(5 BYA).The Alpha of the Alpha
Sun was formed and dust was surrounding the sun, creating a simple solar system -
(4.6 BYA) Our Broken Home
Eath was formed from from the collosion of rocks and dust particles -
(4 BYA) The calm after the storm
Space collosions cease and the Earth cools down. -
(3.5 BYA) The First births
First cellular life formed, Archeabacteria -
(.5 BYA) The Structures for life
The gases of earth combined with the electrical charge of lightning create first nucleotides, ATP, and amino acids -
(5BYA) First Complexity
First Stromatolites populate the earth -
(3 BYA) Using the Power Of the Sun
The first photosynthetic Organisms formed -
(2.2 BYA) The Final Product
The Earth was finally shaped as it is today -
(2 BYA) Maintained Cabin Pressure
Earths O2 levels reached what they are today. -
(2-1.5BYA) Mobile Hotel
The first endosymbiosis occured. A prokaryote was consumed by eurokaryote and formed a symbiotic relationship -
(1 BYA) Forward Deflector Sheilds To Full Power
Ozone (O3) formed, protecting organisms from UV rays so they could exist on land. -
(1600-1700) Spontanious generation Theroy
Francesco Redi wanted to test the theroy of spontanious generation, so he allowed flies onto a piece of rotten meat, and put it in a sealed container. He also put a piece of rotton meat that flies had not been put on into a sealed container. The meat without flies generated no maggots, but the container with flies generated maggots -
(1700-1800) Vital Force in Eviroment Theroy
Spallanzani wanted to test the theroy of vital force in the enviroment, so he boiled two flasks with chicken broth, and sealed one of them. The unsealed flask developed microorganisms, but the sealed flasks developed no microorganisms. -
(1800-1900) Vital Force in Air Theroy
Louis Pasteur wanted to test the tesroy of vital force in the air, so he used a curved-neck flask and left it unsealed with chick broth in it. This allowed air to flow through the flask, but microorganisms were trapped in the curve of the bottle. It developed no microorganisms, proving there is no vital force in the air. -
(1920) Oparin's Hypothesis
Oparin hypothesised that organic materials could have formed in the early earths atmosphere from the various gasses and conditions -
(1900's) Radiometric Dating
Radiometric dating is developed. This uses the natural decay of carbon-14 and carbon 12, and uses their known half-life to generate a date of how old the specimim is -
(1953) Urey and Miller's Test
Urey and Miller tested Oparin's hypothesis on organic materials bbeing generated in earth's early enviroment, and sucessfully generated amino acids, nucleotides, and ATP, the neccessities for life. -
(!900's) Fox's Findings
Sidney W. Fox studied many physical structures that may have been first cells. -
(1970) Organics from Beyond
In 1970, a meteorite crashed to earth, containing a broad mixture of organic compounds, creating contreversy of organics being delivered to earth via meteorites. -
(1938) Marigulis's proposal
Marigulis proposed the theroy of endosymbiosis, in which a prokaryote was consumed by eukaryote and continued to function in a symbiotic relationship