Abraham Lincoln is first elected president. -
South carolina Secedes
Thiss is the day South Carolina secedes form the Union. -
Confederate States of America formed
Jefferson Davis is elected president. -
Civil War begins.
Confederates open fire with 50 cannons upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. -
Union Victory
Gen. Ulysses S. Grant captures Fort Henry in Tennessee. -
Lee invades the North with 50,000 Confederates and heads for Harpers Ferry is fallowed by McClellan's 90,000 Union soiilders. -
Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves issued by President Lincoln. -
Final Emancipation Proclamation issued by Lincoln. -
Battle of Gettysburg
The tide of war turns against the South as the Confederates are defeated at the Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. -
Ulysses S. Grant is given official authority to command all of the armies of the United States. -
North Invade
The beginning of a massive, coordinated campaign involving all the Union Armies to invade Virginia. -
Abraham Lincoln is re-elected president. -
Christmas Present
Savannah falls to Sherman%u2019s army without resistance. Sherman gives the city to Lincoln as a Christmas present. -
Thirteenth Amendment
Congress passes the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolishes slavery throughout the United States. -
Fall of Richmond
Union troops occupy Richmond. -
Civil War officaly over Union wins.