12csenior computing

  • the fisrt computer

    the fisrt computer
    charles baggage was the first person that made the the first computer it was called the difference engine
  • the first colour screen

    the first colour screen was created in
  • the fisrt gaming console

    the fisrt gaming console
    the magnavox odyssey it was disigned by ralph baer and the console was let out in august
  • the xbox 360

    The promotional campaign for the Xbox 360 began on March 30, 2005, with the opening of an alternate reality game called OurColony. Throughout March and April OurColony.net offered challenges to its community, rewarding solutions with cropped pictures of the console and game screenshots. On May 12, 2005, the ARG section of OurColony closed, visitors were instead greeted with a promotional video hosted by J. Allard.
  • ps vita

    ps vita
    the play station vita was created in japan
  • the first ipod

    the first ipod
    the first ipo d was created by stevey jobs