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Victoria's Dirty Secret Campaign

  • Victoria's Dirty Secret Campaign Launches

    Victoria's Dirty Secret Campaign Launches
    VictoriasDirtySecret.net, the campaign website, was soon to follow, along with coverage by the Wall Street Journal.
  • Full-page ad in the NY Times gets attention!

    Full-page ad in the NY Times gets attention!
    Our full-page ad, featuring a Victoria's Secret lingerie-clad model with gets picked up on <i><a href='http://forestethics.org/downloads/TodayShow.mov' target="_blank">The Today Show</a></i>, the <i>USA Today</i>, and more.
  • Valentine's Day for Limited Brands Execs

    Valentine's Day for Limited Brands Execs
    For Valentine's Day, we delivered gifts to Limited Brands executives. Our gifts of flowers and chocolates made a huge impression on the CEO. After this kind gesture, Limited Brands, Inc. invited ForestEthics to meet with them-- thereby beginning our first rounds of negotiations.
  • victory!

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