Diminishing Slave Project for Extend

  • Period: to

    Life of Anthony Johnson and his children

  • Court Case Doc A, Anthony Buys Land Part 1

    Anthony buying land shows that he can start his own life. Other black that are not free could not buy land. They belonged to the owner of the plantation. They could not escape. Now that Anthony had land he could start a family and get a job. He was free and could experience the feeling of not being held captive. He did not have to work for an owner and get abused and pushed around. He was on his own now. He was lucky because other black like him did not have their free say and had to work for so
  • Court Case Doc A, Anthony Buys LandPart 2

    long and did not get paid for their work. They were treated like dogs and dogs should not be treated that way.
  • ACT XII,Part 1 If a mother bears a child then it is born a slave and is owned by the owner of the plantation

    This law says that if a mother has a child then the child is born a slave and belong to the land owner. It is not the childs fault that he was born. It is not fair for the child to be a slave for the rest of it's life. It has to suffer and work hard and still get punished. Why does the child belong to the land owner? He is not the mother or the father of the child. Why does and owner have the right to own the child? Is it only because he has white skin and the child has black?
  • ACT XII,Part 2 If a mother bears a child then the childis born a slave and is owned by the owner of the plantation

    The child does not deserve to be treated like dirt. Nobody with black skin does! If any more laws are passed then they will be property. What happened to blacks owning land? Is it fair for free blacks to own land and other blacks working without getting paid? The whites made this law so the land owners could get free slaves without paying.
  • ACT III,Part 1 Slaves baptized in Virgina will never be free

    Slaves that are baptized in Virgina will never be free. That means land owners will baptize their slaves so they will never be free. That is also leading to that slaves are becoming property. They do not have any right in the world. They are becoming equal to a piece of clothing or a desk. They are not a person any more they are property for life! Whites are just trying to keep the slaves for life and not give them the feeling that they are human and loved as a person.
  • ACTIII, Part 2 Slaves baptized in Virgina will never be free

    If the slaves are baptized then they will never get to taste freedom. Now that they are batized they are property.For life.
  • ACT I, The owners of slaves can kill them without going to court or without the approval of a judge or jury

    This one says that you can be killed by your owner for no reason and without going to court. If you slip up even a little then your owner might kill you. Just like if you are a desk and you are old your owner can throw you away just because you are old. Slaves are being treated like property and are called property. Why did they make this law? It does not help the owner by having one less slave.
  • ACT VI, Free colored men can not hold office

    This one says that you free colored men can not hold office. If you are free then what other job can they do? They are free, why are they still beings treated like slaves? They got their freedom and they are still being dicrimunated againist. I thought they were free. Why can't they hold office? The white have gone to far with all of the laws. Now free colored men and slaves are being treated like property.