
Cold War with 15 Million Degree Fahrenheit Atomic Bombs

  • United Nations Form

    United Nations Form
    On January 1st, 1942 representative of 26 nations at war with the axis powers met in Washington Dc to sign the Declaration of the United Nations. They agreed to stick up for one another and act as a whole rather than individuals. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
  • The Cold War Begins

    The Cold War Begins
    Following World War two, The Soviet Union and the United States were the top two superpowers of the world. Although both were large superpowers they had two very different ways of economics and government. The soviets were communist while the U.S were capitalist. The cold war began in Korea who was and still is divided between the Soviets and the U.S. Both sides responded in full force. Causing the start of the Cold War. The event started a long lasting tension between the two superpowers.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The Truman doctrine established that the United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under the treat of a stronger unwelcome force.This was designed to help stop the spread of another superpower, yet still expand ourselves.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The Berlin Blockade was an attempt by the Soviets to deny access for the U.S, France and Great Britain to visit their part of Berlin. Berlin was separated into two sections, the West was ran by the Soviets while the East was the U.S. territory. The Soviets however were done sharing Berlin and attempted to deny us access to railroads, road and canal access. East Berlin was in need of food and water. This was important because it created a bigger divide between both superpowers.
  • Soviet Union Test Their First Atomic Bomb

    Soviet Union Test Their First Atomic Bomb
    At a remote site in Semipalatinsk the Soviets successfully drop their first atomic bomb. They tested it on artificial buildings and placed animals in cages to see the effect on human. The explosion destroyed the buildings and incinerated the animals. With the Soviets dropping their first atomic bomb, it was a wake up call for the U.S. You can not threatened someone who is equal to you. And now the Soviets were equal. This began the start of insane tension and terror for a nuclear war.
  • Korean War Starts

    Korean War Starts
    The Korean war began when North Korea invaded South Korea. The United Nations, including U.S. jumped right into help South Korea. China as well as the Soviet Union jumped into help North Korea.
  • Rosenberg Trial

    Rosenberg Trial
    Julius Rosenberg was arrested right as the cold war began. He was then executed with his wife on the charge of, “Conspiracy to Commit Espionage.”
  • Truman Fires MacArthur

    Truman Fires MacArthur
    MacArthur was one of the best men of the U.S. forces in Korea. There was a huge upset when MacArthur was relieved of his position. However problems with the flamboyant and egotistical general had been brewing for months. Truman believed we should keep the conflict in Korea a "limited war". General MacArthur believed that the only way to accomplish was to take huge steps to do so. When he was fired there was an outburst from the American people. This prevented further outbreaks involving China.
  • Stalin Dies

    Stalin Dies
    Joseph Stalin dies at the age of 73 from a cerebral hemorrhage. Stalin had been the leader of the Soviet Union for nearly 30 years. He was considered responsible for millions of his own peoples death from famine. The death of Stalin causes a temporary thaw in Cold war tensions. The U.S. did not believe that the death of Stalin was a good opportunity to showdown and force the cold war to end. Many people believed it was a missed chance to end the war.
  • Cease-Fire in Korean War

    Cease-Fire in Korean War
    After three long years of a bloody war the United States, the People’s Republic of China, North Korea, and South Korea agree to an armistice, ending the Korean War. The Korean war was the U.S.'s first taste of the Cold War concept of, "limited war."
  • Warsaw Pact Formed

    Warsaw Pact Formed
    The Warsaw Pact treaty was a political and military alliance established between the Soviet Union and several eastern European countries. The Warsaw pact remained working until 1991.
  • Rebellion In Hungary

    Rebellion In Hungary
    The uprising in Hungary was a nation wide uprising. No one was okay with being held "captive" by the soviets government and being forced into communism. Russia showed Hungary their power by putting thousands of troops as well as tanks and other machinery in Hungary.However on October 23rd people took to the streets of Budapest to protest for 16 points, which included public freedom. Soviets were not happy and stormed Budapest. Killing thousands. More countries are trying to get out of communism.
  • McCarthy Dies

    McCarthy Dies
    Joseph Raymond McCarthy was an American, who served as a U.S. senator from the state of Wisconsin. He was an alcoholic who became very ill. He died at the age of 45. He was a huge role in the "red scare" that captured the United States. McCarthy was brutal, he publicly called our military out on being, "soft on communism." McCarthy was one of the strongest anti-communist known, the soviets shed no tear when informed about his death. Even though he died his views on communism lived on.
  • NASA Created

    NASA Created
    NASA was created for coordinating American activities in space. NASA was a creation based off of competition, the Soviet Union had just launch of its first satellite, Sputnik I when NASA was funded.
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    President Eisenhower was in the good gracious with the prime-minister Nikita Khrushchev. However after a U.S. spy plane, U-2, was shot down tension grew again. The U.S. tried to cover it up but then eventually had to tell the truth because the surviving pilot was captured by the Soviets. The pilot faced 2 years in jail and then was released back to the U.S.The Soviets lost trust in the U.S. This could have been the end of the cold war but with the choice the U.S. made it continued the tensions.
  • Kennedy Elected

    Kennedy Elected
    Kennedy was asked by Lyndon B. Johnson, a senator from Texas, to run with him as vice president. However Kennedy beat Lyndon B. Johnson and became the youngest president at the ripe age of 43.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The Bay of Pigs was a failed military invasion of Cuba. The plan was to over throw the increasing communist government ran by Fidel Castro. The plan failed costing the U.S. roughly $13.1 million.
  • Cuban Missile crisis

    Cuban Missile crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was a 13 day stand off between the U.S and the USSR. The U.S. had caught wind Soviets had a ballistic missile deployment in Cuba. The U.S. was threatened and began to negotiate. We secretly agreed to dismantle all U.S.-built Jupiter MRBMs, which were deployed in Turkey and Italy against the Soviet Union. And publicly declare an agreement to never invade Cuba again. Both sides agreed and pulled their missiles.This was the closest the cold war had gotten to a nuclear war.
  • November 22, 1963 Kennedy Assassinated Us and USSR Established Hotlines

    November 22, 1963 Kennedy Assassinated Us and USSR Established Hotlines
    To lessen the threat of an accidental nuclear war, The United States and the Soviet Union agreed to establish a hotline between the two superpowers. The tension and fear of an accidental attack was gone.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin wall divided West Berlin from East Berlin. The wall was built by the Germans to protect its population from desiring to be anything but communist. It was a was so people would stay in West Berlin and be communist rather than going to East Berlin and becoming a capitalist. The U.S. offered hope to both the cities, President Kennedy visited Berlin and gave a speech which was met with hope and smiles. In the later years the wall was torn down, showing the slow decrease in communism.