Leslie's Great Society Legislation Timeline

  • The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 1965

    The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 1965
    The Federal agency responsible for national policy and programs that address America's housing needs, that improve and develop the Nation's communities, and enforce fair housing laws.
  • Period: to

    Great Society Legislation Timeline

  • Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), 1964

    Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), 1964
    Sent volunteers to help people in poor communities. Under Presidents Bush and Clinton, VISTA was merged with other national service programs.
  • Economic Opportunity Act, 1964

    Economic Opportunity Act, 1964
    The centerpiece of the "War on Poverty," which in turn was a major thrust of the "Great Society" legislative agenda of the Lyndon Johnson administration. The EOA provided for job training, adult education, and loans to small businesses to attack the roots of unemployment and poverty.
  • Immigration Act of 1965

    Immigration Act of 1965
    In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed a bill that has dramatically changed the method by which immigrants are admitted to America. This bill is the Immigration Act of 1965.
  • Medicare, 1965

    Medicare, 1965
    Provides hospital and low-cost medical insurance to most Americans age 65 and older.
  • Medicaid, 1965

    Medicaid, 1965
    Provides low-cost health insurance coverage to poor Americans of any age who cannot afford their own private health insurance.
  • The National Foundations of the Arts and Humanities, 1965

    The National Foundations of the Arts and Humanities, 1965
    The National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities to promote progress and scholarship in the humanities and the arts in the United States, and for other purposes.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
    It emphasizes equal access to education and establishes high standards and accountability. The law authorizes federally funded education programs that are administered by the states.
  • Water Quality Act, 1965

    Water Quality Act, 1965
    President Johnson signs the Water Quality Act, preventing water pollution by requiring states to establish and enforce water quality standards for interstate waterways.
  • The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, 1966

    The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, 1966
    Enacted in the United States in 1966 to empower the federal government to set and administer new safety standards for motor vehicles and road traffic safety.
  • Clean Water Restoration Act, 1966

    Clean Water Restoration Act, 1966
    Drew a considerable amount of opposition from some manufacturers, many of whom have been assessed large fines for violating it.