Vietnam protest march


  • Dien Bien Phu

    Dien Bien Phu
    location: Vietnam comand post where french battled againts the vietnamese.
    lasted 55 days
    shattered france's resolve making them step back.
  • Ho Chi Minh Trail ( only had the year)

    Ho Chi Minh Trail ( only had the year)
    location:north vietnam/cambodia
    specialized north vietnamese army unit "group 559"
    created supply route from north vietnam to vietcong forcese in the south.
    with approval from the prince of cambodia.
    along the vietnamese/cambodian borders
  • United states become atively involved (year only)

    president kennedy orders help to south vietnamese goverment. includes: new equipment, +3,000 military advisors, support personal.
  • Operation Rangeland (early 1962)

    Operation Rangeland (early 1962)
    clear vegitaton along side highways, making it difficult for vietcong to hide themselves from ambushes. forests sprayed with "agent orange" trails are exposed.
    crops to feed vietcongs are destroyed
  • Gulf of Tonkin Attack

    Gulf of Tonkin Attack
    A night when the south vietnamese commandos attack two small north vietnamese islands.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    Gives president Johnson power to take whatever actions he see's neccessary to defend southeast asia.
  • Rolling thunder Begins

    Rolling thunder Begins
    limited but long lasting bombing defensive.
    Goal: force north vietnam to stop support for vietcongs in the south.
    first bombing raids are flown.
    lasted until March 2, 1965
  • U.S offers peace for economic aid proposal

    U.S offers peace for economic aid proposal
    Offer is rejected, president johnson raises american combat stregth
    korea and australlia are added as a sign of international support
  • Johnson sends 60,00 troops

    Johnson sends 60,00 troops
    After peace was rejected.
  • First Mayjor Battle for American Units

    First Mayjor Battle for American Units
    "operation Starlite"
    American Win victrory 700 vietnamese soldiers die
    U.S : 45 dead and 200 wounded
  • Tet Offensive Begins (Autum 1967)

    200 senior officials are arrested in crackdown on opponents of the tet stategy.
  • Operation Juction City

    Largest air-mobile assaults
    240 helicopters
    goal: destroy vietnam bases
    lasted 72 days
  • Khe Sanh Attacked by Vietcong

    Isolted marine base
    lasted 77 days
    was one of the most brutal single battles of the vietnam war
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    U.S charlie Company kills about 200 civilians
  • Nixon takes office

    Nixon takes office
    promises to achieve "peace with honor"
    allowed half million troops to withdrawl
  • Operation Menu

    Operation Menu
    Bombing of north vietnamese and vietcong bases within cambodia droped more than half million tons of bombs on cambodia
  • 133,000 troops

    The remaining 133,000 soldiers stay in south vietnam
  • Peace Talks break down

    Peace Talks break down
    In paris, bewteen North vietnamese and the United States
  • Peace talks resume

    Peace talks resume
    North Vietnamese and UnitedStates in Paris again
  • Cease Fired Signed

    Cease Fired Signed
    All Warrying parties in vietnam war sign.
  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon Resigns
    Leaving south vietnam without its strongest advocate
  • Last casualties for the U.S and Final Evacuation

    Last casualties for the U.S and Final Evacuation
    Two U.S marines are killed in a rocket attack at saigon 's tan son nhut airport