
13 Colonies

  • 1571

    Bartholomew Gosnold's Discovery

    Bartholomew Gosnold's Discovery
    Bartholomew Gosnold is the first Englishmen to land on the coast of New England and explore Cape Cod.
  • Feb 28, 1578

    Thomas West

    Thomas West was made Governor of Virginia
  • 1580

    Captin John Smith meets Pocahontas.

    Captin John Smith meets Pocahontas.
    Captain John Smith meets the Powhattan princess Pocahontas.
  • Walter Raleigh's Fail.

    Walter Raleigh's Fail.
    Walter Raleigh made a failing English colony called on Roanoke Island.
  • Virginia Company set sails

    Virginia Company set sails
    105 settlers set sail to America on three ships.
  • Founded the Joint Stock Compony.

    Founded the Joint Stock Compony.
    Virginia Company of London founded the Joint Stock Compony.
  • James Town

    James Town
    Settlers Build James Town.
  • Landed at Plymouth Rock

    Landed at Plymouth Rock
    The Mayflower arrives at Plymouth Rock and starts up a Colony made up of Separatists and Pilgrims!
  • Met first Native American

    Met first Native American
    The people at Plymouth Rock met there first Native America!
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson commissions the Dutch East India Company.