Unit 4 Timeline

  • 1 Year - Physical Development

    • Moves objects from hand to hand
    • Picks up small objects with thumb and forefinger *May walk alone *Sits down without help *Eat finger foods *Use spoon for eating *Starts weaning.
  • 1 year - Emotional Development

    • Children are self- centered. *Begin being negativism *Start having temper tantrums *Sensimotor period *Begins to put two words together *Understands "no" but ignores it.
  • Year 1 - Social Development

    *Most develop independence
    * Some parralel play
    *Treat people as object rather than humans
    *Dislikes sharing toys
  • 18 months- Physical development

    • Slides down stairs backwards, one step at a time.
    • Turn several pages of a book at a time.
    • Stacks from two to four blocks.
    • Walks well.
    • Jumps in place.
    • Can use spoon with little spilling. *Sensimotor stage
    • Finds hidden objects
    • Names common objects and people.
  • 18 months- Social development

    • Parralel play
    • Can understand that thier actions have consequences for others *Fears some strangers
    • Desires approval
  • 18 months- Emotional development

    • Trying to establish some control over her life.
    • Self- centered
    • Negativism
  • 24 months - Physical development

    • Climbs up or down one stair
    • Pulls toys w/ wheels
    • Stacks blocks
    • Walks w/ more coordination and confidence.
    • Learn to feed themselves & use a fork.
  • 24 months- Emotional development

    • Speech and motor skills improved
    • Understands more and is able to wait longer for various needs.
    • Affectionate
    • Uses two- three word sentences. Follows simple directions.
  • 24 months- Social development

    • Especially good at understanding and interacting w/ their caregivers. *Increasingly able to communicated w/ others.
    • Start to understand the idea of sharing or taking turns. Like to please others.
    • Bosses other children
    • Says "please " if prompted
  • 30 months- Physical development

    • Pushes self on wheeled toys.
    • Screws lids on & off containers.
    • Throws a ball overhead but inaccurately. *Picks up objects from the floor w/out loosing balance.
  • 30 months- Social development

    • A child may refuse to do anything at all for one person, while happily doing almost anything for another.
    • Begin to learn about the rights of others.
    • Begin to respond to the idea of fairness.
    • Play is still pararrel, works best with two children.
    • Sensimotor/ Preoperational period
  • 30 months- Emotional development

    • May feel overwhelmed
    • Frustation becomes anger
  • 36 months- Physical development

    • Skillful using a spoon & fork.
    • Have full set of primary teeth. *Draws circles & horizontal & vertical lines.
    • Runs but may not be able to stop smoothly.
    • Cuts with scissors.
    • Jumps up & down w/ both feet.
    • Rides a tricycle.
  • 36 months- Social development

    • Share, help, or do things another person's way just to please someone.
    • Begins cooperative play.
    • Seek friends on their own.
    • Takes turns.
    • Shows affection.
  • 36 months-Emotional development

    • Happy child eager to learn.
    • More cooperative and learning to be more considerate.
    • More willing to take directions from others.
    • Fewer temper tantrums.
    • Like to talk and better at it. *Preoperational stage