies era

    The first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. Many of the people who settled in the New World came to escape religious persecution. The Pilgrims, founders of Plymouth, Massachusetts, arrived in 1620. In both Virginia and Massachusetts, the colonists flourished with some assistance from Native Americans.
  • 1609/10 - Period in ''Jamestown'' referred to ''Starving Time''

    1609/10 - Period in ''Jamestown'' referred to ''Starving Time''
    The Starving Time at Jamestown in the Colony of Virginia was a period of starvation during the winter of 1609–1610. There were about 500 Jamestown residents at the beginning of the winter.
  • 1618- A headright system gave 50 acres of land to colonies who payed for themselves or for other people.

    1618- A headright system  gave 50 acres of land to colonies who payed for themselves or for other people.
    A headright system setup by a London company gave 50 acres of land to colonies who payed for someone or for themselves to get to ''Virginia''.
  • 1620 -Pilgrames founded the second colony of the Plymouth settlement in New England

    1620 -Pilgrames founded the second colony of the Plymouth settlement in New England
    Pilgrims father founded the second colony of Plymouth in New England in 1620 located in present day Massachusetts .
  • 1620- Pilgrims established their own goverment

    1620- Pilgrims established their own goverment
    In 1620 the Pilgrims established their own government, basis of which was the ''Mayflower Compact''.
  • 1638- New Hampshire was found by John Wheelwright and others

    1638- New Hampshire was found by John Wheelwright and others
    In 1638 New Hampshire was founded by John Wheelwright.Settlers from Pannaway, moving to the Portsmouth region later and combining with an expedition of the new Laconia Company (formed 1629) under Captain Neal, called their new settlement Strawbery Banke.
  • 1638- Delaware was settled in 1638

    1638- Delaware was settled in 1638
    Delaware was settled by Peter Minuit and others in 1638. Named after the Delaware River whose name was derived from that of Sir Thomas West (Lord de la Warr) who was Virginia Company's first governor.
  • 1679- John Mason eventually formed New Hampshire

    1679- John Mason eventually formed New Hampshire
    John Mason formed New Hampshire when the region was given Royal Charter.
  • 1688- The French and Indian war

    1688- The French and Indian war
    The French an Indian war between France and The Great Britain
    in North Carolina.
  • 1689- The Glorious Revolution

    1689- The Glorious Revolution
    Feb 13, 1689 The Glorious Revolution. The Protestant William III and Mary II officially replace the Catholic James II as monarchs of England