The Child from One to Three.

By kmtb94
  • 12-18 months

    -Turns several pages from a book at a time
    -Picks up small objects with thumb and forefinger.
    -Moves objects from hand to hand
    -May walk alone or while holding a caregiver's hand
    -Sits down without help
    -Slides down stairs backwards, one step at a time
  • Feeding: One

    Children eat variety of foods, mainly finger foods
  • Emotions: Eighteen months

    Is defiant, trying to establish some control over her life
  • S.P.: Eighteen months

    children usually begin developing some independence from the family units
  • D.M.: 1 year

    -plays alone but often near others
    -dislikes sharing toys
    -desires approval
    -fears some strangers
  • I.D.M.: 1 year

    -begins to put two words together
    -names common objects & people
    -understands "no" but ignores
    -finds hidden objects
  • 18-24 months

    -Stacks froms two to four blocks
    -Grasps crayons with a fist and scribbles
    -Walks well
    -Jumps in place
    -Climbs up or down one stairs
    -Pulls toys with wheels
  • Emotions: 2 years

    is affectionate - and may ofen be in the caregivers way.
  • S.P.: 2 years

    children have begun to develop an impressive list of social skills.
  • 2-2 1/2 years

    -Stacks six blocks.
    -Turns one page of a book at a time
    -Picks up objects from the floor without losing balance
    -Walks with more coordination and confidence
    -Jumps off the bottom step
    -Pushes self on wheeled toys
  • Feeding: Two

    Children usually learn to eat with fork
  • Emotions: 2 1/2 years

    the child may feel overwhelmed, and frustation becomes anger
  • S.P.: 2 1/2 year

    children begin to learn about the rights of others
  • D.M.: 2 years

    -engages in parallel play
    -plays simple games with others
    -bosses other children
    -says "please" if prompted
  • I.D.M.; 2 years

    -uses to to three word sentences
    -knows about 500 words
    -follows simple directions
    -identifies colors
  • 2 1/2-3 years

    -Stacks eight blocks
    -Screws lids on and off containers
    -Draws circles and horizontal and vertical lines
    -Alternates feet going up stairs but not going down
    -Runs but may not be able to stop smoothly
    -Throws a ball overhead but inaccurately
  • Emotions: 3 years

    is generally a happy child who is eager to help
  • S.P.: 3 years

    children begin cooperative play, actually play with one another
  • 3-4 years

    -Stacks nine or ten blocks
    -Cuts with scissors
    -Draws recognizable pictures
    -Jumps up and down in place with both feet
    -Catches a ball with arms straight
    -Rides a tricycle
  • Feeding: Three

    Most children are skillful using a fork and spoon
  • D.M.: 3 years

    -takes part in brief group activities (cooperative play)
    -takes turns
    -likes to help
    -shows affection
  • I.D.M.: 3 years

    -uses longer sentences
    -knows about 900 words
    -follows two part directions
    -sorts by color and shape