
  • Dien Bien Phu

    The battle lasted 55 days at a mountain outpost in the northwest corner of Vietnam. Where the Nationalist powers beat the alllied French Troops lead by General Vo Nguyen Giap.The Vietnamese victory lead to the French resolve to carry on the war to be shattered.
  • Period: to

    The Battlefield of Vietnam

  • Creation of the Ho Chi Minh trail

    A primitive route along the Vietnamese/Cambodian border that was created by a specialized North Vietnamese Unit, Group 559. It was a supply route from North Vietnam to the Vietcong in South Vietnam.
  • United States becomes actively involved

    American Helicopters arrive in South Vietnam with 400 U.S personnel that will fly and maintain the aircrafts. America was now actively involved
  • Operation Ranchhand

    Operation Ranchhand began in 1962. It was to clear vegetation alongside the highways and make it difficult for the vietcong (guerrilla fighters) to conceal themselves. As time went on the operations increased. Many areas were sprayed with Agent Orange, an herbicide containing the toxic chemical Dioxin. These trails and bases were exposed and the crops that may have feed them were destroyed.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Attack

    Two small North Vietnamese islands in the Gulf of Tonkin are attacked by two South Vietnamese commandos. The United States destroyer Maddox, an electronic spy ship is given orders to electronically simulate an air attack to draw North Vietnamese boats away from the commandos.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The U.S. congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which gives President Johnson the power, to take whatever actions he sees necessary to defend southeast Asia
  • Rolling Thunder Begins

    President Johnson authorizes Operation Rolling Thunder, a limited but long lasting bombing offensive.It's goal was to force North Vietnam to stop supporting Vietcong Guerrillas in the South. Rolling Thunder lasts from 1965 to 1968.
  • U.S. Offers Peace for Economic Aid Proposal

    The U.S offers North Vietnam economic aid in exchange for peace. However this is ultimately turned down. Two weeks later, Johnson raises America's combat strength to more that 60,000 troops, Allied forces of Korea and Australia are added as a sign of International aid.
  • President Johnson commits over 60,000 troops to Vietnam

    After the refusal of the Economic Aid Proposal, Johnson sent in over 60,000 troops to Vietnam.
  • First major battle of Vietnam War for American Units

    Air attacks eventually drive the Vietcong away when they attack at Dong Xai. This is a South Vietnamese Army district headquarters and American Special Forces camp. Dong Xai is overrun by a full Vietcong regiment.
  • Operation Junction City

    It began in one of the largest air-mobile assualts ever with 240 helicopter sweeps ove Tay Ninh province. The goal was to destroy vietcong bases and the vietcong military headquaters for South Vietnam. It lasted 72 days with America capturing large quantities of supplies but there were no large distinctive battle.
  • Khe Sanh attacked by Vietcong

    The initial attack continues for two days starting at 5:30 a.m with a shattering bombardment of shells, mortars and rockets slaming into the Marine base at Khe Sanh. Eighteen Marines are killed instantly, 40 are wounded.
  • Tet Offensive begins

    On the Tet holiday more than 100 cities and towns are attacked by Vietcong units surging into action over the length and width of South Vietnam. 37,000 Vietcong troops deployed for Tet have been killed. Many more had been wounded or captured, and the fighting had created more than a half million civilian refugees by the end of the city battles. 37,000 Vietcong troops deployed for Tet have been killed. Tet was nothing less than a catastrophe but it was a serious blow to Public Suport for America.
  • My Lai massacre

    In May Lai Charlie Company kills about 200 civilians. Although one member is tried and found guilty of war crimes. It made a huge impact on the Army as a whole. After countless hours of civic duty it was lost when mistakes like this happened. It caused people to question war ethics/conducts and forget about the good they had done.
  • Nixon Takes Office

    President Richard M. Nixon takes office as the new President of the United States. With regard to Vietnam, he promises to achieve "Peace With Honor." His aim is to negotiate a settlement that will allow the half million U.S. troops in Vietnam to be withdrawn, while still allowing South Vietnam to survive.
  • Operation Menu

    In spite of government restrictions, President Nixon authorizes Operation Menu, the bombing of North Vietnamese and Vietcong bases within Cambodia. The U.S. forces will drop more than a half million tons of bombs on Cambodia over the following four years.
  • All but 133,000 US troops have come home

    Only 133,000 troops remain in Vietnam.The ground war is now exclusively the responsibilty of South Vietnam who has over 1,000,000 men elisted in it's armed forces.
  • Peace talks break down

    The peace talks in Paris between the North Vietnamese and Americans breakdown.
  • Peace talks resumes

    The previously failed peace talks are resumed in Paris, between the Americans and the North Vietnamese.
  • Cease fire signed

    A cease fire is signed by all warring nations in the Vietnam War.
  • Nixon Resigns

    President Richard M. Nixon resigns leaving South Vietnam without it's strongest advocate.
  • Last casualties for the US and final evacuation

    Two U.S. Marines are killed in a rocket attack at Saigon's Tan Son Nhut airport. They are the last Americans to die in the Vietnam War.At dawn, the last Marines of the force guarding the U.S. embassy lift off. Only hours later, looters ransack the embassy, and North Vietnamese tanks role into Saigon, ending the war.