1534 BCE
1488 to 1534
Otto Brunfles a protestan pastor who wrote herbarum vivae eicones for physicians and apothecaries -
547 BCE
610 to 547 B.C
Anaximander advocated an explanaition for the origin of life based solely on natural principles -
347 BCE
427 to 347 B.C
plato put together a system known as the doctrine of ideas -
322 BCE
384 to 322 B.C
made some great advances in the knowledge of the structure , habits, distribution, and development of animals -
199 BCE
Period: 129 to 199 BCE
Galen dissected animals to better understand how the human body is put together and how it works -
A.D 129 to 199
Galen dissected animals to better understand how the human is put together and works -
Period: 384 to 322 BCE
Aristotle made some great advances in the kwonledge of the structure, habits, distribution, and development of animals -
Period: 610 to 547 BCE
the early greek naturalist Anaximander advocated and explanation for the origin of life based solely on natural principles -
Andreas versalius presented to the world his book on the structure of the human body -
1516 to 1565
Konrad Gesner contribute to science a five- volume work called historiae animallium and his botanical work called the opera botanica -
Robert Hooke published his work micrographia in which he described the cells of cork -
by 1675
Leeuwenhoek he describe "animalcules" which today we call protozoa -
Leeuwenhoek described bacteria from material scrpped from his teeth -
there were scientific societies where the great scientist and naturalist of the day could share their findings