
Junior Block Schedule

  • EDSE 321: Overachievers Paper

    EDSE 321: Overachievers Paper
    Overachiever paper is due.
    Must be 3-4 pages and answer the questions posted in the syllabus.
  • Period: to

    Junior Block Semester

    Important dates to remember during the semester.
  • EDFN 330: Online Publishing Assignment

    EDFN 330: Online Publishing Assignment
    Submit online publishing assignment to d2l
  • EDSE 433: Book Group

    EDSE 433: Book Group
    Read Zakaria, Chapters 4-7 and be ready to discuss in class.
  • EDFN 330: Tech Tip

    EDFN 330: Tech Tip
    Present Tech Tip to class and demonstrate the use of
  • Field Placement

    Field Placement
    Field Placement begins
  • EDSE 433: Field Experience Reflection

    EDSE 433: Field Experience Reflection
    Answer reflection prompt no. 1 on d2l
  • EDSE 433: Field Experience Reflection

    EDSE 433: Field Experience Reflection
    Answer prompt no. 2 on d2l
  • EDSE 321: Speaker: Event Reflection

    EDSE 321: Speaker: Event Reflection
    Write your reflection to the guest speaker's lecture you attending the night before (April 6, 2011 at 7pm)
  • EDSE 433: Field Experience Reflection 3

    EDSE 433: Field Experience Reflection 3
    Answer prompt no. 3 on d2l
  • EDSE 433: Field Experience Reflection 4

    EDSE 433: Field Experience Reflection 4
    Answer prompt no. 4 on d2l
  • EDSE 321: Portfolio

    EDSE 321: Portfolio
    Field Service portfolio is due. Check syllabus for guidelines.
  • EDFN 330: Creative Expressions

    EDFN 330: Creative Expressions
    See syllabus for guidelines.
  • Field Experience Ends

    Field Experience Ends
    Last day of field experience
  • EDSE 433: CIRQL Fair

    EDSE 433: CIRQL Fair
    Attend fair in the Stayer MPR at 4:00 PM
  • EDSE 433: Portfolio Due

    EDSE 433: Portfolio Due
    see syllabus for details.