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Canadian Peacekeeping
Canada Joins UN Peacekeeping Forces
Canada decides to join the UN peacekeeping contingent. United Nations (2007). United Nations Logo. retreived from: http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/media/images/UN-LOGO copy.jpg -
Canada Begins Aiding in Cyprus
Canada begins their pecekeeping operations in Cyprus. Here is a link to a CBC video of Canadian forces leaving Cyprus after 23 years of service: http://archives.cbc.ca/war_conflict/peacekeeping/clips/14251/ Govenment of Cyprus. (2011). Flag of Cyprus. Retrieved from:
http://www.cyprus.gov.cy/portal/portal.nsf/0/e4ddfb907c009ee4c2257023002c4fe4?OpenDocument -
Canadian Middle East Operations
Canada helps to patrol a ceasefire between Israel and Egypt in various areas of the Middle East. Here is a great video about Canadian operations in the Middle East: http://vodpod.com/watch/1633155-canadian-forces-peacekeeping-egypt-israel Jacek Szymanski. (2008). Canadian Peacekeeping Monument. Retireved from http://www.journal.forces. gc.ca/vo6/no2/public-eng.asp -
Peacekeeping in Lebanon
Canada joins the UN in helping Lebanon establish a new goverment and by giving aid to the populace. Mohit Joshi. (2008). Flag of Lebanon, Retrieved from: http://www.topnews.in/families-released-lebanese-generals-happy-over-tribunal-decision-2159020 -
Canada Participates in Operation Harmony
Canada helps with peacekeeping operations in Croatia. This is led by the UN and Operation Harmony. Tammy Kazakoff (2008). Canadian Peacekeeper in Kosovo. Retireved from http://www.journal.forces. gc.ca/vo6/no2/public-eng.asp -
UN Forces in Rwanda
Canada helps keep the peace in the Darfur region of Africa. Forces led by Canadian General Romeo Dallaire. Dallaire, Romeo (2011). Army Picture of Romeo Dallaire. Retrieved from: http://www.romeodallaire.com/public-speaking.html -
Canada in Haiti
Canada joins UN peacekeepers in Haiti during a time of political unrest. CP24. (2011). Canada for Haiti. Retrieved from:
http://www.cp24.com/tl/images/canada4haiti_logo.gif -
Peacekeeping in Kosovo
Canadian forces help keep the peace in areas of Kosovo. Lou Penney (2008). DND photo AP2002-5631. Retrieved from: http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo6/no2/public-eng.asp -
Canada in Afghanistan
Canada begins its operations following the 2001 War in Afghanistan. Brian Walsh (2008). Children surround LCdr Lalitha Rupesinghe. Retrieved from: http://www.journal. forces.gc.ca/vo6/no2/public-eng.asp -
Canada and Haiti Relief Efforts
Canadians help in Haiti after an earthquake devestates much of the country. Darren Calabrese(2010). Canada Haiti Griffon.Retrieved from: