The Indian Act
Period: to
Dates Of Injustices
Residential Schools
Residential Schools were started in the 19th century. These schools were opened to assimilate the Canadian Natives into European-Canadians. These schools practises have been descibed as "Taking the Native out of the child." These schools would take kids away from their families.
The schools were run by various churches. Children would be punished for speaking their own language or practising their own faiths.
A lot of the children were dying and catching tuberculosis from each other. -
Aboriginal Potlaches Illegal
The Chinese Head Tax
The Chinese Head Tax was a certain amount of moeny that was charged to each Chinese person entering Canada. These fees were menat to discourage the Chinese from entering Canada. The tax was destroyed after The Chinese Immigration Act of 1923. -
Manitoba Governemt Abolishes Bilingual Instruction
Wartimes Elections Act Excludes Minorities The Vote
The Chinese Immigration Act
Restricts Immigration Of Jewish Refugees
Canada only addmited about 5,000 Jews during the Holocaust. The first factor was the impact of the great depression. Another problem for Jews was that Canada did not have a refugee policy. There was also a lot of anti-semitism all over Canada. -
Hindu's In BC Denied The RIght To Vote
Black Men Are Refused Service
White people are not excited about Black People living among them. White people who own shops start refusing to serve the black people. This was taken to court where the courts upholded the right to let White people continute to refuse to serve Black people. -
Japanese Interment Camps
There were ten internment camps in total. Many peple believed that racisim was the main cause of all of this. After the bombing of Pearl Harbour racisim was at it's peak. British Columbia started to blame all of it's problems on the Japanese. The public believed that all Japanese-Canadians were a threat to Canada; they all thought they were Japanese spies. The Japanese were ordered to move more than 160km inland, this was used to "safe gaurd" the Pacific Coast from Japanese spies. -
Yukon First Nations Are Relocted
Sayisi Dene Are Relocared
Adoption Scoop Of First of First Nations/Metis Children