
By falcon
  • France colonizes Chad by war and winning.

    France colonizes Chad by war and winning.
  • Africa was a made into four French territories in west central Africa

  • Chad was separated from Ubangi-Shari to make a 4th colony of French Equatorial.

    Chad was separated from Ubangi-Shari to make a 4th colony of French Equatorial.
  • Africa was transformed into a unified territory of France.

    Africa was transformed into a unified territory of France.
  • The PPT was first nationalist movement

    The PPT was first nationalist movement
  • Chad gains independance with first president Francois Tombalbaye.

    Chad gains independance with first president Francois Tombalbaye.
  • Tombalbaye banned all political parties except his own. His treatment to opponents was extremely harsh.

    Tombalbaye banned all political parties except his own.  His treatment to opponents was extremely harsh.
  • Oil was discovered in Chad

    Oil was discovered in Chad
  • Civil War starts in N'Djamena

    Civil War starts in N'Djamena
  • Aids is spreading all throughout Africa including Chad.

    Aids is spreading all throughout Africa including Chad.
  • 3.8 million people are infected in Africa.

    3.8 million people are infected in Africa.
  • In 2001 the number of people living with HIV/AIDS was about 150,000 and deaths from AIDS that year were about 14,000 people.

    In 2001 the number of people living with HIV/AIDS was about 150,000 and deaths from AIDS that year were about 14,000 people.