Indian Act
In 1876 the canadian goverment passed the Indean Act, the Indian Act stated what and who was an Indian, and also stated what they were permitted and not permitted to do. -
Ceremonies Banned
Banned ceremoniesm Outlawing the Thirst Dance (Sun Dance) and Potlatch. -
Government take over
Allowed portions of reserves to be expropriated by municipalities for roads, railways or other public purposes without Native consultation -
Enfranchisement Amendment
Gave Native Men the right to vote, and become Canadian citizens, among other things if they give up their Indian status. -
Enfranchisement of WWI Veterans
The federal govern¬ment tried to enfranchise Indian veterans of World War I against their will. -
Amended again
Indian Act amended to include the Inuit people. -
Major Amendments
Ban on Indian ceremonies is dropped.
Ban on raising money for political purposes dropped.
Inuit specifically are excluded from the Indian Act. -
the closing of Residential Schools
Ottawa begins to close Residential Schools, although it wasn’t until 1988 until the last one closed. -
through BILL C-31 Native women who have married non-Native men now have the right to keep their Native status, and to pass their status on to their children. -
Band elections and referendums
Amended to allow band members living off reserves to vote in band elections and referendums.[