
Cold War in Asia

  • Period: to

    Cold War in Asia

  • UN withdraws foriegn Soilders From NK

    UN withdraws foriegn Soilders From NK
    For Awhile the United Nations (UN) were battling it out with the Chinese Forces (PVA). Large Scaled bombing was still occuring but things begain to settle down. The stalement was held from July 1951-July 1953. Neither had conquered one another and exchanged little territory.
  • Mao Zedong Capures Beijing

    Mao Zedong  Capures Beijing
    Mao Zedong, leader of the Chinese Communist Party and chief of state, seeks Beijing and its strengths. He takes attack and is unsuccessful.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization Founded

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization Founded
    NATO was founded by Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Luxembourg, Itatly, Norway, UK, the United Sates, and others. This was established in order to resist communism from expanding.
  • Chinese Revolution

    Chinese Revolution
    The Peoples Liberation Army had won. The next step was to proccess the development of the People's Republic of China Chiang Kai-shek. With this came the production of 600,000 troops and two million Nationalist refugees.
  • Treaty of Friendship Signed

    Treaty of Friendship Signed
    The Chinese and the Soviet Union signed a peace treaty after difficult problems in Moscow between Mao and Stalin. The Chinese didn't want to negotiate with us unless we decided to listen to China's demands. This included the act to stop supporting the Vietnam invasions. The treaty expired in 1979, which allowed China to attack Vietnam.
  • Korean War Begins

    Korean War Begins
    On June 25, 1950 North Korean Forces invaded South Korea and captured the capital city of Seoul. On June 27 Truman ordered U.S. troops into Korea
  • MacArthur Launches Invasion against North Korea

    MacArthur Launches Invasion against North Korea
    MacArthur launches one of the most successful military moves of all time. He attacked an unsuspected North Korea by invading Inchon, which is just west of Seoul. After pushing North Korean forces out of Inchon, MacArthur was able to push them completely out of South Korea.
  • China Invades Korea

    China Invades Korea
    China quickly invaded Korea with 300,000 soilders on October 22, 1950. This, however, was shortlived. China quickly withdrew after intitial engagements the same year.
  • Korean War Armistice Signed

    Korean War Armistice Signed
    On July 27, 1953 an Armistice was signed between North and South Korea. The Armistice stopped the fighting between the countries, and to this day no official end to the war has been arranged.
  • Chinese Becomes Furious

    Chinese Becomes Furious
    Chinese was mad for being treated as the under-dog next to the Soviet Union. They believed their view of communism was superior, and began to compete with the Soviets, adding a thrird dimension to the war itself