Canadian Confederation

  • Battle of the Plains of Abraham

    A battle that decided who would take over who between the French and the British.
  • Royal Proclamation

    Established as a basis of Government
  • Quebec Act

    This allowed Quebec to expand into Labrador
  • American War of Independence

    A war in America in which America wanted to break away from the British and become their own Nation. They eventually did and Became The USA.
  • War of 1812

    This war was between The British and the americans. The British took control of Washington and burnt down the White house.
  • Rebellions

    Rebellions broke out in Canada.
  • Lord Durham Report

    A report by Lord Durham that mainly said the colonies should join together
  • Act of Union

  • Period: to

    Baldwin-Lafontaine Coalition

  • Quebec Conference

  • Confederation

    Canada Confederates