Emotional Development
Their speech and motor skills have improved, relieving some sources of frustration. They also understands more and is able to wait longer for various needs to be met. They express love and affection freely and seeks approval and praise. They are usually get along better with parents and other children because they tend to be more outgoing, friendly, and less self-centered. -
Children in this age group can usually feed themselves and learn to use a fork, but they often take a long time to eat. They are still improving their fine motor skills as well as getting nutrition. At this age, a child should eat with the rest of the family. -
Piagets Four Periods of Learning
Children think in terms of their own activities and what they percieve at the moment. -
Intellectual Developmental Milestones
Uses 2-3 word sentences, knows about 500 words, follows simple directions, and identifies colors. -
Social Developmental Milestones
At this age they engage in parallel play, plays simple games with others, bosses other children, says "please" if prompted. -
Physical Developmental Milestones
By this age they are able to stack 6 blocks, turn one page at a time of a book, picking up objects from floor without falling or losing balance, walks with more coordination and confidence, can jump off bottom stair, and can push themselves on wheeled toys. -
Social Patterns
They are good at understanding and interacting with their main caregivers. They can read their caregivers moodsand guage what kind of behavior the caregiver is likely to accept. hey are able to communicate well with others. They think its fun to play with someone else, though they usually continue to to engage in parallel play. They usually continue start to understand the idea of sharing or taking turns.