South Australia
Men: 1856 -
Men: 1856 -
New South Wales
Men: 1858 -
Men: 1859 -
Northen Territory
The Northen territory and the Australian Capital Trritory are not shown because the Northen Territory was part of the New South Wales until 1863 -
Legislation was passed denying chinese who were not British subjects the right to vote. -
South Australia
In south Autralia legislation was passed denying chinsese who were not British subjects the right to vote. -
Queensland passed an Act denying the vote to 'an aboroginal native of Australia, India, China or the South Sea Islands' unless they owned property. -
Western Asutralia
Men : 1893 -
South Asutralia
Women 1894 -
Western Australia
Women: 1899 -
Men: 1900 -
New South Wales
Women: 1902 -
Women :1905 -
Women: 1908 -
South Australia
The Australian Capital Territory was not founded until 1911.In 1911 both the Northen Territory and the Australian Capital Territory were Transferred to the Commonwealth.