
13 colonies

  • southern colonies

    southern colonies
    In 1585 Queen Elizabeth allowed Raleigh to send 100 men from England to Roanoke Island. After two of his explores found to be a perfect place for a settlement
  • southern colonies

    southern colonies
    In 1587 they found out the men in the fort were killed by some Native Americans. Simon Fernandez demanded they settle in Roanoke Island instead of Chesapeake Bay.
  • southern colonies

    southern colonies
    20 years later in 1607 a group of over 100 men landed on the banks of Virginiaś James River which was not heathly to drink.They were immediately attack by some Native Americans but were determined to stay.John Smith order them to build a fort for protection.
  • southern colonies

    southern colonies
    Captain Smith returned to England in 1609 when he became ill and Pocahontas stopped visiting the settlement.Then the relations between the settler and the Powhatan nation weakened.