Isaac Newton
Formulated the laws of gravity, which he applied to our planetary system. -
Edmond Halley
Used Newton's laws to predict that a comet last seen in 1682 will be see again 76 years later. -
William Herschel
Proposed that some nebulae are groups of systems of stars -
Gustav Kirchhoff
Investigated the solar spectrum by passing sunlight through a spectroscope. Spectroscopy is now widely used to determine the composition and movement of stars -
Albert Einstein
Proposed that matter is a form of energy, which led to theories on the evolution of the universe -
Albert Einstein
Proposed the general theory of relativity, which led to details of the structure of black holes -
Wilhelm de Sitter
Argued that the general theory of relativity implies that the universe is expanding -
Arthur Eddington
Observed a solar eclipse which supported Einstein's general theory of relativity -
Edwin Hubble
Found galaxies beyond the Milky way -
Georges Lemaitre
Formulated the modern Big Bang theory -
Edwin Hubble
Found that other galaxies seem to be moving away from the Milky Way, which supports the expanding universe -
Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias
Observed background microwave radiation in space - a discovery that supports the Big Bang theory -
Stephen Hawking
Used the general theory of relativity to predict mini black holes, which can explain the formation of the universe