
World War 1 Timeline

By bon
  • Period: to

    world war 1 timeline

  • Founding of the Triple Entente

    Founding of the Triple Entente
    Great Britain, France and Russia were the nations joined. Had many agreements with others around the globe. They fought the "triple allainces."
  • Founding of the Triple Alliances

    Founding of the Triple Alliances
    It was Germany, Austra-Hungary, and Italy joined. They promised each other with support and back up if other two great nations fought them.
  • 1st battle of the Marne

    1st battle of the Marne
    Frace and the United Kingdome agianst the German Empire. Alot of people died and it was a succes.
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferninand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferninand
    Archduke and his wife both were killed during a "parade". A guy that owned a place killed them.
  • Sinking of the lusitania

    Sinking of the lusitania
    Inocent ships with inocent people were destroyed. other nations got tired of it and decided to destroy it. An example is US.
  • Battle of the Verdun

    Battle of the Verdun
    Germans started a fight with France. Battle to for ever and both side lost alot of people but france lost a bit more.
  • Treaty of VBrest-Litovsk

    Treaty of VBrest-Litovsk
    It was a form that Russia was not so happy about. Russia lost land and had to give up other things. it happened of the revolution of Bolsheviks.
  • USA declares war on Germany

    USA declares war on Germany
    United States declares war on Germany. It was because germany sunk american ships with innocent people.
  • 2nd Battle of the Marne

    2nd Battle of the Marne
    Germany last major spring offensive. It was Italy, France, United Kingdom, and the United States agianst Germany.
  • Armistice ends World War 1

    Armistice ends World War 1
    Fighting between alliances and Germany end. It was a treaty that was signed.