13 Colonies

  • 1776 BCE

    Independence Day

    Independence Day
    America gains its independence from the British. This day we know now as Independence Day or the 4th of July.
  • 1765 BCE

    The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    Any document had to be printed on stamped or embossed paper.
  • 1707 BCE

    United Kingdom of Great Britain

    United Kingdom of Great Britain
    United Kingdom of Great Britain is formed and North American colonists are referred to as British.
  • 1691 BCE

    Salem WitchCraft Trials

    Salem WitchCraft Trials
    Witchcraft causes confusion in the colony.
  • 1688 BCE

    French and Indian Wars

    French and Indian Wars
    The French and Indian Wars began fighting over land in North America. The wars lasted until 1763.
  • 1673 BCE

    The Navigation Act Established

    The Navigation Act Established
    The Navigation Act, also known as The Plantation Duty Act only allowed tobacco, sugar, rice, cotton, wool, dyeing woods - indigo to be shipped to and from England.
  • 1640 BCE

    Society of Friends also known as the Quakers

    Society of Friends also known as the Quakers
    Quakers were members that believed salvation was available to all people.
  • 1630 BCE

    The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    Between 1630 and 1640, the Mass Migration occurred, when thousands of English people traveled to the Americas.
  • 1620 BCE

    Second Colony Found

    Second Colony Found
    The second colony of the Plymouth Settlement was founded in New England, by the Pilgrims Fathers or Pilgrims.
  • 1607 BCE

    Foundation of the First Colony.

    Foundation of the First Colony.
    The first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia.
  • Period: 1607 BCE to 1776 BCE

    13 Colonies Journey