World War Two

By 0532260
  • Germany invades Poland.

    Germany invades Poland.
  • Period: to

    World War Two

  • Australia, New Zealand, France and Britain declare War on Germany.

  • Canada declares war on Germany.

  • Finland signs peace treaty with Soviet Union.

  • Germany invades Denmark and Norway.

  • Germany invades Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg.

  • Holland surrenders to Germany.

  • Evacuation of British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk.

  • Belgium surrenders to Germany.

  • Italy declares war on Britain and France.

    Italy declares war on Britain and France.
    As well as capitulation/surrender of Norway.
  • German army enters Paris.

  • Germany begins occupation of Channel Islands.

  • Battle of Britain begins.

    Battle of Britain begins.
  • Italy begins occupation of British Somaliland.

  • Italy invades Egypt.

  • German army moves into Rumania.

  • Italy invades Greece.

  • Italian 9th Army defeated by Greeks.

  • British recapture Sollum (Egypt).

  • Australians capture Bardia, Libya.

  • British and Austalians capture Tobruk.

    British and Austalians capture Tobruk.
  • British and Australians capture Benghazi.

  • Bulgaria joins Axis.

  • German Afrika Korps begins offensive in N. Africa.

  • Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece.

  • Germans occupy Belgrade.

  • Yugoslav army surrenders to Germans.

  • Germans capture Thessalonika

  • Germans capture Athens.

  • Germans take Sollum.

  • British re-capture Sollum.

    Also re-capture Halfaya.
  • German airborne invasion of Crete.

  • British forces in Crete are defeated.

  • Allied forces invade Syria.

  • Germany invades Soviet Union

    Operation Barbarossa.
    Italy and Rumania declare war on Soviets.
  • Hungary and Slovakia declare war on Soviets.

    Hungary and Slovakia declare war on Soviets.
  • Finland declares war on Soviets.

  • German army occupies Estonia.

  • Siege of Leningrad starts.

  • Kharkov falls to Germans.

  • Germans attack Moscow.

  • Germans put attack on Moscow on halt.

  • Japanese declare war on USA.

    Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour.
    Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour.
  • Allies declare war on Japan

    Not including Soviets.
  • Germany declares war on USA.

  • Japanese capture Hong Kong.

  • Japanese take Kuala Lumpur.

  • Singapore falls to Japanese.

  • Japanese enter Rangoon.

  • British capture Madagascar.

    Surrender of all US forces on Phillipines.
  • Germans defeat Soviets.

    At Kharkov.
  • Battle of Midway.

    4 Japanese carriers sunk.
  • Sevastopol falls to Germans.

  • Brazil declares war on Germany and Italy.

  • Battle of El Alamein begins.

  • Operation Torch begins.

    Allies invade NW Africa.
  • Soviets advance into Poland.

  • Casablanca Conference begins.

    Roosevelt demands "Unconditional Surrender".
  • German surrender at Stalingrad.

  • German Army re-takes Kharkov.

  • Surrender of Axis forces in North Africa.

  • Operation Husky.

    Allied landings in Sicily.
  • Soviets re-capture Kharkov.

  • Italy signs armistice.

  • Germans occupy Rome.

  • Soviets re-take Smolensk.

  • Official Italian Government declares war on Germany.

  • Soviets re-capture Kiev.

  • Allied landings in Anzio.

  • Soviets re-capture Kharkov.

  • Hungary occupied by German Army.

  • Sevastopol falls to Soviets.

  • Rome captured by Allies.

  • Operation Neptune/Overlord.

    Allied invasion of Normandy.
  • US Army captures Cherbourg.

  • Japanese defeat on Saipan.

  • German assassination attempt on Hitler fails.

  • US landings on Guam.

  • Beginning of Operation Cobra.

    Allied breakout from Normandy.
  • Soviets take Brest-Litovsk.

  • Allies liberate Florence.

  • Operation Anvil.

    Allied landings in South of France.
  • Allies liberate Paris.

  • Germans abandon Bulgaria.

  • Soviets declare war on Bulgaria.

  • Operation Market Garden.

    Failed airborne assault in Holland.
  • Estonia occupied by Soviets.

  • Soviets enter Yugoslavia.

  • Allies land in Greece.

  • Soviets enter East Prussia.

  • Surrender of Axis forces in Greece.

  • German attack through Ardennes.

    Battle of the Bulge begins.
  • Germans withdraw from Ardennes.

  • German Ardennes "Bulge" eliminated.

  • Japanese retreat to Chinese coast.

  • Manila falls to Allies.

  • Koblenz falls to Allies.

  • Japanese evacuate Mandalay.

    US landings on Iwo Jima.
  • Saarbrucken captured by Allies.

    Danzig captured by Soviets.
  • US invades Okinawa.

  • Hanover falls to Allies.

  • Soviets and Yugoslavs sign treaty.

  • Nuremburg falls to Allies.

  • Soviets enter Berlin.

  • Hitler commits suicide.

  • German forces in Italy surrender.

  • German forces in Holland, Denmark and North West Germany surrender

  • Ceasefire on Western Front.

  • German unconditional surrender.

  • VE Day declared.

  • Soviets occupy Prague.

  • Australians invade Borneo.

  • Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

  • Soviets declare war on Japan.

  • Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki.

  • Japanese surrender.

  • VJ Day declared.

  • British land in Singapore.

  • Japanese surrender Shanghai.

  • Surrender of remaining Japanese forces in China.

  • Japanese surrender in Burma.

  • Japanese surrender in Hong Kong.