Social and Cultural Injustices in Canada

By shelley
  • The Indian Act

    The Indian Act
    this Act controlled the lives of First Nations People
  • Residential Schools

    Residential Schools
    from 1880 - 1996 the Church runs residential schools for status Indians under the age of 16
  • Aboriginal Potlatches illegal

    Aboriginal Potlatches illegal
    celebrations are illegal under the Indian Act
  • The Chinese Head tax

    The Chinese Head tax
    There is a head tax of $50 for every Chinese person entering Canada.
  • Manitoba Government Abolishes Bilingual Instruction

    Manitoba Government Abolishes Bilingual Instruction
    English/ French instruction is no longer.
  • Wartimes Elections excludes minorities the vote

    Wartimes Elections excludes minorities the vote
    This Act excludes minorities from voting, including Ukranians and Germans
  • The Chinese Immigration Act

    The Chinese Immigration Act
    Only Chinese students, or children who were born in Canada get to stay in Canada.
  • Black Men refused service

    Black Men refused service
    A restaurant's right to refuse serving 'coloured' people is upheld in court.
  • Hindus in BC denied the right to vote

    Hindus in BC denied the right to vote
    Hindus are not allowed to vote in provincial election.
  • Restricts Immigration of Jewish Refugees

    Restricts Immigration of Jewish Refugees
    1939-1945 Jewish refugees were not allowed into Canada during this time, despite the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany.
  • Japanese Internment Camps

    Japanese Internment Camps
    23000 Japanese Canadians in British Columbia were taken from their homes and placed in internment camps during the war.
  • Yukon First Nations are relocated

    Yukon First Nations are relocated
    In the 1950's Yukon First Nations were relocated.
  • Sayisi Dene are relocated

    Sayisi Dene are relocated
    This group of people from Northern Manitoba are relocated.
  • Adoption Scoop of First Nations and Metis Children

    Adoption Scoop of First Nations and Metis Children
    From 1960 - 1980 First Nation and Metis children were taken out of their communities and placed in new familes, often non aboriginal homes.