(5 BYA) Earth's Geological Description 5 BYA
Solar system began to form . Solar system was a swriling mass of gas. -
(4.6 BYA) Earths Geological Description in 4.6 BYA
Earth grew larger as gravity pulled in more debris. Collisions between earth and space debris also released a great deal of thermal energy. -
(4 BYA) Earth's Geological description 4 BYA
Organic molecules began to accumulate. -
(4 BYA0 Earth's Geological Description 4 BYA
Oldest known rocks and crystals began to form. -
(3.5 BYA0 Earth's Description of Life 3.5 BYA
Fossils of stromatolites were discovered from around 3.5 BYA. -
(3 BYA) Earths Description of LIfe 3 BYA
Some forms of life become photosynthetic. -
(2.2 BYA) Earth's Geological Appearance
Earth probably appeared much as it does today. -
(2 BYA) Earth's Geological Appearance
O2 levels reached today's levels. -
(Between 2 BYA-1.5 BYA) Earth's Description of Life
Endo- Symbosis is formed in mitochondria. -
(1 BYA) Earths Geological Appearance
Ozone (O3) formed - protected organisms from harmful UV rays so they could exist on land. -
(1626-1697) Redi's Experiment
Fransico Redi was one of the first to disprove spontaneous generation. He was an Italian doctor who proved maggots came from flies. -
(1729-1799) Spallanzani's Experiment
Experimented with broth and microorganisms in both a sealed and open flask. -
(1822- 1895) Pasteur's Experiment
Used a revised version of Spallanzani's design to support microorganisms are carried in the air and that they do not arise by spontatneous generation. He used a curved neck flask to show that the mircoorganisms were coming from the air and could not travel into the flask . -
(1894-1980) Oparin's Hypothesis
Oparin's thought that the early atmosphere contained ammonia, hyydrogen gases, water vapor, and compunds that were made of hydrogen and carbon such as methane. At high temperatures these gases may have formed simple organic compunds . When earth cooled and water vapor formed lakes and seas simple compounds would have collected in the water. Overtime they entered complex chemical reactions fueled by energy from lightening and ultraviolent radiation. -
(1665) Hookes Invention of the Microscope
First microscope invented. Hooke exaxmined pieces of cork to look at there cells. -
(1947-) Thomas Cech
Thomas Cech's main research area is that of the process of transcription in the nucleus of cells. -
Urey (1893-1981) and Miller (1930-)
The Miller and Urey experiment was an experiment that simulated hypothetical conditions thought at the time to be present on the early Earth, and tested for the occurrence of chemical origins of life. -
(1912-1998) Sidney Fox
PErformed research on physical structures that may have given rise to the first cell. -
(1938-) Lynn Margulis
Lynn Margulis is known for her theory on the origin of eukaryotic organelles, -
(1950) Radiometric Dating
Radiometric datingis a technique used to date materials such as rocks.